The Splinter Cell Games. Discussion.


Companion Cube
Jul 4, 2004
Reaction score
Well one day i thought wow i missed another series everyone is talking about. Started feeling this around the 1st Splinter Cell: Double Agent screens. I ended up recently buying all 3 Splinter Cell games.

My ratings:

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: 8.4
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow: 8.0
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory: 9.1

I beat all 3 games back to back. Pretty much played everyday since i got them.

Hours it took me to beat the games:

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: 13 hours
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow: 7 hours
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory: 16 hours

Really Short reviews:

The 1st Splinter Cell was where i had to learn all the controls, i dont play many 3rd person shooters ether. Took some time to get use to the slow movement etc. I liked it the 1st part was a nice introduction i also liked the ending. It was cool. The last mission also had a very surprising end.

The 2nd Splinter Cell was a disappointment to me. I expected cooler missions and improvement on the story. It was a lot shorter which i wouldn't have minded if it was as fun as the 1st. Dont get me wrong it wasn't a bad game just the only mission i remember that was really cool was the train mission. (Side Topic: just would like to let everyone know another reason i believe Gamespot is retarded...In the video review (which i watch just for laughs) they said even veteran splinter cell players will have trouble beating this game. Not only beating but beating it in under 10 hours..ok so how did i beat the game in 7 hours, keep in mind i did all side missions and had NO trouble playing the game. Keep in mind i just finished the 1st Splinter Cell and and a new player to the series anyway.)

The 3rd game and the best BY FAR in my opinion. Great comments while interrogating people, great comments over all while playing. Really funny stuff sometimes. Story improved, better then ever. (They can still work on the story make it deeper and more meaningful.) A lot harder then the other games, insane amount of holy shit missions and moments.

Well now i cant wait for the 4th part. Since i havnt been following the games while they were coming out and i just started researching the 4th part. What do we know about the story? Gameplay? etc.

What i heard/read was that its insanely open ended and you have the option of being "bad". Story i heard that everyone is dead..wife and daughter. (Is she the one you see in the end of Splinter Cell 1?

Well what do you guys think of these games and are you anticipating the 4th part.
i played all 3, loved 1 best, 3rd second, 2 third. i have no idea what happens in 4th series of the splinter cell, but i am not that interested to find out, ill just play it :p
I only have the first one, I give it about 8/10. They aren't really my type of game, too slow paced, too much waiting required, too many god damn alarms. I'm more of the type of gamer that likes stealth in small doses, i.e. give me the option of going stealth but don't force me. You can't kill people in some missions, or "you were spotted" mission over requirements just annoyed me.
nutcrackr said:
I only have the first one, I give it about 8/10. They aren't really my type of game, too slow paced, too much waiting required, too many god damn alarms. I'm more of the type of gamer that likes stealth in small doses, i.e. give me the option of going stealth but don't force me. You can't kill people in some missions, or "you were spotted" mission over requirements just annoyed me.
IMO, Chaos Theory fixed those problems. For pretty much every mission, you can go all-out and blast the hell out of the enemies with no mission-ending repercussions. Plus you can get a really cool shotgun attachment for the SC-20K. And the AI/alarm system is much, much better.
I went stealth in all the games. Thing is i like knocking out or killing EVERY person and hiding the bodies. They never see or hear me coming!
Stealth games are the best, I don't know why, but stealth games are my favorite of all genres.

I never played Splinter Cell 1, so I don't know if it's good.
Splinter Cell 2 was alright. Nothing really amazing..
Splinter Cell 3 is my favorite, the shadows are awesome. Plus, we FINALLY get an f-ing knife! It should have been there since the beginning..
Dog-- said:
Plus, we FINALLY get an f-ing knife! It should have been there since the beginning..
The punch is about equal on the cool-factor though. Sneaking up behind someone (or even better, in front of them) and stabbing them in the chest is all well and good, but nothing beats sprinting full-out towards an enemy and punching him in the face before he can do anything. I once beat the first level doing NOTHING but sprinting and punching people, good times.
I've played and loved the first 2, but I refuse to get chaos theory because of starforce.

I really hope they rerelease it without it, but that seems rather unlikely
They seem really cool, but I suck at them :(

MGS is pretty much as "stealthy" as I can get- and even that is hard as hell for me :p
Hazar said:
I've played and loved the first 2, but I refuse to get chaos theory because of starforce.

I really hope they rerelease it without it, but that seems rather unlikely

Install the game, patch to 1.05 then before you run it, use Reloaded`s NoDVD, Starforce is never installed.

Only works with the Euro version though I think.
JNightshade said:
They seem really cool, but I suck at them :(

MGS is pretty much as "stealthy" as I can get- and even that is hard as hell for me :p

Hard as hell? I beat #1 and #3 on Hard, first try! If you do it the stealthy way, instead of guns blazing, then the difficulty doesn't even matter, instead of shooting a guy 20 times, just sneak up and slit his throat..
I've played all three but never beat them, but I'll defenently beat Double Agent =D
Never played them, but they apparently have amazing game trailers.
I tried going through SC1 without killing/knocking out anyone. Sadly, I failed. :(
i'm on my own i guess coz i find them quite dull and boring, the stories never engage me, i dont find sam a particurlarly interesting character, the games 'humour' is lame especially chaos theory, i thought chaos theory's ending blew too. The action/combat sections suck.
I have Splinter Cell 2 and 3, and personally I find 2 to be considerably harder. Not only do I find stealthing easier, in SC:3 you can literally just run around and punch people out, which you can't in SC:2 because movement's a lot slower.

