The Seccond Coming Mod- Website designers, Artists, Modelers et al needed



The Seccond Coming

*Website designers, Artists, Modelers et al needed*


Several Website designers, Concept Artists, Modelers required for a new modification project with what Im willing to tell you for now that is now centred around the machine vs human battles in 'real' world..more info on request :).

An interest in the matrix trilogy would obviously also be usefull ;) but moreover previous modding experience.

If you are interested I should be able to email you a design document if you show interest in joining the project on various conditions of confidentiality of course :).

The current aim for the mod at the moment is to get started. And to do that promotional material of course needs to be setup in order to get more people interested in the mod. Therefore their are the following jobs availible

Website designers - 1 space at the moment

Website designers for the mod will be working closely with other team members to provide a front end to people interested in the mod and/or joining the team.

Cgi/Sql experience would be preferable as would some kind of portfolio of websites made - if the quality of the portfolio is sufficient enough cgi/sql experience may be looked over.

Concept artists -1-2 spaces at the moment

Fortuanty theres quite a lot of concept art for many of the machine units such as squiddies out there allready. However to promote the mod and also help the modelers out concept artists are needed to illistrate design points for the mod such as Units - squiddies; tanks; bombers etc, landscapes- Pipes; zion etc and weapons - lightning guns, EMP's etc ...the list goes on.

Artists will also have to work closely with both website members and modellers.

Experience preferable but not neccessary. A portfolio of work would also be an advantage, but if no such portfolio is availible you could apply by drawing an original piece such as a squiddy atacking a person and uploading the art and then linking it to the bottom of this topic (until I know theres enough interest to invest in a powerboard)

Modellers -1-2 spaces at the moment.

Modellers are needed to model and animate the artwork produced or researched by the team. THis will be essential in providing media for the website with the ultimate aim of attracting more developers to the project.

Previous experience in milkshape would be an advantage. But work in xsi softimage of course would be much much more preferable as it shows that you can deliver the goods for lack of a beter phrase :).

Screenshots/videos of your animation in xsi would be welcome of course, as would a portfolio.

Other placements

Currently as mentiopned previously other placements such as programmers will become available asap i.e when some promotional material can be released to show the aims of the development team.

This should not stop you from applying however :smoking:. Misc applications like this can be done either by replying with your interest and linking appropriate work or by sending me an email at [email protected] (no spam please).
Well I was gonna use the seccond renassience but it was rather taken by the animatrix peeps.

(thought of the mod title in about 5 mins. In all likelyhood it will change to something more apt)

btw to clarify you can apply by emailing me at [email protected] also.
When I first looked at the the title, I thought it would be a mod about Jesus. Slightly disappointed about the lack of Jesus in your post, though.

You might need to clarify with the guys who did The Matrix to find out if you've got permission first. And you'll need a coder too.

Someone should make a mod about Jesus.

-Angry Lawyer
Yeah typo's :).

Ill probably check with them. But I figured if other mod makers could make a star wars mod etc...

Im also aware of the fact id need a coder. But their far and few between, and also they wouldnt have anything to do until the sdk is released - but to clarify the position of a coder is still open

btw the title of seccond coming is to do with the reserection of neo and the ones before him.
Yeah, we coders definately are a bit of a rarity.

-Angry Lawyer
am i the only one who giggled like a retard when i read the title.... not because of the spelly but..... second... coming....

always look at the perverted sides of life. :naughty:
Angry Lawyer said:
Someone should make a mod about Jesus.

-Angry Lawyer


Oh god I would so play it if someone decided to take your advice :p
It's true that we all need some good, clean, Christian fun from a mod. Just think...

Jesus - the Second Coming
A mod for Half-Life 2

Humanity has grown sinful, unrepentant, and evil. Sorrow and despair dominate the minds of the people. The devil has mankind in his hateful talons. Hope has all but faded...
...Or has it?
The day of reckoning has come - Jesus has returned to make his kingdom on Earth, and overthrow the Beast. Battle through 7 humongous levels, one for each deadly sin, on your way to divine greatness! Convert sinners to Christianity! Cure lepers with stunning Source physics! Develop new miracles using our extensive RPG levelling system - learn to walk on water, turn water into wine, feed five-thousand people with only a loaf of bread and a couple of salmon! Battle the Devil and his legions, using nothing but the power of faith! And spread the message of love to all the people!
Coming soon...2005.

See? Great concept.

-Angry Lawyer
Yeah, we coders definately are a bit of a rarity.

-Angry Lawyer

Why are you interested? :p :)

and id rename it to the seccond renaissence for now if I could ;P
I'm already involved in my own mod. As I've got just enough skills to code, map, model, skin, write, and do just about everything, I don't have to depend on others. So, a mod that will get completed based on how much I want it completed, rather than how much commitment everyone else puts in it.

And I never liked the Matrix, so I wouldn't be much use. I can only code if the subject matter actually appeals to me, otherwise I get bored and slow right down.

-Angry Lawyer
Thats fair enough I suppose.

Although What I really need at the moment more than anything is a web designer to promote the idea of the mod.

p.s:- PunisherUSA I got your pm but I cant pm back due to stupid 5 days before pming thinggy bob (check ur email or email me at [email protected]).