The semi-official 'I'm drunk right now' thread...

Mr. Bildo

Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Wow.. I'm so wasted and I have to say...

...when I was drunk and single, I got laid, but now that I'm married, I just write on message boards. How sad...

-Mr. Bildo
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
I'm not drunk, but pretty much in a bad mood anyway

Yeah.. I was in a pissy mood when I got home, bad day at work. But now I don't care. I'm sorry you're in a bad mood though and not in a drunken ignorant bliss like I presently am. :(

-Mr. Bildo
Originally posted by nw909
You can type pretty damn well for a drunk...

That's because it's not chat. I can backspace and stuff. Also, I've been typing for so fking long, it seems like I can type better than talk. I'm a programmer, I type for a living. My speech gets all slurry and stuff, but typing I can handle though...

-Mr. Bildo
Haha, my friend was wasted and was typing it was like:

haeels OI amrrre drdkunlk noweD1!
Originally posted by nw909
Haha, my friend was wasted and was typing it was like:

haeels OI amrrre drdkunlk noweD1!

That's funny. Reminds me of a few years back when there was only like ICQ, before MSN and AOL messenger. Anyway, I was chatting with some friends of mine and we were all independently intoxicating ourselves, by the end of the night, we not only couldn't type straight, but couldn't even begin to understand the scrawlings of each other. It looked a lot like what you typed above.

I've noticed the biggest difference in typing while drunk is that your reflexes are slowed so that if your "repeat rate" on your keyboard is high, you tend to leave your fingers on the keys too long and slur your typing as well as your speech!

-Mr. Bildo
Thats how my friend would type his name on a keyboard, he would hole the button down utill he found the next, it was so funny, it ended up like this:

I'm a little flimsy myself...not too drunk.

If you are married you don't even have to get drunk anymore to get laid...see it like that way ;)
I'd like to get drunk, but I don't like the taste of beer after a half bottle.

And I don't have vodka or something.
I type really well when I'm drunk. Actually, the other night I sent a drunken e-mail to Gabe.

He didn't reply.
lol "really well" wot u say-- heeeeey gabee, howww u doiiing cooomee and joing the party !!!!! byeeeeee