The Super duper Mod, now recruiting everyone!

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Hey guys, I want to make a mod called "Super duper" The idea is a total conversion for Half Life 2 using the Source engine!

In the mod, you start out as either Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse while running around naked in the playboy mansion with a lightsaber as your main weapon. I also want to include some cool bosses, such as Darth Vader, Michael Jackson (he'll be singing all of his hits while you fight!) and Ronald McDonald (if he kills you, you turn into a burger!). Everyone will be butt naked.

I have a lot of cool set pieces planned for this game. At one point, you're in a scary mansion! And what more, the ZOMBIES from RESIDENT EVIL attack you! I recorded the sound effects to their moaning from my television set with the built-in mic on my laptop, and it sounds SWEET! This is gonna be supercool.

The soundtrack will consist of music with Beatles and Madonna-samples. I am also thinking about releasing the soundtrack on my website.. for money! That's right, and that means we can get paid for our mod! Someone has to make the music, though. My little sister plays some guitar, so she can record guitar tracks, but I need someone to put the Beatles music onto Fatboy Slim-tracks! I was going to ask for a sound guy too, but I think we'll just stick to using sound files from the Final Fantasy-games and Duke Nukem.

Some of the levels will be remakes from Half Life 1, in fact we will probably have a COMPLETE Black Mesa-model as part of the game! So all you people working on Half Life 1 Source can just join up right now, because you will be part of something much bigger! Also, I want to use some textures from Final Fantasy, are there any good texture-extracters out there?

Also, there will be an arcade where you can play mini-games such as Super Mario 64, Phantasmagoria and Splinter Cell. That's right, we're gonna REMAKE all those games in the Source engine as a bonus for the player!

The best part of this mod, however, is that you can join too! That's right, I have plenty of space on my team, currently I am looking for:

15 coders
12 mappers
5 webdesigners (I know that's alot, but our webpage is gonna be jam packed with traffic once we get it up and we'll need mods and updates 24/7...)
10 modellers
5 texturers
1 texture extracter
12 concept artists (we still need a lot of concept)
6 story-writers (because we need an epic and big story)
1 beta tester (there won't be many bugs, but just in case)

And I will be doing all the PR and manage the project! Also, I want to do a multiplayer part, but I want to use the Doom 3-engine. Any coders know how to melt Source and Doom 3-enginge together?

Well, I'm off to quit school so I can focus 100 % on this project.. it's gonna be great! Hope for a lot of support from the mod community.
BTW, can I get a sticky, seeing as this will probably be the most important mod ever?
we need more mods. more people to delete things.
Wow! This is too good to not share: I just talked to my friend Joacim, and he said he could take care of the beta testing! The other good news is that the other positions are still available! Also, I thought we could do a bit in the game where you drive cars (like in GTA!) to hunt down the G-man, who is really the smoking man from the X-files!
Wow, this is so supercool! Gabe Newell (!!!) and Marc Laidlaw (!!!) are interested in the mod already! For those of you that don't know it, Marc and Gabe made Half Life 2!
lol, a good example of a crap idea.

good going, cept it looks like it took you a long time to write up :p
Hehe, didn't really take too long. I've been writing touch since 7th grade and I never really left the keyboard after that. Oh sure, girls, partying and occasional work have sometimes kept me occupied elsewhere, but still... I've been online and chatting since I was 14, back in the day when 28.8 was hot shit, so go figure ;)

Oh, and Marc said I should hire the SquareEnix team and then drown them using water from the Nile. I think he has a point, as it takes care of at least one of the 16 potentially ugly copyright infringement lawsuits this mod will be facing...
Man, this tickled me.

Keep writing, we need more satire on the boards. But then again, quite a number of people just don't get it.

-Angry Lawyer
Yeah, satire hasn't been a big hit so far. Hehe.. but at least Valve got it. Right now, I'm on my journalism exams, but if inspiration finds me I might well write some more stuff.
a satirical mod wold be really cool..unfortunately I've only started to use Hammer.
67 members... get real. 1 Beta tester... get real. 5 webdesigners... get real... 12 coders... seriously get real.
Oxygenetic said:
67 members... get real. 1 Beta tester... get real. 5 webdesigners... get real... 12 coders... seriously get real.

3 points go to irony.
wow this would be a real funny thread, if and only if krushdbug was funny.

But he's not, and i guess he is just.... whats the word.....

retarded. Not "let me waste 2 minutes of people's time retarded", I mean "Choking on your own tounge while trying to breath retarded"

I mean its like you had a good idea for a joke, but your execution was so bad, Paul Anderson wants you as a writer.

So in summation, go away you unfunny attention whore.
I guess this cut you kinda deep, Mobius, becuase it touched so heavily on something that affects many modders - copyright laws. and I know you've had trouble with them yourself, basing your mod on an existing game.

However, for those of us who've been watching the 'Help Wanted' boards for the last few months will find this inherantly funny - there are so many things touched upon, things that appear in the majority of 13-year-old's mod threads that really aggrovate the rest of us.

Mobius - lighten up.

Krushdbug - nicely executed.

-Angry Lawyer
Very pointedly true, but I'd rather avoid the inevitable flamefest that will follow. Closed.
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