The Second World War in 1914 mod


Dec 8, 2004
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Dark elf im not making War of the Worlds mod so i don't know why you closed the thread. Didn't you read that i'm making my own alien vs human thing? So to answer those questions canned...

By The Second World War "in" 1914 I mean their are two wars going on in the same year. I don't mean second by the WW2 we know. I guess that would make our WW2 to WW3.
The Germany and Austria-Hungary was the part of Germany but I think it was still considered a different country or place or something, I’m not sure (I'm going to have to brush up on my WW1 history). When I said Humans are quickly losing both wars I mean they're losing the war against the aliens and the war they made against themselves (WW1).
Hmmm, about this gun problem. Well the guns that will be in DOD aren’t exactly the same as the ones in WW1. Not all the guns are the same but I get where you’re going. Plus in WW1 they used a lot more chemical warfare and that’s something I’m definitely putting in this game.
I wouldn’t want to do it in the future because theirs a lot of other games coming out that are placed in the future, and well every time you see people fighting aliens its usually in the future of some sort (majority not always). When have you seen aliens fight in WW1? Also it would be humans Vs humans Vs aliens not just humans Vs humans in multiplayer, although I’d like to make that possible.
My “vision” of these aliens won’t exactly have weapons. Let’s say these aliens evolved from a barren planet so their isn’t much materials to use so they can’t make weapons out of metal and such. Their weapons evolved onto them. Just like a bear has claws, aliens have… spikes? I’m not exactly sure what these guys are gonna have but I’ll make sure it has some sense to it, give reason to what I design. I wouldn’t want these aliens indestructible or anything, they’re flesh and blood just have a few tricks on their sleeve. Of course I could always abandon the whole alien idea and make it daemons, but I have doom3 for that.
P.S i need a better title.
So you’re thinking about having something like Alien vs. Predator kind of game style. Well I get it now but are you ready to explain every time why the name is what it is. I think you would be better off with a different name and explain what is going on in about section. Well you are definitely getting somewhere but I would advise that you try finding someone that has a similar project going on.
yeah i guess your right, maybe i should just stick to making dod maps, even though its not out yet.