The traditional 'What's on your christmas list?' thread

Suicide42 said:
no im buying it with my own money ;)

and farrow, this may sound immature, but lego is the most fun toy in the entire universe. the next best thing is trying to bould a house out of bricks in HL2 ;) i still remember that i used to build uge castles with trap doors and such. i wish i hadnt sold mine, if i still had it i would re-create the HL2DM levels IN LEGO!!!
On the contrary, its not immature :D

No really, the building blocks are just pieces of plastic, what you make of them is up to you. Now admittedly I usually opt for crazy guns which use elastic bands to launch misslies into ranks of Lego men, but you can really make some cool stuff with Lego :D

I still have every Lego model I've ever bought or been given...minus a few bricks of course ;) Every couple of years I just get a big urge to go back to it and I lay it all out and try to make new things.

Anyway, moving away from my Lego obession :P

I suppose I should give people a clue of what they might be able to buy me. I know what I'm getting for my friends, but I don't have any ideas as to what I'm getting for my family.
Me and my Dad are getting a new slimline PSTwo (He wants the new Isle of Mann TT game...I want all the others :P)

I'm also getting a old fashioned light for my bike in the style of a mining lamp, and some gloves to go. Oh, I'm getting like £50 for iTunes, too, from relatives.
Some games.
A new car. (Maybe that Mini Cooper S I was hoping for :D )
i want a computer and cable internet, but those arent reasonable xmas gifts.

i'll probably get a video camcorder or something.
Ryjalon5k said:
i'll probably get a video camcorder or something.
Ooooooooh, that's something else I really want! A mini-DV cam! So expensive, though. ;(
-My mom not drunk
-My parents to not stress out and then lose it(like they usually do)
-xmas to end as fast as possible
-clothes I guess...
Anything I really want is too expensive to ask for.
Clothess mainly, maybe the odd tenner here and there, nothing much really. I never really get anything big for christmas anymore, the last big thing I got was me electric guitar, but I just enjoy the christmasy feel if you get me :p There's nothing like your whole family crowded round your huge dining table with a huuuuge meal up ahead :D, and the tele's always decent around then too :)

Oh, and I must admit I've been thinking of getting a new drumkit, seeing as I sold my old one for the money, now I'm having my regrets, my "studio" isn't complete without me drumkit. But a decent set of Pearl Exports would set my parents back around 500 squid, and although they may buy it for me if I asked (I'm a spoilt git) I'd really rather not get them, I'd feel so selfish and just...erm..I'd just rather not pretty much force my parents into buying some as they're too kind to say no if you know what I mean, I just feel I'm taking advantage of them or summet. lol ANYWAY..
damn j00 farrow!! youver persuaded me to love lego again!!

i might look in my friday ad and see if there are any jumbo buckets of lego for sale fore a tenner or

*snaps out of it*

must control temptations... yes, i will SAVE my money, and not buy lego. *repeats to self*
Hmm, stuff that's on my Christmas list that I'm probably going to be getting: new video card, new hard drive, another stick of 512mb RAM, and probably a few new PS2 and PC Games. Some of which will be UT2004, Doom 3, Killzone, and Max Payne 2. I'll probably get them before Christmas though, but that's how we do things around here.

edit: I'm sure I'll get new clothes and some other junk too. hehe

Half life 2
random stuff ill need for uni (need to start collecting up some junk)
MP3 player maybe, something small and cheap-ish
Clothes maybe
Snow (/me hopes)
and many other things that i am undecided on

I'd quite like clothes, aftershave and a fcuk watch
Trendy bastard :p
I want:

WGP trilogy Autococker
My ipod back! (it malfunctioned, so i sent it to apple)
I'm getting this soon, too, which it my Christmas/Birthday present :D Gonna be getting it before Christmas though
I know I'm getting a Soviet pocket-watch - that ought to look great :)
CTTcrew_MrBlue said:
Clothes and some more tropical fish (:

Somebody else puts FISH on their wishlist! :eek: Amazing!

