The Ten Commandments

Now, I've been wanting to say this for a long time: DUDE, YOUR LINK IS BROKEN!!!!!!!! ;)
pretty funny. although i doubt a religious person would appreciate some of the comments, even though i agree with a lot of the stuff said, some of it is just plain dumb especially with the inclusion of modern day capitalism as an influence to his bashing of the ten commandments. i certainly wouldn't advocate something like capitalism the way he is.

anyway, listen and enjoy but don't take it too seriously.
is that new 10 commandments thread because of this ?
george carlin OWNS

i have 480mb of his comedy! he owns all!
qckbeam said:
I posted this in the other thread first :p

Damn you!

Well, there's no such thing as too much George Carlin so it's ok.
omg yer m0m sucks and my mOm is liek "STFU n00b!11!1!" lolo11!1!!11
That guy is so stupid. (the guy in the mp3)
I'm not christian, but I still think he is so stupid.
hasan said:
That guy is so stupid. (the guy in the mp3)
I'm not christian, but I still think he is so stupid.

Heh, George Carlin is great. Though he's probably one of those comedians that won't appeal to some people. His jokes cater to a somewhat specific kind of sense of humor.
This is probally your best post yet sprafa, although ive heard it before :)
george carlin is funny and makes good points sometimes, but hes a god damn horrible actor :D