The Steamcast Podcast: Gabe Newell Interview


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
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The guys over at Steamcast were recently given the chance to sit down and talk with Gabe Newell and special guest Erik Johnson. The interview is split up into two parts and each have a run-time of about 1 hour at the most. Given the candidness, Mr. Newell's answers are long, but they're quite informative, nonetheless. This interview is even longer than most of the the one's conducted by professional journalists.


There's so much to take in. I could summarize some key topics for you, but I think it's in everyone's best interest to just listen to the podcast or at least read the transcripts, especially if you're a Valve fan. One of Erik Johnson's statements, though, is worth noting because it sort of sums up what Valve is all about, IMO.

"So, we're always internally trying to optimize our time for what we can do to do make the most customers happy, and we always have more things to do than time in the day or the people to do it, that's always been true in the history of the company. So there's some things that we end up not getting done. Part of the problem or the struggle is that customers have a list of things that they definitely want us to, but they don't have the list of everything we're doing and so we have to do a bunch of the evaluation on our side."


So check it out. Part one can be found here, and part two here. Thanks to the Steamcast guys for the great interview!
34:00 in the first part is an awesome question with an absolutely refreshing response.
I can't believe I'm about to download a podcast and listen to it on my MP3 player.

Me from a year ago would have slapped me silly.
Whatever happens in the future of HL, with all this 'no comment' approach to the subject, it's gotta be outta this world.
Glad to have helped provide this for you guys. Backstepper went to the immense effort of traveling to Seattle from Germany, so he should receive the appreciation. :)
So I haven't listened yet... did he say ANYTHING about Episode 3 or anything close? A word? Anything at all? I'm assuming it's an eternal "no."
So I haven't listened yet... did he say ANYTHING about Episode 3 or anything close? A word? Anything at all? I'm assuming it's an eternal "no."

When asked about it, Gabe and Erik said...

Newell: Ahh... (laughs)

Johnson: (laughs)

Newell: I don’t have anything to say.

Backstepper: Ok.

Newell: It’s a good question. What the hell are we doing?

Backstepper: Maybe we find out later?

Johnson: (laughs) We’re fine with this uncomfortable silence going on for as long as you want.
That is the single best image I have ever seen. Gabe with a minigun. Wow.
Ah I knew the SC guys were going but I didn't know it was going up so quickly! Looking forward to listening, downloading now.
I think what happened was that Portal was this phenomenon for Valve. A few months after TOB was released, Valve probably took a step back and evaluated what customers were most interested in at the time - I think Portal had more interest than Ep2, TBH. I mean, didn't Valve say Portal has the highest completion rate of any of their games? So, they decided to expand with Portal 2 and they wanted to give it a full-production treatment first because the concept of Portal was indeed fresh and interesting.
Our goal here is to make everybody rich enough that they don’t have to work, so we just take that off the table for them.
Didn't the Duke Nukem dev's play WoW all day and kept getting funded even though they did jack all day? Yeah same problem at Valve. There are no deadlines at Valve, there is no bills at Valve or anything. Valve could probably not even put out any games and they still would be rich off the revenue from TF2 and Steam.
I really can't be arsed listening/reading through another Gabe/Valve employee interview. Is there ANYTHING in here about EP3?
I found this interview very, very interesting despite the lack of direct EP3 info.
I really can't be arsed listening/reading through another Gabe/Valve employee interview. Is there ANYTHING in here about EP3?

I really can't be arsed responding/answering another post by someone who can't read anything posted before he asked the same question other people already have.

Oh, well I guess I can.
Didn't the Duke Nukem dev's play WoW all day and kept getting funded even though they did jack all day? Yeah same problem at Valve. There are no deadlines at Valve, there is no bills at Valve or anything. Valve could probably not even put out any games and they still would be rich off the revenue from TF2 and Steam.
The thing about you is that it's pretty hard to tell whether you're making an unfunny joke or you're actually being as dumb as you sound, but either way no one ends up caring enough to really find out.

My incredibly uncalled for and mean post for the month
Well that's frustrating. I wish that they wouldn't just totally abandon what put them on the road to their current success just because they've found some franchises with broader appeal. I suppose that's just the nature of successful business though. Not that I think HL is finished or anything, I just feel like it's gotten pushed so far to the back burner that it's almost off the stove.
Good interview, lots of stuff covered.
#47 19:31

I ****ing knew it, I had been saying for the past year that they were spending this time on improved tools for the SDK. I have a feeling that Ep3 will be the culmination and poster child of the improved SDK. Sounds like they want to push the Source Engine even further into the commercial market
The thing about you is that it's pretty hard to tell whether you're making an unfunny joke or you're actually being as dumb as you sound, but either way no one ends up caring enough to really find out.

It's hool. The answer is clear.
That's the great thing about Hool. He really is as dumb as he sounds.
Well that's frustrating. I wish that they wouldn't just totally abandon what put them on the road to their current success just because they've found some franchises with broader appeal. I suppose that's just the nature of successful business though. Not that I think HL is finished or anything, I just feel like it's gotten pushed so far to the back burner that it's almost off the stove.

There's literally nothing to suggest they've abandoned the franchise at all.
Making episodes was the worst idea ever. If they would have just stuck with full games they would have released a half-life 3 by now with over 10 million in sales. DUMB. I agree with the comment about it being on the back burner. Wouldn't be surprised to see a lfd 3 this summer. Lame
Welcome to the internet, where wild speculation becomes gospel truth.
Making episodes was the worst idea ever. If they would have just stuck with full games they would have released a half-life 3 by now with over 10 million in sales. DUMB. I agree with the comment about it being on the back burner. Wouldn't be surprised to see a lfd 3 this summer. Lame

You are replying in a thread about a Gabe interview where the man explicitly says that another L4D game is nowhere in sight.


Well done.
I want to be surprised about the next HL game, I don't mind waiting. Just, throw us some bones. After Portal 2 I'd like some new viral hints.
It's like watching a strange transformation; like watching Clark Kent run into a phone booth, rip off his clothes, then emerge actually naked, before tripping over and falling flat on his stupid face.

"I think HL3 has been cancelled, personally"
*enters phone booth*


I wish people would apply just a smidgeon, a soupcon of critical thinking here. Why aren't Valve talking about Episode 3? Could it possibly be because they're promoting their next release, Portal 2? Maybe? Hmm?
Why, when asked about Episode 3, are they vague and somewhat evasive? Is it because they cancelled it? Or is it because they're just not talking about it yet?
I despair.
You are replying in a thread about a Gabe interview where the man explicitly says that another L4D game is nowhere in sight.


Well done.

It's like watching a strange transformation; like watching Clark Kent run into a phone booth, rip off his clothes, then emerge actually naked, before tripping over and falling flat on his stupid face.

"I think HL3 has been cancelled, personally"
*enters phone booth*


I wish people would apply just a smidgeon, a soupcon of critical thinking here. Why aren't Valve talking about Episode 3? Could it possibly be because they're promoting their next release, Portal 2? Maybe? Hmm?
Why, when asked about Episode 3, are they vague and somewhat evasive? Is it because they cancelled it? Or is it because they're just not talking about it yet?
I despair.

Welcome to!