The State Of Society's Youth


Jun 21, 2004
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Spefically in the Uk, you cannot have missed it, especially considering theres already three threads about it:

Girl Raped @ Alton Towers on School Trip
10 Year olds starting on me and gf
This is pathetic..

So this thread is for the discussion of the youth of today, what's led to it being like this?
What can we do to prevent or change this?
What the **** is going to happen when these kids grow up, and run our country, or even the world if its more than a local problem?
I honestly believe it's parental discipline.

SimonomiS, your last point, it's not worth thinking about :( :|
Well social disorder seems to have been put on the backburner for the time being with this new terrorist threat. Although I bet the two are related.

Several things to blame:

1. Parental discipline definately. Some people just shouldn't be allowed to be parents. Well they shouldn't be allowed to bring kids into the same society as me. Let alone get a huge pay check for having 11 kids.
2. School discipline - Teachers have lost the ability to take control of the classrooms
3. Benefits culture - getting something for nothing without the fear/neccessity to pay it back, all this money given via taxes from your hardwork
4. Claims culture - Charvers know their rights, but they don't know what responsibilities they have to society, or rather they don't care. They'll sue you for hitting them back. This is the criminal mind, entirely selffish with no empathy for other humans.
If they could just be taught a relevant lesson, teach them to RESPECT others, teach them you don't get something for nothing, then this place would be much less criminal.

We're too harsh on our law abidding citizens and overly leniant on these scum. Re-adjust the balance, before it's too late.
There's nothing wrong with the youth of today, or at least it's not any more flawed than the youths of the past have been (in some aspects, you could argue it's far better).

All I see is isolated incidents that are given immediate and sustained spotlight thanks to far-reaching, ever-growing, and readily accessible media outlets, painting the misleading image of a generation gone morally bankrupt and out of control.

In short, it's a crock of shit.
heh, its stuff like this that makes me wish that something akin to the apocalypse would occur so that we could get a fresh start with everything.

I don't see this reversing any time soon. The force of people demanding more leniant sentences and viewing the criminals as vicitms of society is still growing and I suspect it won't start reversing until long after its too late and serious damage is done.
Absinthe said:
There's nothing wrong with the youth of today, or at least it's not any more flawed than the youths of the past have been (in some aspects, you could argue it's far better).

All I see is isolated incidents that are given immediate and sustained spotlight thanks to far-reaching, ever-growing, and readily accessible media outlets, painting the misleading image of a generation gone morally bankrupt and out of control.

In short, it's a crock of shit.
It depends on where you come from. I really have been noticing a constant decline. Sure there have always been moronic teens but I really have seen far worse comming out of society now than ever before. Things are getting worse. And yes I know what was said on that Assyrian tablet but this really is different.

If say a 17 year old started a fight with me and I successfully defended myself and broke his arm in the process...

Then most likely I would go to jail for assualt and he would get off completely.

Simply because he is under 18.

I hate it, it pisses me off.
Absinthe said:
There's nothing wrong with the youth of today, or at least it's not any more flawed than the youths of the past have been (in some aspects, you could argue it's far better).

All I see is isolated incidents that are given immediate and sustained spotlight thanks to far-reaching, ever-growing, and readily accessible media outlets, painting the misleading image of a generation gone morally bankrupt and out of control.

In short, it's a crock of shit.

So it's probably just a British thing then?

And GTA Foxtrot? :laugh:
I have definately noticed the decline. This used to be a nice town, where I am. It's been gradually overrun by yob youth in the past 10 years.

I've heard the same from many people all over the country.

Even if there isn't a rise in the case of incidence, it's definately more in-your-face now.
Foxtrot said:
Rap music.
Rap music is only a catalyst. Its the lack of responsibility on parents parts and poverty that is the cause of all this, and unfortunately its a positive feed-back loop that isn't helped by people trying to avoid blaming themselves.
SimonomiS said:
So it's probably just a British thing then?

Possibly. I do not have enough experience in Britain to make a good comparison. Just calling it how I see it.
SimonomiS said:
So it's probably just a British thing then?

How can you say something like that? It's not an isolated problem, hell, it's not even really a new problem. When hormones take over, it leads to dumb habits if there's no discipline involved. In a society where beer is cheap and drugs are readily accessible by practically anyone, you can't really control those sorts of things. If a parent can't take care of its child, it will never get anywhere in life, and especially not politics. I mean, how many kids do you think are even interested in politics, let alone the ones who are off raping girls and killing themselves.
Pesmerga said:
How can you say something like that? It's not an isolated problem, hell, it's not even really a new problem. When hormones take over, it leads to dumb habits if there's no discipline involved. In a society where beer is cheap and drugs are readily accessible by practically anyone, you can't really control those sorts of things. If a parent can't take care of its child, it will never get anywhere in life, and especially not politics. I mean, how many kids do you think are even interested in politics, let alone the ones who are off raping girls and killing themselves.

