The top 5 things you do when you're drunk...


Dec 29, 2004
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What's the top 5 things you usually do when you're drunk? :cheese:

1.) Threw up on the floor
2.) Laugh like a maniac then threw up
3.) Get laid
4.) Pretend I'm Gordon Freeman
5.) Tries to commit suicide
You do those everytime your drunk? Wow...Mr Pimp and suicidal eh? :p
1) get laid
2) pull as many girls
3) act like a dick
4) dance
5) drink more.
1) Dance! (to almost any music ;()
2) Talk to anyone
3) Smoke
4) Annoy anyone around
5) Drink more

SimonomiS said:
You do those everytime your drunk? Wow...Mr Pimp and suicidal eh? :p

Occasionally, YES :p I never succeed in commiting suicide, tho (that's why I'm still posting so dont be surprised if one day I'm missing from the forum :x )
1) Drink more
2) Don't get laid off my g/f (as opposed to sober)
3) Get emotional with old friends
4) Go play in the park at 3am
5) Post on forums
In no particular order..

1. Think I can drive.
2. Argue with the gf.
3. Draw on walls and get told off by coppers.
4. Umm, piss lots if I drink lager.
5. Eat shitty kebabs.

1. try to get laid
2. dance
3. smoke
4. fall on the floor
5. drink more
1. Laugh a lot
2. Talk a lot
3. Drink more
4. Throw up
5. Go to sleep because drinking makes me sleepy
1) drink more

2) pick fights with twats

3) eat cheesy chips and/or huge burgers

4) throw up number 3)

5) act like a prat in the middle of town... hey, its fun at the time right?
Fell assleep.... Woke up with friends arround me and said "Yeaaaaahh....."

Got told to go back to sleep. So did. Instantly :thumbs:
Have debates on Quantum Theory, although i know nothing about it.
Chat incessently,
Drink More
Sleep and Puke.
CREMATOR666 said:
What's the top 5 things you usually do when you're drunk? :cheese:

1.) Threw up on the floor
2.) Laugh like a maniac then threw up
3.) Get laid
4.) Pretend I'm Gordon Freeman
5.) Tries to commit suicide

I'm guessing #5 because #3 was a guy name joe? :p
1. Make phone calls
2. Get naked
3. Take my clothes off
4. Call people
5. Puke
Well...I don't drink...but I suppose I could guess?

1)Does not get laid because continually says to women in slow, slurred speech, that "it just wouldn't be right".
2)Talks way too much. More so than when sober.
3)Becomes very emotional. "I love you maaaan!"
4)Talks about how he never drinks, that this is only a one-time thing, then drinks some more.
5)Passes out. Wakes up the next morning naked in the middle of the kitchen floor, knowing exactly what happened, but trying desperately to convince himself that it didn't.
1) After drinking lager move on to random cocktail thrusted at me! last week it was Malibu Vodka and fanta, tho for the past few weeks ive have been drinking Redbull and vodka cos its lush!!!!!

2) Fall over

3) Hang around with Alex (gf) :) all good :)

4) Finds everything funny, and i get really chatty :)

5)I Dont puke or go on hunts for food but sometimes shots hap
pen :p

1)throw up
2) fall over
3) knock something over
4) act as I usually do
5) """"
1) Look stupid
2) Hate myself
3) Look a bit more stupid
4) Get slapped if Im lucky
5) Hate myself some more

Hence, I try not to drink!
1) Talk (Usually about everything. On Sunday we talked a lot about Nazis, and the strange stuff they got up to. Also about the holocaust exhibit we visted on a history trip when we were at college together last year.)
2) Find everything a lot funnier
3) Sit peacefully
4) Do some crazy stuff and get excited
5) Come on here and post about about my apparent homosexuality.

I don't think I've ever thrown up from drinking. In fact, all my experiences have been good apart from the time my hat was stolen, but thats not directly because I was drunk really.
1) Sing Bon Jovi songs in a Karaoke.
2) Drink more
3) Stumble
4) Eat fried food from local food stand that fails health and safety regulations
5) Try to code my mod

-Angry Lawyer
I dont drink much at all, but here are my top five for when I do drink and get drunk, these are in order.

5. Get angry with friends
4. Try to hurt said friends
3. Get angry with things that are not so talkaive, like walls, doors, bar stools etc.
2. Get upset for no reason.
1. Sleeeeeep.
5. Get angry with friends
4. Try to hurt said friends
3. Get angry with things that are not so talkaive, like walls, doors, bar stools etc.
2. Get upset for no reason.
1. Sleeeeeep.

Wow, Ritz... that perfectly suits you! :O

(no offense :p)
1. Talk more bollocks than I usually do (saying something)
2. Dance like a tw*t (but I don't care - dancing rules)
3. Order more drinks, despite dwindling cash and dwindling common sense
4. Come home and feel the urgent need to watch something on the telly - I have been known to watch films like Toy Story in randomly-spaced installments due to this habit.
5. Make a prick of myself more than usual in various situations
1. Have deep and meaningful conversation about the state of the world and how to sort it out.
2.Try to get
3. Come home and watch crap tv for about half an hour.
4. Get bored with tv try to kick ass on deathmatch
5. Start posting rubbish and picking fights on forums........pass out.
5. Sprawl on the couch and sleep
4. Slump in a chair and sleep
3. Play through Battletoads to the annoyance and/or fascination of all (2 of the 3 houses I usually hang out at)
2. Play waaaay better pool than I do when I'm sober
1. Maintain stupid conversations with girls that take me much further from getting laid than if I did nothing
el Chi said:
1. Talk more bollocks than I usually do (saying something)
2. Dance like a tw*t (but I don't care - dancing rules)
3. Order more drinks, despite dwindling cash and dwindling common sense
4. Come home and feel the urgent need to watch something on the telly - I have been known to watch films like Toy Story in randomly-spaced installments due to this habit.
5. Make a prick of myself more than usual in various situations
Me to the 'r'
Yeah - instead of me to a 't'

It's me to the 'r' - ComradeBadger


Like I said in the staff forum, I'm the wrong side of 6 pdps :O
to the r ?

so your multiplying yourself by the internal resistance of a battery ?

hmm you crazy!
Smoke pot.
Drink more.
Stumble aimlessly.
1) Listen music (Radiohead - Karma Police)
2) Talk to everybody
3) Run in boxer in the street
4) Try to get laid
5) Smoke pot
Listen to music
Talk to everyone and everything / call all the ppl in my phonebook, no matter the time :cheers:
Try to get laid / yell aloud when there's not enough good looking girls around :frown:
Talk crap to people in chat rooms and forums :D
Wait for the spinning to stop :x
Joims said:
to the r ?

so your multiplying yourself by the internal resistance of a battery ?

hmm you crazy!
To the 'r' .. i.e the end of ComradeBadger :|
CREMATOR666 said:
Tr0n? What about Tr0n? :O
The thread is asking what you do when im drunk...
I have a tendency to do Tr0n...
But, i think we've all been down that road at least once.
::caughs whore caughs::
1. try to get laid
2. try to get laid some more
3. remembering i wont remember anything so i try to get laid some more
4. smoke (a pack in less than an hour) prefferably while getting laid
5. go into coma if its new years (woke up in hospital in 2005) prefferably waking up laid and with a hot chick next to me in bed