The thread to end all HL2 VS. threads.


Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
Forget Half-Life 2 for a moment.

Theres only one game with the ranking "Best computer game of all time", and it belongs to Half-Life 1. When Doom III and its 4 player multiplayer mode comes out, Half-Life 1 will still be better because of all its great 32 player mods. When any of the top 4 games come out, Half-Life 1 with all its addictive mods will still be better. One single game can not compete with a game that comes with 50+ FREE mods, alot of which are high quality, gameplay addictive, non-stop online action. Did I mention all the single player total conversions some which were created by industry all stars? How about the fact that this game of all games can run on a 166mhz pc with only 32 megs of ram and doesnt require a 3d card so that even grandma could play on her ancient box. The list goes on for Half-Life 1. Even if Half-Life 2 wasn't being made right now, after Doom III is released, and everyone plays it to the end, they would still all return to Half-Life 1 and all its great community supported mods.

Look at it this way, if you never played Half-Life or any of its mods, and you had the choice to purchase only 1 game, either Half-Life that comes with these complete extra games: Team Fortress Classic, Deathmatch Classic, Richochet, Opposing Force, Blue Shift, Counter-Strike, Redemption, and 50+ free mods already available online such as, Day Of Defeat, Svencoop, Front Line Force, FireArms, International Online Soccer, USS Darkstar, They Hunger 1, 2 and 3, Vampire Slayer, The Opera, Action Half-Life, Earths Special Forces, DragonmodZ, Rocket Crowbar, Oz, HL Bumpercars, Digital Paintball, Natural-Selection, etc, etc for $19.00 bucks, or Doom III which comes with support for 4 player multiplayer for $59.00?

I thought so. And thats exactly why Half-Life 1 is the greatest pc game ever made with over 50+ well deserved awards. Half-Life 2 is a facelift, limits breaker, that breaks new ground in multiple areas untouched by another developer ever before. I can only see deja vu for HL2. HL2 by itself will be awesome like HL1 was when it first came out. But watch what happens when the mods start pumping out full speed. HL2 is unstoppable.

Now end the Half-Life 2 vs whatever game threads! Half-Life 1 is the king, Half-Life 2 is the big brother laughing in the background waiting to step in and smash any oppressor who dares challenge HL1!! Mwhahaahhaaa...*breath*... ahahahhaaa! :cheese: :cheers: :cool: :eek:
Starcraft ranks as the best computer game ever (at least in some publications). For me it's number 1 too, but HL1 is number 2.
My name is adam too!

Also: The graphics, you got to consider this game is 5 years old, some people may say: back then no computers could run it this well, BUT they still allowed it to have good graphics, if you play on 1280x1024 on OpenGL it looks MUCH better than games that have just came out, and you dont need much to run it. I can get HL1 for $7, with all those mods, its a never-ending game. Go half life!
Starcraft is better than 50 free online games combined? Interesting taste you got there... Personaly I like Warcraft 3 better than Starcraft now. Anyways, Half-Life still wins over Starcraft, ever play Natural-Selection? :)
I don't count the mods as the same thing as HL even though you need HL to play the mods.
"I don't count the mods as the same thing as HL even though you need HL to play the mods."

Which makes no sense.
Those mods run on Half-Life. They are Half-Life. And combined they blow away all the competition.
"Which makes no sense.
Those mods run on Half-Life. They are Half-Life. And combined they blow away all the competition."

Yeah, I'm sure those modders really appreciate having put so much work and original content into their mods to have them all being confused with HL.
Using your logic I suppose we could call Quake 1 the best PC game ever since Half Life basically runs on a modified Quake 1 engine.
They are apart of the Half-Life 1 legend.. they are a part of Half-Life history. They, including myself (I made ALOT of content for HL1) are very proud to be a part of one of the most engaging, supportive game communities out there, and to have contributed to the success of Half-Life, the game that holds a special place in all of our hearts.
Quake 1 does not allow you to play Half-Life and all its mods. Nice try though, I was about to agree for a second until I remembered that small fact. :\
mods for doom 3 will allow any number of players they choose, when will people finally get that through their skulls?
And Source will allow any number of players too. And it will scale the game to help keep the framerates up. Doom III requires a super computer to run full speed, if it had 32 players my cpu would probably melt!

But anyways, Half-Life 1 combined with all its free mods is still more worth my money than Doom III.
And your point is.........? What does that have to do with anything about this topic?

Oh well, I will contribute:
Also, Half-Life 1 modders will be at home with Source modding.
Adam thats just it, doom 3 aims for the future while source wants to just sit right here and maybe go a year or two into the future. Doom 3 will last for many years and still look good. I like it that Id didnt hinder their artists from creating something truly spectacular because people's pc's cant handle all the settings up. And guess what its not required to run doom 3 with everything maxed.

Besides, I think the only reason hl2's modding community will be so successful is because hl1's was. And I think they are putting alittle bit too much trust into mods.
All irrelevent. Half-Life 1 has already accomplished what you claim is Doom 3's aim. Wow! And now we have Half-Life to continue the trend!
Definately not, I said look good. Hl looks like shit now compared to the new games. The engine is horribly outdated.
Haha funny! Half-Life 1 looks good still, and its FUN as heck! Ohh.. ahh... Doom III has real shadows... *yawn* OK! Time to get back in a game of Counter-Strike! Gameplay here we come!
I never said it wasnt fun, and ya it has real shadows, it has action, it looks bloody, it looks fun, it looks like another hl fanboy once again *yawn*
"Quake 1 does not allow you to play Half-Life and all its mods. Nice try though, I was about to agree for a second until I remembered that small fact. :\"

The reasoning remains the same. Just because a mod runs on HL doesn't mean it's HL, just like HL is not quake 1 just because it runs on the quake 1 engine. If you buy HL just for the mods, you're basically paying for just the engine and not the game. Engine != game.
Adam, stop being a blind fanboy. Doom 3's engine has some advantages. HL2 has some also but you have to see it both ways.
He never will. The mass box throwing scenes have gotten him hypnotised.
Sigh... this used to be an HL2 fanbase, now it's a fanboybase.
HL2 isn't the only game ever!
Ok, this is my last post before I go to bed for today.

