The things we encourage our kids to do these days

The hippo in the top right doesnt look like hes having much fun.
Haha... pink hippo... wha'?

Oh, and if anyone can read the box... does it say how much it is? :naughty:
Maybe we should replace these Kaba-Kicks with real guns. Less idiots, children, Communists, and a marginal market for stupid, gay looking, fake weapons like this one.
wow...that box is amazingly full of random words in bubbles.
GhostValkyrie said:
Maybe we should replace these Kaba-Kicks with real guns. Less idiots, children, Communists, and a marginal market for stupid, gay looking, fake weapons like this one.

i want to have your babies.
ghostie, you're truly a hero :)
/me sicks the KGB on ghostvalkyrie
Nice find I say we have some real fun and instead of it being a leg that kicks the kid..put a knife there and let him stab himself in the ear. :naughty:
Now that's just scary. i don't think it will be long before we hear of kids capturing their fellows, incarcerating them in POW camps, and forcing them to play Kaba-Kick.
okay i feel stupid, but now i have to have a signature.

edit: so where's my sig.... i saved one...

edit2: shit i'm a scanner now whoohoo i'm gonna go cry

edit3: okay nevermind
LOL, this is scary.. Maybe the idea behind it was to make the kids try with real guns at an higher age?
GhostValkyrie said:
Maybe we should replace these Kaba-Kicks with real guns. Less idiots, children, Communists, and a marginal market for stupid, gay looking, fake weapons like this one. friend's comment on IRC when i pasted the link was, "the game should have you load 6 bullets into the you'll know how to play it properly in the future"

haha :D
I am 100% sure that the product's designer played GTA-series.
Imagine the brain damage that would be caused by prolonged playing of this game...
I don't think anyone ever gets G0rgon.

He's ungettable.

Funny dude, though.
gh0st said:
i want to have your babies.

I'm sorry, it can't work out.

CyberSh33p said:
ghostie, you're truly a hero :)
/me sicks the KGB on ghostvalkyrie

*Single-handedly neutralizes the KGB threat*

Maskirovka said: friend's comment on IRC when i pasted the link was, "the game should have you load 6 bullets into the you'll know how to play it properly in the future"

haha :D

You have a smart friend. :)
/me open word XP build 657934
/me type many words
/me check grammer + spelling
/me copy and paste it here
/me Die away.
crazy stuff you got there. These kids are going to bring down the world in the future
Actually we played once a real Russian Roulette, with a real gun, being drank. You know, it was fun and all, everybody was getting lucky. Alas, we forgot to put bullets in the gun, maybe if we did, you would never need to read my pessimistic posts.

I find Japanese (or whatever that is) culture funny, because it’s so random and weird. Oh yeah, I have fetish on asian girls, so there.

As for KGB… well.
BWT, my father is ex-KGB. Yap! He doesn't even wear a coat in the winter.
Cool! And I bet Mr.Reak is a KGB agent! Wow!
EDIT: And whoever it was was right...that gun does not look like a hippo, it looks like something else....
CrazyHarij said:
LOL, this is scary.. Maybe the idea behind it was to make the kids try with real guns at an higher age?

It's the first step in the conspiracy to lower the population of Asia.