The Three Word Story


Dec 1, 2003
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Here's how it works. You are allowed to submit 3 words in each of your posts to continue off a previous person's post. You need to start a new one (only 3 words per post) everytime a sentence ends. Let's try to make it funny and fun. :) Remember, you cannot use more than 3 words per post. Here we go:

Half-Life 2 is
...he uses everyday while he is...

**Thats not fair, I started one of these threads "Finish the sentence", people messed it up and noone was intrested ;( ** pleasure himself...

PS We already had a thread like this but the admins closed it

EDIT: Simo posted before me, but he clearly doesnt understand the rules so ignore his and use mine =)
a collection of
(lets try to not to stick to one topic the whole time 'ie. gabe')
threads like this

in fact one

thread like this

has already been

posted on these forums

and was closed

by an (admin) mod

*edit* admin wtf? i've been playing online games for too long :rolleyes:
This makes sense?

Oh and i believe it was my thread that was closed. Or did i start the word association thread and that was closed to. Why was it closed? I never found out.