The Sounds Outside!

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Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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It's scary! It's raining and quite, then alluvasudden a loud sound erupted outside. Kinda like someone peeling out..but it's been going on for like a minute!


Save me!

That or your naeighbor just got impaled by a friggin car and is gasping for air outside your window.
The zombie plague has finally come. Might as well kill yourself. D:
Absinthe said:
The zombie plague has finally come. Might as well kill yourself. D:

Oh noes! Retreat to the zombie bunker and be prepared! After a certain time anyone left outside will be shot on sight as caution that they may be infected and we can't risk the infection spreading to the inside!
*Casts level thirty-two protection spell on Cyber*

The sounds...seem to be gone guys. I think I'm safe. The first thing I thought of was Leatherface outside.

CyberPitz said:

Another sex video for saving my life?
Can Glirk Dient come? I get the feeling he takes it up the ass too....
theSteven said:
f'ing RPGers.
I dont play rpg's, they're hard. I like to shoot things.
Ikerous said:
Can Glirk Dient come? I get the feeling he takes it up the ass too....
I've been wondering for the past weeks.. why in hell is there summer heat in winter! OH MY GOD!:x
Ikerous said:

Bullshit. Jesus loved the buttse and look down upon deviant straight sex.

It's true. I read it in the Bible.
If i were christian, I'd stick baby jesus up my ass...
Ikerous said:
If i were christian, I'd stick baby jesus up my ass...
I'd do it anyway.

Having shit roaming around Jesus.

**** yeah.
Gerbil Jesus would probably make an awesome marketing gimmick.
Absinthe said:
Gerbil Jesus would probably make an awesome marketing gimmick.
Jesus Cereal.

Oh god, it'd make millions only because it's Jesus...****ing Finatical christians...too bad the good ones are far and few between.
I don't understand the connection. You went from Jesus the buttplug to Jesus the morning meal. So unless you're pouring rice krispies down your stinktube, I'm lost.
Well, I just sprayed BOD Deoderant body spray on my balls, and now my balls burn




holy **** their loud.
Absinthe said:
So unless you're pouring rice krispies down your stinktube, I'm lost.
I did that to your mom once

It was hot.
Ikerous said:
I did that to your mom once

It was hot.

You ****ing liar.

She prefers Count Chocula.

BTW Cyber, I told you it was ****ing zombies. And now look at the mess you're in. LOOK AT IT.
I'm so bored, I'm suprised I diden't make a thread like this.
theSteven said:
I'm so bored, I'm suprised I diden't make a thread like this.

PS damn Zombies...Got my ****ing Force Feedack joystick here to protect me!
theSteven said:
I'm so bored, I'm suprised I diden't make a thread like this.
You're on the internet... the vast landscape of free pornography.. how can you ever be bored?
Ikerous said:
You're on the internet... the vast landscape of free pornography.. how can you ever be bored?
when you've seen it all, like me.

which reminds me...saw the best pr0n ever. Girl giving guy head, guy forcing her down, she pukes up spagetti.

lots of it. striaght sauce, all of it.
I think we should try and impliment that into our next project....
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