The thread to end all HL2 VS. threads.

Originally posted by Xtasy0
trent is no longer involved with Doom III.

lol well then i guess its selling points could be its graphics and uh ....scary/horror stuff (that is only is your scared ot the dark, no seriously dark black monitor, you know they should have called it dynamic shadows, not lighting, cuz its reeeeaaaal dark)
Hello. As you can my name is FarrowLeSparrow. I don't venture much into General Discussion. This thread is why. It started off OK with a guy making a good point about something. But then it turned into the exact thing he was saying we should stop.

Anyway that doesn't matter really. I quite enjoy reading some of these arguments.
People are calling Adam a fanboy, in a way most of the people on this forum are/have been fanboys because we have all defended HL at some point or another so i don't see why you are trying to insult him with that.
Ive also noticed that Adams comments are more thought out and logical than those of the people arguing against him. What is going on though is that people are taking sentences out of context and generally getting confused about what is being said.

Now then I myself am going to buy Doom III simply because it looks like a good game and i wouldn't mind getting it.
However HL2 is higher on my list because for me it looks like a better game, it has a more interesting, filled out story (Yes in a way HL and Doom had the same story but that doesn't matter). There are a lot of arguments about how Doom III's graphics are better than HL2's. But the difference isn't that much to be honest and its only noticeable because people are so focused on proving something. When you actually play the game i don't think anyone will notice the difference. Someone made a comment about how HL2 relies on its Physics. But to me thats a great improvement. Most games rely on their graphics to pull them through, and physics are mearly something that is slapped on top. In my opinion it will be a great day indeed when they create a true Physics engine which doesn't need a graphics engine to make it look nice, at least int he same way its done now.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that the fact Valve are trying to make an engine which is more integrated physics and graphics shows they are forward thinking. Sure Doom III will look good but games that don't try to give you a "solid" engine like HL1 (i cant really explain that, its just the feeling the HL1 engine gives you) wont last in any large form, more than a couple of years.

That comment about the Doom community being friendly etc cant really be used. You cant compare a community of maybe a couple of hundred to a community of tens of thousands. Its a simply fact of probabilities. You are bound to get more so called "n00bs" and "name callers" in such a large community than you are in such a small one.

Anyway i don't know if anyone here will get what I'm saying but there it is. Good Bye I'm going out into...dare i say it.....the sun light.:p
Like i was saying, i have no problem with HL2, i am just trying to get some people to see that they probably shouldn't have a problem with Doom 3 either.
Guys, Guys Guys...... look at it like this... Doom III is a beautiful 20yr old...... whereas Halflife 2 will be a luscious sexy virgin lesbian who loves threesomes - this equates to all the mods which we will see ;)

Doom 3 is wonderful, you will love it to bits... but H2 is to die for....
Did someone say "future" in reference to a game that supports 4 people in multiplayer because any more would lag the engine? That's thinking to the future?


Thats thinking 1993.

If HL2 sucks everyone will go back to HL1... Period. I see no other option besides that. Assuming they would move to another game is rediculous. Unless one of those other games is a killer surprise hit(I'll leave that option open, but still unlikely). Doom3 definatly won't gobble up the HL1 community and if you can't see that you are overrating Doom3. All I need is one reason to prove my point: D3 system specs are too high. Period. And you know... MULTIPLAYER... something D3 is obviously not very tailored to.

Holy shit Doom3 is 10 year old game design and game play and people actually think it has a ****ing chance against HL1? Some of you are ****ing halarious. Even better, compare it to HL2. *pops popcorn and watches*
People that compare games to women or sex acts scare me.

Farrowlessparrow has some good points there.

Edit: I hope this doesn't sound like an attack. I don't mean to pick on anyone. I'm just countering some things I see as faulty arguments or innacurate information.
reaper seems implicitly trusting on whatever Carmack & Co. says will be. I won't accuse anyone of being a fanboy, since I think it's all rather rediculous. But let me pull out some quotes. least doom 3 isnt relying totally on physics....

And HL2 is? Is the new source engine then no better than Half-life 1's engine? I hardly think they are relying on physics to pave the road in gold. I see it as an attempt at innovation. Excuse me if I say so, but few games, including those from the venerable ID, are daring enough to attempt real innovation.

...doom 3 aims for the future while source wants to just sit right here and maybe go a year or two into the future. Doom 3 will last for many years and still look good....

I hardly see reason to believe Doom3's engine or gaming experiance will be any longer lived or future scalable than HL2's. Gabe has even professed VALVe's intentions to release not only more detailed textures, but also enabling graphics card companies the capabilities to extend the Source engine with the latest in shader developments. I can believe it's possible that companies will do so, to have a 'real game' that shows the advantages of their next generation hardware (as opposed to some in-house 'tech demo'). If it works as I understand it should, this may make the game's engine VERY future-friendly.

As for Doom3, I see no real impressing advantages over existing 3d engines. Their fully dynamic lighting system is an improvement, and no doubt will be useful as a benchmarking tool for years to come, as the quake3 engine has. But I have too little information on that game to comment much...

...And I think they are putting alittle bit too much trust into mods....

