The Thing (the game) rant


Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
Contains spoilers from the game.

Part 1

Part 2
Hahahaha "What? Oh bullshit! I tested him just seconds ago he was fine! B-Bullshit why did that computer explode?!".

****ing win man, nice find.
It's a real shame that the game became so bad, its original concept was awesome, it was supposed to be truly open-ended and shit :\

Those vids are funneh though xD
Heh, Pretty entertaining. I liked the game, but never got to the end because it was pretty repetitive.
I allways hated that you burned yourself when using the flametrower
This is exactly what I have been saying about this game from day 1. Complete bs this game was! :D *Don't forget about the saving in the game! At certain points you could only save LOL!!!
FF8 time!

I actually liked the game, oh well...
"They have Msbukkake?!"
Laughing. My. ****ing. Arse. Off.
Arrrghh... Final Fantasy 8 was one of my favored games... and the draw system... THE DRAW SYSTEM... OH GOD...

*clutches heart*


...****ing Triple Triad. I liked the game, but... MY GOD...
'Oh i wonder how i get passed those barells, rrrrrrrrrrr duhhhhhrrrr?'

'oh look a propane tank next to the door controls, interesting design..'

'thank god there was a fuse box, without that fuse box i would be a goner'

Hahahah ***king awesome
I was aprox. 10 years old when I first played Final Fantasy VIII.

...I don't remember having to draw so much.
I was aprox. 10 years old when I first played Final Fantasy VIII.

...I don't remember having to draw so much.

It isn't that bad, you don't have to draw everything in one time, you just casually draw as you play the game, and it really isn't that tedious as he makes it out to be.
Of course, if you want 100 spells to junction to your various magical attributes... >> << >>

Honestly, he's right. If you're powergaming, you aim for ****ing 100 spells. That's how you plaaaaaay! :O

Lol, Triple Triad. I was actually more annoyed at the chinese water torture of the same music over... and over.. and over... than the little clicky sounds.
Everyone agree this guy must be a huge fan of Bill Hicks? They sound pretty comparable.
I didn't notice any similarity, and I was just watching his DVD last night. Besides the fact it's freakin hilarious, that is :D

First part of the FF8 review had me in TEARS. "Hayden Christensen as Siefer", hahahahaha xD

Watch his ET review if you're feeling a little masochistic.
If you put him together with the angry nintendo/video game nerd?
Noah "Spoony One" Antwiler is the best bad game reviewer out there. It's kinda sad he doesn't get as much notice as opposed to the AVGN (who's gotten weaker over the past few videos).
:LOL: :LOL: so funny!

Granted I don't remember FF VIII being so tedious when I played it (apart from the junction thing which I still don't understand). Also I've played the thing and it wasn't that bad but his points are valid like the scripted transformations, also the plot was crap.
It's kinda sad he doesn't get as much notice as opposed to the AVGN.

Yeah, he's a hilarious guy, it was just a coincidence that I came by his videos.

(who's gotten weaker over the past few videos)

Actually I think he's still going strong, especially the Die Hard video he made a week ago. ****ing hi-lar-i-ous.