I said that as a lot of people have noticed a steady decline in the youth of today, yet Absinthe feels theres nothing wrong, his being from Sweden may be why, thus I asked if its isolated to just Britain, which I have no idea about, I only glean what I can from other peoples views of the youth in their country.

Maddox is of course exaggerating, but still, parents let their kids get away with too many things with no repucussions. I was spanked as a kid when I did wrong. I turned out really good. On the other hand, my brother was "diagnosed" with ADHD and given pills. Now he smokes, hangs out with kids that smoke/grow pot, and tells my parents to shut up and cusses at them. And hes only 14. If my parents had spanked him like they did me, it probably wouldnt have been a problem.
Well, it may be worse in some parts of the world than other, maybe it's just a rampant thing to do in uk, but here in the US things can get really ugly in some parts of town, and there are just as many "neighborhood take-overs" by new, lower class families that I imagine there are in the UK.
parents need to administer smack down,

well smack, i was bashed around the arse when i ****ed about, and now i feel i am a polite member of a society who doesnt go around looking for/ making trouble

unless drunk but thats normally just mad, like the time me n some mates walked some random girls home who one of my friends new and went fro a swim in the fountain on the way and stole roadsigns, nothing viscious:)
Nah there's a difference between stealing roadsigns, and stools from pubs than mugging people :)
Idiot said:
parents need to administer smack down,

well smack, i was bashed around the arse when i ****ed about, and now i feel i am a polite member of a society who doesnt go around looking for/ making trouble

Yes, becuase teaching kids to use violence to solve problems, will help reduce crime.
solaris152000 said:
Yes, becuase teaching kids to use violence to solve problems, will help reduce crime.

No, its teaching kids that doing something wrong results in punishment, unfortunately violent punishment is a last resort, can you think of another type of punishment that will affect kids?

Stay in your room; With the tv, games console, books, magazines and comfy bed. Real punishing. :rolleyes:
Grounded; They leave the house anyway, out the window etc.
Pocket money; They'll start thieving.
Get rid of gun control, make self-defense actually legal, and you have no more day-time theft. Muggings and numerous other crimes would decrease by a lot, too.
Except surely then you'd just end up with muggers easily getting hold of guns, muggees shooting muggers, and people actually dying instead of just getting beaten up/robbed?
Sulkdodds said:
Except surely then you'd just end up with muggers easily getting hold of guns, muggees shooting muggers, and people actually dying instead of just getting beaten up/robbed?
Look at the statistics I posted.

edit: oh it was in another britain youth thread. here they are

* Approximately 11% of gun owners and 13% of handgun owners have used their firearms for protection from criminals.

* When citizens use guns for protection from criminals, the criminal is wounded in about 1 out of every 100 instances, and the criminal is killed in about 1 out of every 1000 instances. --(note: Using gun for protection doesn't have to mean shots fired, the gun could simply be brandished and the criminal flees)

* Washington D.C. enacted a virtual ban on handguns in 1976. Between 1976 and 1991, Washington D.C.'s homicide rate rose 200%, while the U.S. rate rose 12%.

Gun laws being relaxed example
* Right-to-carry laws require law enforcement agencies to issue handgun permits to all qualified applicants. Qualifications include criteria such as age, a clean criminal record, and completing a firearm safety course.

* In 1986, nine states had right-to-carry laws.

* As of 1998, 31 states have right-to-carry laws, and about half the U.S. population lives in these states.

* In 1996, Dr. John R. Lott of the University of Chicago Law School published the results of a crime study conducted using FBI data for all 3,045 U.S. counties from 1977 to 1992.

* The study sought to answer the question, "What happens to crime when states adopt right-to-carry laws?"

* Between 1977 and 1992, 10 states adopted right-to-carry laws. Dr. Lott's study found that the implementation of these laws created:
-- no change in suicide rates,
-- a .5% rise in accidental firearm deaths,
-- a 5% decline in rapes,
-- a 7% decline in aggravated assaults,
-- and an 8% decline in murder

for the 10 states that adopted these laws between 1977 and 1992.
* Using 1995 numbers, this amounts to:

-- 1 more accidental gun death,
-- 316 less murders,
-- 939 less rapes,
-- and 14,702 less aggravated assaults

in these 10 states annually.

Florida example
* Florida adopted a right-to-carry law in 1987. At the time the law was passed, critics predicted increases in violence. The founder of the National Organization of Women, Betty Friedan stated:
"lethal violence, even in self defense, only engenders more violence."

* When the law went into effect, the Dade County Police began a program to record all arrest and non arrest incidents involving concealed carry licensees. Between September of 1987 and August of 1992, Dade County recorded 4 crimes committed by licensees with firearms. None of these crimes resulted in an injury. The record keeping program was abandoned in 1992 because there were not enough incidents to justify tracking them.

