The Special Infected - Database: Episode 4


Retired Lead Content Creator
Staff member
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
Great video! Never would have thought to relate the special infected to the 7 Deadly Sins. Very informative and well worth the wait!
Great video! Never would have thought to relate the special infected to the 7 Deadly Sins. Very informative and well worth the wait!
Glad to hear it! Remember - it's just a theory, but hopefully we backed it up enough to make it seem plausible.
James actually sat down and did it, after almost 3 weeks!

Catholic mythology? Interpretations of lore though analysis of character design? Steroid use?

Fantastic! E̶v̶e̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶l̶a̶t̶e̶!̶
"Jockey's may represent lust"
"Is this thing humping me?!"

Invidia - sounds like Nvidia - which means envy - Mind Blown.

Good job on the episode guys.
Possible Episode Idea's
- Steam You could talk about the who's behind it, why it was made, and how they managed it. Steam is computer gaming and by the looks of it, wants to be much more with all this talk of an operating system, music, steam boxes and controllers.
- Team Fortress 2 (Even though dykgaming has a pretty good episode on it) I feel like VT will go much more in depth than dyk will.
- Source You could talk about how good it was and why it was good back in the day, how and why valve decide to patch an engine rather than build a new one, All the mods that turned into games based off it, and then finish the episode off by going into the future of source, source 2 all the known info and possible speculation (It could be a way to advertise that if you want up to the date info on source 2, a very popular subject - VT's third most popular episode on Youtube is source 2 announced - Valvetime is the place to go to)
- Gabe As silly as it sounds.....come on, you know people would watch it haha
- Valvetime Hey, VT is important! there's nothing saying you can't do an episode on the website that stalks gaben and watches him while he sleeps! And theres a lot of things to talk about, why it started up, changes in leadership, site traffic, insider sources,(I would highly recommend that a Database episode on VT be a surprise kind of thing, Hey heres the database episode on Prospero AND HEY! here's an extra one on us - don't make the people wait a whole month just for yourself) -EDIT: you could even go into a special making of a valvetime weekly news. where it shows hows it all comes together every week.

DykGaming's Episode on TF2
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Also I made it into the video so that's pretty cool :)