And why not? Several posters had some critical contentions regarding Half-life's mods and mod community. While it's true that Half-life was by no means the first game to have successful and capable mods, they were often done by hackers with the knowledge to reverse engineer the compression and packaging and workings of these very proprietary and protected engines. I will gladly attribute a large amount of the success of the Half-life mods to the open support Valve gave to the modding community: through making their engine available (and accessable) to the public at large, as well as other ways. From it has spawned dozens of successful gaming experiances that are played by numbers surpassing that of many commercial games. Counter strike was (and I believe still is) the most played multiplayer game ever, in terms of average players in a day, and surpasses all other first person shooters combined. This was true at one time, and may be true still.

With that kind of success, why would they not put plenty of their eggs in that basket. The number of people that buy half-life, yet never played half-life or it's installed multiplayer aspect should be a testament to the wisdom of it, financially, at least.

And if it's graphical engine is not as scalable as I believe it may be, well, this mod community may be what will keep this game a part of our experiances for years to come, as it has with HL1 for many many gamers. HL1 is no longer quite the graphical treat it was when it was released, but I still play games hosted on it's framework regularily. Whether any mod expiriances that come about from HL2 taht are as compelling is something I cannot say, but the option is here, and a determined team of creators could making something wonderful, and I have few doubts VALVe will not be behind their efforts...

And if anybody wants to call me a 'fanboy', I would say to them, "Perhaps. Perhaps I am." When someone makes a hypocritical assumption about this game, or dismisses the potential of HL2 as I see it is very likely to fulfill, or compares it blindly to their own 'pet obsession' game (whatever it may be), or assaults it for no other reason then to be a black sheep, I am likely to come to it's defense. I see no reason to doubt VALVe's word (except when it somes to TF2 :E), and may have my own baseless loyalty to them, but I am convinced they will deliver, though time may prove me wrong (I hope it doesn't, of course :p)]
Whether this makes me a 'fanboy,' I care not.

I think I forgot something, but this is damn well long enough already, I think. :cheese:

Originally posted by coolUK007
Guys, Guys Guys...... look at it like this... Doom III is a beautiful 20yr old...... whereas Halflife 2 will be a luscious sexy virgin lesbian who loves threesomes - this equates to all the mods which we will see ;)
HAHAH I don't see anything wrong with that! Metaphors are great! :E

Kinda sexist tho. Not everyone here is a guy (just the vast majority :p). So, what kind of luscious man-meat are these games, then??

Don't get me wrong here. I'm a guy, and I love luscious sexy virgin lesbians! Just so we're strait (hey, what about a metaphor for, hmmm, other sexual preferences :O) here.

Fanboy.n: 1. One who automaticly put his/her game above every other game, even if the comment is not logival. 2. One who will always say his/her game is better than everyone else without looking at the pros and cons of both.

Copyright 2003, SidewinderX Dictonaries
Some of you guys have 2 much time on ur hands to write lectures/speeches about what game is bettr.

But i will say, D3 will be a bettr SP than HL2 IMO.

P.S. If you guys ever watch one of the D3 movies you would see that there are indeed PHYSICS.
Originally posted by Reaper978
Adam thats just it, doom 3 aims for the future while source wants to just sit right here and maybe go a year or two into the future. Doom 3 will last for many years and still look good. I like it that Id didnt hinder their artists from creating something truly spectacular because people's pc's cant handle all the settings up. And guess what its not required to run doom 3 with everything maxed.

Besides, I think the only reason hl2's modding community will be so successful is because hl1's was. And I think they are putting alittle bit too much trust into mods.

You were the first one to come here and whine that everyone here is flaming Doom 3, yet here you are flaming Half-Life. You were the first one to call someone a HL2 fanboy in the pro's and con's thread, and here you are rabidly defending a game that isn't even out yet. You sir, are a hypocrite.
Guys, Guys Guys...... look at it like this... Doom III is a beautiful 20yr old...... whereas Halflife 2 will be a luscious sexy virgin lesbian who loves threesomes - this equates to all the mods which we will see

I kinda' like this metaphor too. Although in retrospect( ;)), I think I'd flip it around ....HL2 is the beautiful 20 yr old with staying power.

Sure, Doom will be a lot of fun between the sheets for a few weeks, but Halflife2 has a lot more substance me thinks. Yup, I'll be cuddling up to Halflife2 for sure - a long term relation is what I want. Ahhhh, true love, none of this 'flash in the pan, slam bam thankyou Mam' with dynamic shadows. :)
A reply to Adams first post.

Well, have this in mind, 5 years from now, HL2 will have (without any doubt) as many mods as HL1 now have.
And that one game, in a universe of endles amounts of games, should be the best game ever, that just BS.
No game has ever been, and will never be, the best game of all games.

Take it into perspective, and you'll see what i mean.
Originally posted by Calm_Blue_Ocean
I kinda' like this metaphor too.

Sure, Doom will be a lot of fun between the sheets for a few weeks, but Halflife2 has a lot more substance me thinks. Yup, I'll be cuddling up to Halflife2 for sure - a long term relation is what I want. Ahhhh, true love, none of this 'flash in the pan, slam bam thankyou mam' with dynamic shadows. :)

Then Doom3= One night stand
Half-life 2= A love that will be the best you've ever fellt till now and a love you'll never forget.

In short words ;)
Originally posted by Boogaleeboo
People that compare games to women or sex acts scare me.


Sorry must be the Italian blood in me......
Phisionary, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
We don't allow sane people here.
(Believe me, its for your own good.) :b