The song you want played at your funeral


Oct 7, 2004
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Might sound macarbe, but ive been thinking about it (for no reason really) and the song you'd want played at your funeral is probably the one that means the most to you, or reflects you best.
So yeah, post the song you want people to either bawl their eyes out to at your funeral, or dance for joy, or smile in rememberance, or whatever.
To start off, mine's

The Eels - Last Stop this Town
I've only been to about 4 or 5 funerals, but at none of them did I hear pop recent, or any 'listening' music. It was mostly hymnals and stuff. Nothing you'd listen to while on the comp or something.
Madness -- Driving In My Car

(no, not really :p ) It's something to think about, heh...
I don't. I do not intend to have a funeral. I shall live forever.
Green Day - Good Riddance

Yes I know you're probably thinking "Greenday? OMGWTFBBQ!" but the lyrics in the song are beautiful.
Even though I'm no where near scottish.

I'd want the Outlawed tune from Braveheart played at mine. :D
I dont know the name of the song, but the lyrics go:

This is the end
My only friend,
The end
Neutral Milk Hotel-In the Aeroplane Over the Sea

In my opinion, the most beautiful song ever. Might as well go out in fashion.
Bohonkie said:
Neutral Milk Hotel-In the Aeroplane Over the Sea

In my opinion, the most beautiful song ever. Might as well go out in fashion.

Yeah, either that or "Oh Comely'- both are amazing.
this is a real thoughtful topic

but for mine i'd have to go with beethoven's Moonlight sonata
I want "The Ace of Spades" by Motorhead played, whilst my body is catapulted up out of the coffin by hidden springs, and those confetti explosions go off everywhere.
Kangy said:
I want "The Ace of Spades" by Motorhead played, whilst my body is catapulted up out of the coffin by hidden springs, and those confetti explosions go off everywhere.

Change by Blind Melon
Adagio for strings by Samuel Barber
Going Underground by The Jam or perhaps The Masterplan by Oasis. I seriously doubt I'll have any say in the matter however.
Kangy said:
I want "The Ace of Spades" by Motorhead played, whilst my body is catapulted up out of the coffin by hidden springs, and those confetti explosions go off everywhere.

Invite me! :D:D:D
Edit: Actually, I'd want something more upbeat. Maybe Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out
Johnny Cash - Ring of Fire

wtf, why do I always make the first post of the third page in every thread i post in.
Because God hates you.

Edit: I just realized why playing the song 'Take Me Out' would be funny at a funeral. :LOL:
Either Creams "World of Pain"

or Creams "Badge"
I want Time of The Season to play by The Zombies and then for the casket to flip over and my body falls out, then I want thousands of volts of electricity to run through my body.
RakuraiTenjin said:
I've only been to about 4 or 5 funerals, but at none of them did I hear pop recent, or any 'listening' music. It was mostly hymnals and stuff. Nothing you'd listen to while on the comp or something.

at me grandads funeral, they played imagine by john lennon
The Force Theme, the one you hear at the end of ROTS before the credits (or in A New Hope, where Luke walks out and watches the binary sunset). Real slow too, for about a few minutes, then as soon as the end credits start playing, people walk out.