The Secret of Monkey Island...

Yeah, I noticed that too. Only question is if whether that's a trustworthy transaction.

If your referring to Telltale, yes it is. I have already received Sam And Max seasons 1&2 and Strongbad's discs from them, with Wallace And Gromits and Monkey Islands when available. Trust me, the guys are legit.
If your referring to Telltale, yes it is. I have already received Sam And Max seasons 1&2 and Strongbad's discs from them, with Wallace And Gromits and Monkey Islands when available. Trust me, the guys are legit.

Oh fine, you've talked me into it. *Buys*

Also in b4 "Haha, fooled you, stupid fu*k!".
I just finished the game. I hope they give more classics the same treatment.
On a second note, is the remake of Monkey Island 1 available elsewhere than just Steam?
Is that fact gonna change soon enough? :p

No idea. I would have thought that seeing as the only 2 places are Steam and Direct2Drive US, That each countries D2D variant will offer it in the long run.
On a second note, is the remake of Monkey Island 1 available elsewhere than just Steam?

Yup. It is now available on the iTunes Store!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Definitely and without a doubt the Best. App. EVER.