"I never said it wasnt fun, and ya it has real shadows, it has action, it looks bloody, it looks fun, it looks like another hl fanboy once again *yawn*"

I never made assumptions for you, and it seems you give up, anyone who mentions the word 'fanboy' outta nowhere on someone who can prove his points without acting like a n00b, is automatically giving up. And you can count that as my first assumption for you.

"The reasoning remains the same. Just because a mod runs on HL doesn't mean it's HL, just like HL is not quake 1 just because it runs on the quake 1 engine. If you buy HL just for the mods, you're basically paying for just the engine and not the game. Engine != game."

Mod = Modification. Half-Life Modifications means your still playing Half-Life, only modified. Half-Life and all its mods combined beats Doom III, and thats the end of it.

Please stop defending Doom III one a pointless match between itself compared to Half-Life combined with all its free mods. Its a no win situation.

And now Im off to bed.
I don't understand why people are complaining about HL2 fanboys on a friggen' HL2 forum...
at least doom 3 isnt relying totally on physics. And ya doom 3 doesnt have the massive jawdropping mod community that hl2 has to fallback on so half the maps are made for them.
Except Doom 3 is relying totally on its graphics and nifty lighting effects. Yeah, I can generalize too.
Cut the fanboy garbage, if a game is good, I have every right to say so. And if that makes me a fanboy for ADMITING to something that has been already proven with over 50+ awards then so be it! Im a fanboy then, and I don't care! My point about Half-Life 1 combined with all its mods over taking Doom III still stands. Just anwser the question at the begining of this thread to find out!
Your damn straight I am giving up, its no use pounding on that skull of yours.
No stubby, they hired a writer for the story, and they arent going to completely drop gameplay. And in a slowpaced game like that you arent going to go and find a bfg9000 and blow away the planet.
Well, off to bed for me, ready to start the everlasting battle tomorrow. Cheers!
Weren't the people who penned the screenplay for "From Justin to Kelly" considered writers too?
The fact that you guys find time to bitch about this is an arguement in itself.
It's not my fault your points werent valid enough and failed to disprove my own points to make me reconsider my opinion. I'm very open minded contrary to what you may believe, but when you do not have logicaly solid points that contradict my overall statement that I made at the begining of this post, I'm left with nothing but to disagree with you. Sorry, seems alot of people have a hard time admiting when they are wrong.
Once again i find myself defending doom3, even though i'm not really too excited about it.
you all think that HL2's community is greater, but you are forgetting that Doom/Doom2 is a classic, it has been around for just on ten years... and there are bucket loads of TCs, WADs, and so on for this game. People have even created over 5 totally new sources for it, with new Graphical Effects, and TCP/IP Multiplayer.

People have even created server finding tools like gamespy for it. This sounds like a pretty damn good community for a game that is 10 years old. You can still find people playing Doom2 today online, and have a game with them. The big difference however is that Doom2 is more community focussed. It's more about being friends with the person you play with/against. There is no name calling and everyone is helpful.
Going back to an HL mod after this hurts.
So if we're judging the games by their previous games' communities, then Doom3 is doing just as well as HL2.
sorry adam but 75% of the garbage your spouting is nothing but opinion.......

you can tell people that what they say means nothing and what you say is the way it has to be, as much as you want

you claim to be open minded....i think your just in denial.....

if you were open minded than you would respect other peoples point of views
well my personal opinion is this...Doom 3's selling points so far are its graphics (which look nice) and its trent reznor soundtrack, well guess what else looks pretty and boasts a good sound track
the matrix reloaded which sucked! IMO of course :)

Now half life 2's selling points so far are graphics (which are on par with d3 IMO), physics and interactivity, great story line and immersion, character development and interaction, huge mod support, scalability, and the secretive multiplayer surprise..but i don't guess we could really count that one... so flame away guys, but remember this, i come to the HALF LIFE 2 FORUMS to talk about HALF LIFE 2! Why you ask? Because its more freakin logical than going to the doom 3 forums to discuss half life 2.

/end rant
Originally posted by Innervision961
well my personal opinion is this...Doom 3's selling points so far are its graphics (which look nice) and its trent reznor soundtrack, well guess what else looks pretty and boasts a good sound track
the matrix reloaded which sucked! IMO of course :)

Now half life 2's selling points so far are graphics (which are on par with d3 IMO), physics and interactivity, great story line and immersion, character development and interaction, huge mod support, scalability, and the secretive multiplayer surprise..but i don't guess we could really count that one... so flame away guys, but remember this, i come to the HALF LIFE 2 FORUMS to talk about HALF LIFE 2! Why you ask? Because its more freakin logical than going to the doom 3 forums to discuss half life 2.

/end rant

trent is no longer involved with Doom III.
Originally posted by Stubbychubs
Using your logic I suppose we could call Quake 1 the best PC game ever since Half Life basically runs on a modified Quake 1 engine.
I thought HL1 ran on the Quake2 engine? Or are they essentially the same and I've just highlighted my ignorance in a big way...

I'll get my coat