The Total War thread.


Dec 10, 2007
Reaction score
Is there anyone else who plays Total war titles? (Rome, Medieval 1&2 and Shogun).
I myself have been playing since shogun, not that great at it though must be said lol.
So, anyone?
I've played since the first Medieval. Great series, one of my all time faves.
Started with Rome and never looked back. Empire: Total War looks to blow every game ever out of the water.
Empire total war hopefully will be a success. not that the series has been going downhill, but i dont think Medieval 2 quite lived up to Romes Success.
Medieval was basically Rome with better graphics, with some improvements(ability to take prisoners and ransom them, merchants, return of the awesome assassin/ spy videos, better speeches) and some setbacks (recruiting soldiers doesn't bleed a town dry of citizens, can't decide who the faction heir is)

Right now, I'm playing the Roma Surrectum mod, which lets the Romans recruit 35 different legions. The new version(v 2) looks absolutely stunning and I can't wait for it's release (should be this summer):



Medieval was basically Rome with better graphics, with some improvements(ability to take prisoners and ransom them, merchants, return of the awesome assassin/ spy videos, better speeches) and some setbacks (recruiting soldiers doesn't bleed a town dry of citizens, can't decide who the faction heir is)
Did include some great new features. In Rome you could look at your cities in battle map fro and see peasants walking around, I wanted that in Med 2 :(
I've been playing them for a while. I hope they really polish Empires, because while the other games have been great, they generally require a lot of bug fixing and tweaking. In some cases it could do with better documentation as well. That said, no other RTS series out today has battles as engrossing as these games.
Did include some great new features. In Rome you could look at your cities in battle map fro and see peasants walking around, I wanted that in Med 2 :(

Plus you played as the Romans. The setting was a big draw for me.
I'm an absolute Total War fanboy. I would have to say my favorite is Medieval II, although Medieval (I) and Shogun had an absolutely mindblowing atmosphere and immersion on the campaign map that I think was lost in later sequels.

I will never forget my Americas campaign in Kingdoms: A genocidal whirlwind tour of Mexico, twenty-eight cities captured in thirty turns, baby! Hernan Cortes was transformed from an above-average general to a Warlord of Terror, Exterminator, and Merciless Conqueror by game's end. Good times :sigh:
I'm an absolute Total War fanboy. I would have to say my favorite is Medieval II, although Medieval (I) and Shogun had an absolutely mindblowing atmosphere and immersion on the campaign map that I think was lost in later sequels.

I will never forget my Americas campaign in Kingdoms: A genocidal whirlwind tour of Mexico, twenty-eight cities captured in thirty turns, baby! Hernan Cortes was transformed from an above-average general to a Warlord of Terror, Exterminator, and Merciless Conqueror by game's end. Good times :sigh:
I havent tried out the Americas campaign. Only Crusades and Teutonic. Worth a shot?
oh, haha i just remembered how awesome assassinating the Pope is in this game (no offence intended to any catholics.. :p)
I have always loved the total war series... though each one brings its own disappointments to me.
I had the first Shogun game. I skipped the Medieval series and got Rome.

I always get bored after a few battles. I also hate having to keep an eye on 4+ seperate units fighting at once.
I loved making scenarios. I set up 300 spartans all pimped out and set them against as many eastern soldiers as I could.
Guess what,
the Spartans won.

Also, Medieval was fun because of the shininess of armor and the really kickass cavalry charges. Makes me remember Warhammer Fantasy...
I loved making scenarios. I set up 300 spartans all pimped out and set them against as many eastern soldiers as I could.
Guess what,
the Spartans won.

Also, Medieval was fun because of the shininess of armor and the really kickass cavalry charges. Makes me remember Warhammer Fantasy...
Graphics had heavily improved in Med2, hopefully theyll focus on gameplay more than graphics in Empire.
I've played'em all, all I wish is that there was a way to let the AI fully control your own force too, so you could just watch the battles.:p
I've played'em all, all I wish is that there was a way to let the AI fully control your own force too, so you could just watch the battles.:p
If you select all your troops, then group them, there is a button you can toggle to make them AI controlled.
Parky, it doesn't work the same as total AI control, infact its alot more retarded.:p
I havent tried out the Americas campaign. Only Crusades and Teutonic. Worth a shot?

