The Somme Valley (WW1 Mod) Needs Your Help!

Jan 13, 2004
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Hello everybody, John "Chief" Phillips here, once again. First of all, progress is booming on our Half-Life 1 Demo, except we are lacking in a few area's (which will mean that we will lack those areas come Half-Life 2 as well). So, as any good mod leader would do, I'm out looking for talented members to fill those posistions, and they are as follows:

Modeler: For the most part, we need a modeler to fix up models (i.e. Poly Counts, Historical Flaws, so on and so forth), but will get credit for his work, along with the models original creator. Of course we will need more models done as well from scratch.

UV Mapper: Also known as a "Mesher". This is a defiantly under-rated duty, but very important. As if skinners don't have a mesh to skin, they.. well.. can't skin, and we have a lot of nice models, but they're all naked as a fat middle age man on a nudist beach. Credit will be given to you on the web site (for example, look at any of the Media Pages on The Site).

Texture Artist: As well as naked models, we have naked maps too! Mostly, you will be making organic and stone textures (Mud, sand, water, grass, cobblestone, brick, etc.)

Level Designer: Any good mod needs a good set of levels and maps, and of course, we are no different. For the most part, we will have terrain type of maps (trenches.. go figure..), or "urban". I use quotations because any combat in an urban setting is more or less fighting on a pile of cement chucks and blown apart bricks.

2D Artist: All of our 2D work. Sprites, splash screen, manual pictures, and so forth. All you need for this is Photoshop (or Paintshop Pro, whichever you use), and some good skill. NuclearFriend (Co-Leader and Programmer) can covert them to sprites, so you need not worry about any of the technical mumbo-jumbo.

Do you have one (or more) of these talents? Well, then you're my new best friend! If you are interested in joining the ranks of The Somme Valley Development Team, then you can contact us by one of the following methods:

Web Site:
IRC: #somme on IRC.GameSurge.NET
E-Mail: [email protected]

Remember, when you apply, be sure to show us some of your work, so we can judge your skill level. Thanks for taking an interest ladies and gents, and I'll see you in the trenches :)