the spamming needs to stop


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
off topic is so spam riddled that it's just not worth posting anymore

this is getting utterly out of hand. Locks are far in between, the same people constantly create threads for no other reason then to spam ..they're not even reprimanded because an hour later they'll do the exact same thing again
IMO the moderators and admins should be harsher on the subject of spam, such as temp ban (few days). But then you get backlash of morons who say the rules are too strict.
Yeah like just in the start of 2006 there were about 3 threads made that were obviously spam-orientated, and none of the original posters were banned or even told off.
I'll take this into consideration, thanks Cpt Stern. :)
I think we need more Moderators *hint hint*
New years resolution? To ban more people!

I'd help but my err....powers do not spread beyond the HL2 forums.
ComradeBadger said:
Nah, we just need to stay in on New Years, clearly ;)

rofl, my thoughts exactly :p i think we were a bit slack yesterday night and this morning partially because most of us PROBABLY WEREN'T HERE.

in any case stern you raise a good point. every one of us has a different take on how to deal with spam and what's okay and what's not - so a lot of times it depends on who's on and browsing the forums at a specific time.

we want to keep the site fun and lighthearted and allow the members to enjoy themselves without worrying about tightassed staff, but i think we could probably try and "raise the bar" (omghl2punlol) a bit as far as our standards on what threads are okay and what's not.

Hear that, bitches? Ennui ain't playin' games no mo. Off topic and the rest of the Lounge are my stomping ground.

Actually, things would be a lot easier if the members who tend to make the retardedly stupid threads just didn't do it in the first place.
Danimal said:
I'll take this into consideration, thanks Cpt Stern. :)

I think this was more of a message directed at those responsible for the constant spamming rather than the mods ...there's just not enough of you to keep order, so I dont blame you
I shall henceforth rule with an iron first.
Meh? Stern you spam just as much as the lot of us. :p

Plus last night everybody was drunk and mad cuz they were still home.
New Years = New Moderators

Thats will solve the problem, Old Moderators cant Moderate anymore, cuz of age..i think...^^
It's time for the admins to administer the smackdown...
administer the smackdown. that's hl2net slang isn't it? i can't even remember anymore what comes from the site and what doesn't. what a cool saying. sheesh.
maybe get that orange bar to disappear :angel:

but seriously the spamming threads have multiplied tremendously these past few months...and some of the new people make it worse :|
I think that you should get one and only one warning about spamming after that you get banned for like 10 days then the next time if you still spam you get banned FOREVER. That is my take on this issue
Also, am I the only one who finds them "I'm leaving for 2 weeks" threads annoying?
Harryz said:
Also, am I the only one who finds them "I'm leaving for 2 weeks" threads annoying?
yea =\

i always like :
" just leave goddamit ! "
Aye, it's not like we need to know that your going or anything :p
Ennui said:
administer the smackdown. that's hl2net slang isn't it? i can't even remember anymore what comes from the site and what doesn't. what a cool saying. sheesh.
Made by for

My idea is: get the warning system back, it really helped.
"we want to keep the site fun and lighthearted and allow the members to enjoy themselves without worrying about tightassed staff" -Ennui

That sums up my opinion on this matter very nicely.

I think we should also get rid of those threads that ask for girl advice and such... I mean 75 percent of the replies are spammy unhelpful jokes, and this is a GAMING forum full of 14 (on average) year old gamers... I think the person who needs help can find a different forum, or ask someone in real life.

*cough* CB *cough*

Heh, now that I look at it, pretty much all of the threads he makes are about his personal life :p

I don't speak for everyone though. I know CB is popular with a lot of people on the forum and they might like those threads.
girl advice threads stay for my amusement.
Ennui said:
girl advice threads stay for my amusement.
Oh don't get me wrong, I enjoy all threads, spam or not, but I was just trying to be helpful because apparantly we need to get rid of spam.
Not much worse in quality than most of the others threads in Off Topic imo.

"Kill the person above you"
"What's your age?"

A thread about trying absinthe, and one about how hot it is.

But yeah, warning system would help for those who aren't quite bannable, but still need some kind of punishment.
vegeta897 said:
"we want to keep the site fun and lighthearted and allow the members to enjoy themselves without worrying about tightassed staff" -Ennui

That sums up my opinion on this matter very nicely.

I think we should also get rid of those threads that ask for girl advice and such... I mean 75 percent of the replies are spammy unhelpful jokes, and this is a GAMING forum full of 14 (on average) year old gamers... I think the person who needs help can find a different forum, or ask someone in real life.

*cough* CB *cough*

Heh, now that I look at it, pretty much all of the threads he makes are about his personal life :p

I don't speak for everyone though. I know CB is popular with a lot of people on the forum and they might like those threads.
I like talking about my personal life, I talk a lot in real life as well - I'm a chatty bastard. I like to get people's opinions :)

Not all my threads are ;(
By the way, how come Bluebird has that annoying Feedback bar, but the default skin doesn't?
meh...the spamming has been going on for a lot longer just the last few months.
i've said this before and i'll say it again...ever since the release of HL2, spam has become the norm and generally speaking the quality has gone downhill.
If you don't like teh "spamming" don't go into that section, simple as that.
aww Stern, this is all because of my stupid "Stern's Secret" thread, isn't it. I'm sorry, I just wanted to show that awesome picture. I'll exercise more discretion in thread-making in the future.
DiSTuRbEd said:
If you don't like teh "spamming" don't go into that section, simple as that.

it's in every section

JNightshade: you give yourself waaaay too much credit, that thread barely raised an eyebrow
Stern: it was a joke... sarcasm. Although I suppose it's rather hard to "read" the tone of my voice...