The Torture Game 2


Sep 6, 2008
Reaction score
Now THIS is what i'd call a intense game! You get a roped ragdoll and you have to torture him with varierity of tools. Really sick game.

Made a pic of it.
Thread approved.

I could play with that all day long
oh pi...i've always had a thing for hairy men. ;)
am i seeing things? or did the hot naked girl turn into a bearded man in a hoodie?
Give me the link!! I seem to be developing a dangerous obsession with
bearded men!! in hoodies!!
old but quite silly.

Pi is a hunter!!!1

btw me wants tits back
More tits, Less Pi plz.

And then afterwards, more Pi.
I loled at having Newgrounds in the background of the video.
No, this game doesn't make you wanna torture people. But Fox News definitely makes me wanna torture people.
Interestingly enough that Fox News mentions that children can be desensitized by such images but when I was young the news programs were the best source of death and gross footage and still show footage of far worse than some stupid game and then try to claim the high moral ground.
So lemme get this straight. We have one video game that involves torturing and people are in arms about it, but there have been five Saw movies that revolve around torture and no-one bats an eye?

I'll tell you what I am getting desensitized to. Morons like this who choose to pick on games and use them as a scapegoat for all of today's problem with youth.
So lemme get this straight. We have one video game that involves torturing and people are in arms about it, but there have been five Saw movies that revolve around torture and no-one bats an eye?

I'll tell you what I am getting desensitized to. Morons like this who choose to pick on games and use them as a scapegoat for all of today's problem with youth.

C'mon .... the game is tasteless trash. Sure it's retarded to paint some random flash game some guy did as representing videogames ... but the mere fact that it's popular and has no point other than to torture someone is pretty interesting/news worthy.

The Saw movies aren't a great analogy because they give the viewer someone to identify with who isn't the torturer.

The funniest part about it to me was FOX News expressing their concerns that children are becoming numb to torture. The way it was said and in the context of the organization suggested they were more worried about the government losing out on effective interrogation techniques for these youths as opposed to any mental damage to the kid :p .
I totally agree that the game is trash, but I was expressing my frustration just because there is disturbing material in all forms of media, yet some people only seem to care about video games (yeah, I admit Saw probably wasnt a good comparison).