The top three bands that rocked your world this year

Iron Kat

Space Core
Jan 15, 2007
Reaction score
Mine are (in this order) My Chemical Romance, 30 Seconds To mars, HIM.
Last year it was HIM, Muse, My Chemical Romance.
The Wallflowers, The Killers, The Smashing Pumpkins

...what? It's the same three every year.
The three bands/artists that have had the most impact on me this year are; The Sound of Animals Fighting, Squarepusher and Modest Mouse.

Or something similar.
In no particular order...

Streetlight Manifesto, Rage Against the Machine, Explosions In The Sky
My Chemical Romance, Breaking Benjamin, and Alexisonfire.

I stumbled across MCR while on youtube around this time last year. I had never heard of them before and I saw a video on the side panel with a guy dressed up in a white sheet. Turned out to be the prereleased music video for "Welcome to the Black Parade" and I was blown away.
My Chemical Romance, Breaking Benjamin, and Alexisonfire.

I stumbled across MCR while on youtube around this time last year. I had never heard of them before and I saw a video on the side panel with a guy dressed up in a white sheet. Turned out to be the prereleased music video for "Welcome to the Black Parade" and I was blown away.

So, are you going to be a dedicated My Chem fan, then? Because it's about time more MCR fans joined the forum! :p
Muse and Radiohead

Also discovered the briliance of the Beatles too.
Venetian Snares


I pretty much discovered or rediscovered those two this year, so that's that. I assume that's kinda what this thread meant. I don't have a third, but Aphex Twin is obviously frequently listened to throughout the year though nothing was really new to me.
So, are you going to be a dedicated My Chem fan, then? Because it's about time more MCR fans joined the forum! :p

Definitely! I love their stuff, amazing guitar work, insightful lyrics, just over all awesomeness. Their only flaw is that they are classified as an emo band, the meaning of which has been warped
NIN, Radiohead and... another band that went independent this year...
Maudlin of the Well and The Receiving End of Sirens
The Icarus Line, Muse, Black Rebel Motorcycle
Radiohead continued to impress, discovered Joanna Newsom and recently Animal Collective.
NIN, Queens of the Stone Age and Finger Eleven...

Pretty much all I've listened to this year.
In Rainbows by Radiohead rocked, or maybe gently soothed, my world more than any other CD this year. I also got into Modest Mouse and the Beach Boys, specifically Pet Sounds.
Tool, Queens of the Stone Age, Justice. The first two because I'd never owned an album by them or really paid attention to their singles until early this year, and the third because it's Justice.
Grizzly Bear, Muse and Amon Tobin.
Lol, MCR is f*cking terrible.


Radiohead, Elliott Smith, and the Wu-Tang Clan.
Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Camera Obscura, Cat Power.

There were more than those three though.

Streetlight Manifesto, Grandaddy, Johnathan Coulton
1. Porcupine Tree. Has quickly become my favorite band.
2. Muse.
3. Royksopp.
4. (**** top 3's) Jonathan Coulton. Quite a few awesome songs.
Lordi and Kiss. There weren't any other bands.

Shuki Levy rocked my world this year though, in that I discovered I've been listening to his work for the past 20 years and didn't even know it. The man sits on my pantheon of gods.
Aggrolites, Sarah McLachlan (i'm not ashamed), And Gogol Bordello.
TV on the Radio get a big shout out, too, with thanks to this forum.

Bands that specifically changed my year...


I'd also put Arctic Monkeys, Muse and Hadouken! up there but those obsessions bloomed in 2006 and have just carried over to this year, whilst the others started in 2006 and have really flourished this year. Next year there are quite a few to look out for also.

Ayo Hirano and affiliates
Jonathan Coulton

Do they have to be bands? I just list artists. :/
Incubus, Hoobastank, Foo fighters and just to add, Switchfoot

Modern day alternative rock always rocks my years and ears..

and apart from that, new bands I discovered this year that rocked my world are..

Porcupine Tree, Ghosts, Jamiroqui
TV on the Radio, same as last year.
I would say Thom Yorke/Radiohead (as one because I feel like The Eraser and In Rainbows really synergize)
and finally Akron/Family for revealing to me that I do in fact still like indie