Both are awesome games though.
jimbo118 said:
i'm on my own i guess coz i find them quite dull and boring, the stories never engage me, i dont find sam a particurlarly interesting character, the games 'humour' is lame especially chaos theory, i thought chaos theory's ending blew too. The action/combat sections suck.

Yeah, the humour in CT pretty much sucked.
I never played PT (the second one), but the third one was by far the best the first one was good too
The first couple were a bit odd/clunky for me, kinda failed to draw me in, but the third really hit the spot. That and, graphically, it's still one of the finest Xbox games out there. Must grab it someday play it right through, maybe when I'm done with KOTOR...
Hazar said:
I've played and loved the first 2, but I refuse to get chaos theory because of starforce.

I really hope they rerelease it without it, but that seems rather unlikely

I have 3 and i dont see any starforce on my comp..

JellyWorld said:
I have Splinter Cell 2 and 3, and personally I find 2 to be considerably harder. Not only do I find stealthing easier, in SC:3 you can literally just run around and punch people out, which you can't in SC:2 because movement's a lot slower.

Both are awesome games though.

Part 2 was EASY AS HELL! All i used in 2 was the pistol and the alt fire. (Laser)

Samon said:
Yeah, the humour in CT pretty much sucked.

I loved it!
I loved the 1st one most of all, in Chaos Theory they made it too easy I thought with the knife and new acrobatics
SearanoX said:
You can punch people in Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, though, which is more fun than doing it in the first two games.
That's what I was talking about. The first two let you throw elbows left right and center, but only Chaos Theory lets you knock people out with a sharp right hook to the temple.
Raziel-Jcd said:
I have 3 and i dont see any starforce on my comp..

Believe me, if you`ve installed it on your computer, and it was a legal copy, it`s there all right.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Well now i cant wait for the 4th part. Since i havnt been following the games while they were coming out and i just started researching the 4th part. What do we know about the story? Gameplay? etc.

What i heard/read was that its insanely open ended and you have the option of being "bad". Story i heard that everyone is dead..wife and daughter. (Is she the one you see in the end of Splinter Cell 1?

Well what do you guys think of these games and are you anticipating the 4th part.
The story is Sam going undercover and getting throwed into jail and his mission is to break out with the leader of JBA(Emile I think his name is) and earn his trust and taking the terrorist group down from inside. Sam will meet choices where he can be the good guy or the bad guy. Of course, Sam must be the bad guy sometimes or his cover will be blown and the game will end. If he is the bad guy all the time, you will lose the trust of the agency who gave you the job and the game will end.
They got some movies from the demo showing a arctic level and a warzone level in Irak(?). They also got some trailers and such.

Heard they have removed pretty much all of the HUD, and health will be shown by red colour blurrying more and more the more you are hurt the screen? Or something like that.

I think Sam's wife has been dead for many years. Even before the first game. They killed his daughter(Sarah) off between CT and DA. Yep, it's her you see in the ending video of SC1. I loved all of these games, and I picked up PT first last summer. After that I ended up getting CT and then the original. All were great fun.

If you can't wait until September and you own a PSP you can get SC: Essentials which is exclusive to PSP and was released this spring. It takes place before the first game when he(Sam) was a NAVY Seal and after Double Agent I think.
Hypnosos said:
If you can't wait until September and you own a PSP you can get SC: Essentials which is exclusive to PSP and was released this spring. It takes place before the first game when he(Sam) was a NAVY Seal and after Double Agent I think.
That's impossible. Sam became a Third Echelon agent after leaving the SEALs. They even mention somewhere in the first game that he's an ex-SEAL.

But Essentials sounds like a pretty cool game to me. Except for the name, it looks like a fun shooter.
Stigmata said:
That's impossible. Sam became a Third Echelon agent after leaving the SEALs. They even mention somewhere in the first game that he's an ex-SEAL.

But Essentials sounds like a pretty cool game to me. Except for the name, it looks like a fun shooter.

Erm....that`s what he said. :rolling:
stemot said:
Erm....that`s what he said. :rolling:
But... Didn't he say it takes place before the first game, but also after Double Agent?

Or maybe I'm just suddenly dyslexic :p
Stigmata said:
But... Didn't he say it takes place before the first game, but also after Double Agent?

Or maybe I'm just suddenly dyslexic :p
Yes, if I remember correctly it does take place before the first game but also after Double Agent. You're playing Sam as a SEAL before the events of SC1, and then I think it's like "a jump in time" and you're playing as Sam after the Double Agent events(but not as a SEAL). UBI put it this way.

Though I may be wrong, if someone knows I am, feel free to correct me.
Bought Chaos Theory yesterday (before reading this thread) but keep gettin an error on install:

Feature Transfer Error
Feature: Training Videos
Component: Language Independant Qwerty Training Video Files
File: D:\
Error: Data error (cyclic redundancy check)

Probs, will have a bit of a google
Starforce causes a lot of problems. My Splinter Cell: PT disc works only 30% of the time, the other 70% the computer doesn't even recognize that there is a physical disc in the drive, and there's not a single scratch on the disc itself. I have to reboot my computer and *hope* the cd works then in order to play. I downloaded no-cd cracks + mini discs and neither worked. Eventually I just ripped a disc image to my HDD to save me the trouble.
Running a CDCheck util and seems the disk is fubar, several, well more than several sectors in are unreadable. Gonna have to get it replaced when i go to town next week
Evo said:
Running a CDCheck util and seems the disk is fubar, several, well more than several sectors in are unreadable. Gonna have to get it replaced when i go to town next week

Or seeing as how you have bought it, you could, you know, get the fully working Starforceless version.