I highly recommend it. New Spain all the way! It's the only campaign where it's actually historically accurate for one faction to go around steamrollering anything that gets in its way.

The strategy for New Spain is just...attack...always. If Cortes doesn't get 10 Dread fast, you're doing it wrong. Kill them all, slaughter the prisoners, exterminate the cities, send merchants to grab the gold and money will never, ever be a problem. Raise as many armies as you can, offensive to the maximum, kill, crush, destroy. Leave none alive.

Everything a Total War game should be. ;)

Empire has great potential. Improve Battle and Campaign AI, give me the graphics of the new games and the atmosphere of the old ones, it'll be the end-all and the be-all...
I've played Rome and Medieval 2, and loved both of them. Although I have to say I'm really looking forward to Empires, the real-time ship battles, and the time period in general should make for an extremely good game (I hope.), plus you get to play as Colonial Americans.
The strategy for New Spain is just...attack...always. If Cortes doesn't get 10 Dread fast, you're doing it wrong. Kill them all, slaughter the prisoners, exterminate the cities, send merchants to grab the gold and money will never, ever be a problem. Raise as many armies as you can, offensive to the maximum, kill, crush, destroy. Leave none alive.

Everything a Total War game should be. ;)

Hehehe, you've described exactly why I like that campaign so much. Exterminate!
Played Shogun when it first came out and really enjoyed it. Wasn't so struck on MTW because they shifted the turn to yearly tbh. Romes sitting in my to be played pile atm...
Rome: Total War and Medieval: TW 1 consumed my life for months on end.

"Oh, just another turn."
Fired up one of my Kingdoms save games yesterday evening, one in The Crusades where I play as the Egyptians. Roleplaying in this scenario is so friggin' cool. Right now I have a Jihad army in front of the walls of Antioch with a another army of Turkish allies about to arrive. I had to sacrifice Damascus to make the march on Antioch possible but the battle that is about to begin, seems to be worth it.
The Mongols have just appeared in my Crusades campaign playing as Turkey. Shoot me now please.
The Mongols have just appeared in my Crusades campaign playing as Turkey. Shoot me now please.

You know those castles on the eastern edge of Turkey? Turtle the hell out of that region and put full stacks in all of them. You can hold them off that way and protect the western part of your empire.

The eastern part is screwed.

Edit: Yay 28 Factions!
You know those castles on the eastern edge of Turkey? Turtle the hell out of that region and put full stacks in all of them. You can hold them off that way and protect the western part of your empire.

The eastern part is screwed.

Edit: Yay 28 Factions!
Which mod is that?
btw the mongols have just wandered past my settlements. hmm. hopefully antioch will be attacked instead of me.
btw the mongols have just wandered past my settlements. hmm. hopefully antioch will be attacked instead of me.

Noooeeees. Do fend 'em off. I am hoping the Turks will take the brunt of the Mongol invasion, although they will probably wtfpwn all my northern territories.
Noooeeees. Do fend 'em off. I am hoping the Turks will take the brunt of the Mongol invasion, although they will probably wtfpwn all my northern territories.
Try playing as Russia on VH/VH. thats a bloody challenge.
Which mod is that?
btw the mongols have just wandered past my settlements. hmm. hopefully antioch will be attacked instead of me.

Stainless Steel Mod
Post a pic of your Empire. If the Mongols are attacking Antioch, they're going to travel through Turkey next.
Screenies here.
Edit: Dunno why they resized. nvm

Been playing total war since Shogun: Total war came out, jeeeeeesus I fell in love with it, it was the greatest ever.

Played a little Medieval:TW but not much tbh.

Played Rome total war tons, downloaded the Rome: Total Realism mod, which just made it perfectsauce.

Got medieval II: TW, tis alright to. I had most fun on my modded RTW and STW+Mongol Invasion.

Never bought expansion packs for the other games.