* Florida adopted a right-to-carry law in 1987. Between 1987 and 1996, these changes occurred:
homicide rate -36%
firearm homicide rate -37%
handgun homicide rate -41%

United States
homicide rate -.4%
firearm homicide rate +15%
handgun homicide rate +24%

* 221,443 concealed carry licenses were issued in Florida between October of 1987 and April of 1994. During that time, Florida recorded 18 crimes committed by licensees with firearms.

* As of 1998, nationwide, there has been 1 recorded incident in which a permit holder shot someone following a traffic accident. The permit holder was not charged, as the grand jury ruled the shooting was in self defense.

* As of 1998, no permit holder has ever shot a police officer. There have been several cases in which a permit holder has protected an officer's life.
The Mullinator said:
Rap music is only a catalyst. Its the lack of responsibility on parents parts and poverty that is the cause of all this, and unfortunately its a positive feed-back loop that isn't helped by people trying to avoid blaming themselves.
I wasn't being too serious, but I think the hip-hop culture or whatever it is called is a huge drive behind this. Everything you hate about society is glorified in rap music. said:
A ban on all private ownership of handguns became law in November, 1997. Handgun offenses have risen each year since then. Overall, violent crime has spiked since that act of Parliament.

This already happens, obviously criminals don't obey your gun laws. They can easily get them from the black market in Great Britain. The only thing your gun laws do is prevent good citizens from protecting themselves.
Sulkdodds said:
Except surely then you'd just end up with muggers easily getting hold of guns, muggees shooting muggers, and people actually dying instead of just getting beaten up/robbed?

If muggees start shooting muggers, there'd be less muggers... I think it's quite a good deterrant.
Lex Luthor said:
Get rid of gun control, make self-defense actually legal, and you have no more day-time theft. Muggings and numerous other crimes would decrease by a lot, too.

i agree in the uk with the law, of if someones comes in your own home and you feel hreatened you can killt hem and you wont get sued, i like this and it causes burgulars to make a second thought

Self defense should be made " legal" however for this to be properly enforced cameras would need to be EVERYWHERE to insure physical evidence of who started the confrontation

that way there would be loadsa jobs for people doing surveilance and less crime
I don't need guns, I'll just pulverise the muggers with my fists.
Joims said:
Self defense should be made " legal" however for this to be properly enforced cameras would need to be EVERYWHERE to insure physical evidence of who started the confrontation

You don't need any cameras- when in doubt, just side with the homeowner.

lol that would own.
"hey i only stole her purse..."
"you have been found guilty of mugging... sentence, death!" *blam* bits of chav fly everywhere
Lex Luthor said:
You don't need any cameras- when in doubt, just side with the homeowner.

Hmm, what about the people who invite others into their homes then shoot them? For lack of a better example.
It's only a british problem. See~!!~!~!~!~!~!~~! It's not always the USA. Our youth really isn't like that.

Although I never grew up in a hood and chilled with g's, so I don't know.
i propose a new form of nationalism except this time we massacre the chavs and put them in concentration camps and burn their music and belongings....
neptuneuk said:
i propose a new form of nationalism except this time we massacre the chavs and put them in concentration camps and burn their music and belongings....
And then hang them by their scrotoms with piano wire.
kirovman said:
Hmm, what about the people who invite others into their homes then shoot them? For lack of a better example.

Well obviously there needs to be at least evidence of a break-in. And why would anyone invite someone into their house just to shoot them? There's better ways of killing people. :P
how can we put them in concetration camps if they are all dead??

when the chav hunter mod comes out we all must do you best to make it publicly known!!!!

jsut think in other news, a modification for the game halflife 2 was realesed earlier this week entitled chav hunter, the game consists of severaL virtual areas where the aim of the game is to kill chavs ( Council house and violence )

does this constitue racial hate towards a population segment, over to our games correspondent to find this out,

thankyou jenny:

i am here today talking to one of the prominant leaders in the halflife2 community, who is trying his best to promote this " mod" his Name is Mr ***** ******* but is known to the community as Munro,

well why are u promoting this so heavily,

during a recent bought of reports on the community forums of the chav culture aggravating people i thought i would try and help increase awareness of this growing problem in a hope to inform people of measures to take to insure their safety

ta very much,

back to you jenny

on other news neptue uk has a gd idea
I have a good idea ...why not let parents do their jobs? it's easy to become a parent, it's not easy to be a parent least not a good parent

we can look to guns violence in the media etc till we're blue in the face but ultimately it's the parents that raise kids ..not teachers, not tv, not video games ...PARENTS

that said ...I'm one of the good parents :)
thats good to hear:)

just make sure you teach them to be good parents n the like:P