My dad just bought a graphics card without me asking; I guess when I tried to play some game demo and there was a giant blue triangle across the sky, he was convinced that the old graphics card wouldn't quite work with any new games..... But now, I can actually play games on my computer!!

Anyways, I feel kinda bad about my dad buying the graphics card, so I've decided that my wishlist will look like this:

Christmas Wishlist!!!
1)Fish food (wardley's slow-sinking goldfish crumbles!)
2)Fish food (tetramin flake food!)
For my fish.....

I even told my sister not to get Half-Life 2 for me unless she really wants to, since the price will be lower around, errr, next Christmas :x. It was one of those moments of temporary insanity. Oh well. Maybe she'll get me the fish food. That would be a cool gift. I bet nobody else gets fish food for Christmas :E.
:naughty: All I want is some clothes and some new PC stuff. But, I really want a wide collection of Slip-On Vans, heh. My new hobby is collecting Slip-On Vans =) <3.
1) My mom's cure
2) Peace in the world
3) A snowboard (just the board)
4) A book named "Rare Earth : Why complex life is uncommun in the Universe?"
5) Rome: Total War
6) Pants, T-shirts
7) A lock for my door (I won't say why)
the only thing i want is world of warcraft..and a carbon fiber trunk for my rsx
el Chi said:
I know I'm getting a Soviet pocket-watch - that ought to look great :)
Heh I thought about buying something like that...but when I saw it, it turned out to be a really cheesy looking red and silver thing with a hammer and sickle on it....It was probably a casio.
Meh all I want is to have a proper christmas, right down to the corny music and the lights and decorations everywhere, and to get up early to watch sappy christmas cartoons from years ago. Oh and Return of the King Special Edition to finally complete my lil collection and then watch em all in one go :p
Some new clothes, more prep stuff, wearing rock t-shirts all the time gets boring.

Also an Ipod, EverQuest 2, and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas on DVD
Lord of the Rings - Return of the Kings extended special edition box set, then i'll have them all :D

Sony PSP ... ok, so i probably have to import that one for myself, but i was among the first to preorder at lik sang, so it should be ok :P
really nice soundcard
and a really nice 5.1 speakers

i doubt i'lll get it, but it does not hurt to ask
List?! I don't have a list! ;(

Guess I'm like Simmo...
I have no idea what i want for christmas.

I was thinking of either WoW or KOTOR 2
A Seiko movement powered watch. Those things are freakin' sweet.

That's all I need for now.
I want Roller Coaster Tycoon 3, I enjoyed the first two
Thats it except maybe some money

I've been wanting a parrot that I could teach to talk for about five yars but I didnt put it on my list because, well, I wont get it
Maybe I could get a small bird but the cats would eat it :( I've been wanting a bird for a long time
The Dark Elf said:
get up early to watch sappy christmas cartoons

YES!!! :D That's the spirit of christmas to me. And yeah, I mean the cartoons, not just getting up early :P

Erm, I'm hoping for new drumheads for my kit, the stock ones kinda blow.
Welll... Currently mine is:

A wide conversion lense for my camera
Chocolate, lot's of it
and... uh... ?
Well traditionally its these little bricks with lumps and holes on, and they slot together. Of course now you can get all sorts of Lego.

May it be, that there are no green bricks at all? At least at the time I collected lego...

On the contrary, its not immature

Bad^Hat said:
YES!!! :D That's the spirit of christmas to me. And yeah, I mean the cartoons, not just getting up early :P

Erm, I'm hoping for new drumheads for my kit, the stock ones kinda blow.
It just ain't christmas without the sappy christmas toons. Oooooh and there has to be ALL the different versions of a Christmas Carol too, including Scrooged.. I love all those movies that were made for that story.
Damn you Dark elf, it would be so in character if you were some sort of super scrooge (or however you spell it :p) but damn you had to change into the pr0n loving moderator instead didnt you? :P you ruined the image of you going around town telling everyone to bugger off and stealing presents off people :D