The Stanislaus County Fair


Mar 24, 2007
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Growing up as a kid, I had many a fond memory of going to the County Fair when it came to town. The sights & sounds, the games of chance & the pretty young "ladies" that ran around in groups giggling & batting their eyelashes, not to mention the excellent food, all played a key role to those fond memories.

Then as I grew up & had a child of my own, a tarnished light began to fall upon those memories. For the most part, gone are the days where families went to the fair under a blanket of blissful security. Sure, they still have all the rides, games & bright lights that I remember as a kid, but now that I am older, I notice that things are not as rosy as I once remember. Except for the food. It's still as greasy & delicious as I remembered it to be.

Now the fair was in town once again & my daughter begged my wife & I to take her. So tonight after it cooled off a little, my wife & I took our daughter to the fair which is in the next town about 20 miles away. A quick call & grandma, (my mom) agreed to go with us, which excited my daughter all the more & since my mom is only 53, she was still able to enjoy herself & even went on a few rides herself. The night started off well, with a tractor ride from the parking lot to the fair entrance. The food, (A part my mom & I love) was very tasty just like I already said I remembered it to be. However, EVERYTHING else was extremely expensive. $5 per ride. $5 per game. $5 for this & $5 for that & if it came to food, then it was $8 for the smallest portion. Now you can't put a price tag on a child's happiness & since I could tell that my daughter was having a blast, it didn't matter what it cost.

Call me old (I Just turned 34 on the 27th), but it was those around us, that were ruining it for me, not the prices.

1) Countless teenage (13+) girls walking around with clothes that showed more of their body than they hid. I wish I could walk up some of those girls parents and ask them "WTF are you thinking, letting them out of the house looking like that?" For those of you here that are parents, (if any) you'll, I hope understand where i'm coming from. Not that we minded much when we were their age, but now, it's a totally different story.

2) Drunks, drunks & more drunks. 99% of those drunk or acting drunk were cowboy wannabees with the other 1% being the real deal. Still didn't stop the morons from getting drunk & acting like morons. Swearing & cussing loudly at everyone & each other. The fair would be a lot better place if they did away with the beer gardens. Want to go get drunk? Fine, just do it AWAY from women & children.

3) Gang Bangers. Need I say more? All I have to say on that is "Pull up your damn pants up & drop the strut, (as you look ridiculous) & act like a normal human being." If you are at the fair, have fun going on the rides, playing the games, eating the excellent food or flirting with members of the opposite sex. DON'T stand around in groups, all wearing the same looking clothes, giving everyone surly looks in an attempt to look tough. You don't look tough, you look like a dumbass.

Apart from a few "minor" grievances, all was swell. My wallet is a lot lighter, but my daughter had a blast the entire 5 hours we were there & so that's all that matters.
