the spoiler problem

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there have been a lot of spoiler topics posted lately. i have an idea to keep mods from wading through so much crap. how about if we see someone post a spoiler, we will reply with a certain phrase. could just be "spoiler spoiler spoiler"

then the mods just search for 'spoiler spoiler spoiler' and all the topics will be there for them to review.

Its just gotten like 10 times worse all of a sudden.

Even Farrows been affected by these links.

EDIT: I'm not sure how it works since I have never gotten it to work but ever notice the "rate thread" button at the top of every thread? Perhaps if it is rated as having zero stars it can be considered to be a spoiler thread and a flag for mods to go in and delete?
Wraith said:
i have been using 'spoiler spoiler spoiler'

it works. make sure you spell it right.
Ya I did it once too after seeing you do it, problem is it can't warn you until you are already in the thread and risk accidentally reading the spoilers. Its a good band-aid solution but we need someway of warning people before they go inside the thread.
Using the reported posts feature is much more effective. Honestly, it takes much less time for us to receive the reported post and to action it than it would to search the forums for "SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER".
Bah don't worry too much about it, it's the latest "fad" for these pranksters and the problem will eventually fade away with time ;)
Chris_D said:
Using the reported posts feature is much more effective. Honestly, it takes much less time for us to receive the reported post and to action it than it would to search the forums for "SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER".
Ya but its not a sure thing it will be deleted fast enough, most of the time it is but its also good to have a warning for other members during the short time it takes for the thread to be deleted.

EDIT: And since the thread is deleted anyway it won't effect post counts. :smoking:
the idea of this is for the mods to be able to search for it and then close the threads faster that way.
The quickest method would be to tell us in the IRC channel, that's a guaranteed instant response so long as someone is around (and they usually are) - just say any of our names in the channel and we can nuke the thread.
I really feel for you mods, it must be such a let down to have to look at spoilers for HL2, or pieces of the leaked script, hopefully, in the end, your HL2 experience has not been comprimised and that you may experience and enjoy it the way it was meant to be played. Peace.

Oh and for any of you kiddies out there that think posting spoilers is "fun" or "cool", well... it's not. In fact it is pretty lame, and pretty low of you that you would want to ruin someone's surprise just becuase you get a 30-second rise out of it.
there will always be people trying to ruin other people's lives, whether there is a gain in it or not. Too bad human nature is so shitty.
The thing is there is no way to be warned of a spoiler if you happen to refresh or load the page just in time to see the title of thread. They can spoil the game big time by just using the title. It sucks. But what can you do? Not read the forums as much. :(
:thumbs: Yeah big ups to the mods, my new heroes. Saved the forum once again.
Ask yourself a simple question; who started the spoiler problem?

Champions clan.

Who created the whole circus around it?

Everybody who went to their forums and spammed, ranted and said how much they're hated. Never heard of: they will stop when you stop paying attention to them?

@ CrazyHarij: not smart to spam their forums with shotgun suicide photo's and gayporn. They can use it against you, you know... :rolleyes:
-]BDTS[- Commie^ said:
Ask yourself a simple question; who started the spoiler problem?

Champions clan.

Who created the whole circus around it?

Everybody who went to their forums and spammed, ranted and said how much they're hated. Never heard of: they will stop when you stop paying attention to them?

@ CrazyHarij: not smart to spam their forums with shotgun suicide photo's and gayporn. They can use it against you, you know... :rolleyes:
Just to add to that

This clan is apparantly made up of one child who's doing all this. Being that he'll get away with things while people posting all kinds of illegal crap on his website will end up in trouble. And really, what does it achieve? Your just lowering yourself to the level of a little boy. Pretty sad. in no way approve of this behavior so if your caught your on your own.

As Commie says, ignore him and he'll get bored and go away. Reacting like some of you are doing is giving him all the reason to keep doing it.
He will get bored of flaming us over there pretty quickly that is something everyone can be sure of. When HL2 is released he will either forget about the game and forget to begin his little "attack", or him and the... What 10 people? Who are with him will come here and within 30 seconds of it starting it will have ended, they will be banned and the threads deleted? Of course they would just come back with new accounts but really, they will quickly get bored on the day of release when they realize any new threads with spoilers will be deleted within seconds of them being created.

Its nothing to worry about, comming from them that is. They will fail and claim they had a "glorious" victory over the HL2 community or something and then they will forget all about it and go back to being a nameless unknown clan that people really don't care about. You can't stop them so you might as well have fun annoying them by ignoring.
Yeah, don't worry about those chaps they'll grow up one day and until then we're in control :)
Yeah, at the end of the day we have the upper hand, because no matter what they do to us we can always do whatever that needs to be done to stop it. Any attempts to harm the site will all be in vain. Much like the DDoS attacks on Steam. What good did it really do? Was anything achieved by it? Is anyone particularly bothered by it? Nope.

Bring it.
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