The Scanners


Jul 15, 2006
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I was just wondering... How does the whole scanner thing work? Are they just scanning the entire body? I see people being scanned quickly and going through those energy field walls like nothing. Do they scan there eyes? How do the scanners identify the person by just a picture of them? Or are we suppose to believe in that world it works quicky?

There are face recognition programs even now. Pretty far from perfect, but able to identify faces reasonably well. Given that the Combine are far, far more advanced in technology than humans, it's entirely plausible that their face recognition technology would also be much better.
I think the scanners scan something in their arms/hands.....if you notice as they walk closer to the scanners and right as they walk through the energy shields, i remember seeing them all lift their arm up in the air. And i never noticed this until a few weeks ago, which i was mad at myself cuz ive played hl2 for so many hours lol. heres some pics of what im talking about.


WHAT are you TALKING about BrimStone!?

That black man just decided to do a "Sieg Heil" Nazi salute to the Combine. With the wrong arm, mind.
Thats what I thought at first to but theres nothing in there hands or on there arms (ex. bracelet or something).
Thats what I thought at first to but theres nothing in there hands or on there arms (ex. bracelet or something).

I'm quite sure they are scanning something in their hand, but Valve thought it unnecessary to put something in their hand.
WHAT are you TALKING about BrimStone!?

That black man just decided to do a "Sieg Heil" Nazi salute to the Combine. With the wrong arm, mind.

gotta love the irony of that comment.....reminds me of the black white sepremist from dave chappelle.....good laffs
I think that the scanner may be scanning their fingerprints or... Wait.
Is that arm lifting thing on just the PC? I've never seen any of the citizens
do that on my Xbox.
Scanners, the ones that fly around at least, certainly go for the face. Remember, Gordon gets blinded by a Scanner as his face is photographed (several times in the game, in fact).
I thought this would be a quick thread lol but it seems as if everyone has different thoughts about it.
well he mentioned being scanned then going through the energy shields, so i thought he was talking about the camera scanner things guarding the energy shield entrances all the time in the city 17 part, like i showed in the pictures in my earlier post. The flying scanners, i think dont "scan" you, u wouldnt see a flash from a camera if u were being scanned, all their doing is taking your picture.
I always thought when the people held their hand in the air like that they were trying to block the cameras view so they could get right in without triggering an alarm.
I always thought when the people held their hand in the air like that they were trying to block the cameras view so they could get right in without triggering an alarm.

That would make it incredibly easy to breach combine security...

The "gate scanners" probably scan a chip or some such in the hands, whereas flying scanners are just there for your standard totalitarian video and photo surveillance. Of course, incase of pursuits they also help in chasing down anti-citizens and malignants for Civil Protection.