The Transformers Thread

Oh, yes, I noticed that. But Beast Wars tried new things, you know?
Well that's because it was the second series. Whatever Mainframe did was either going to be new or a rehash of the old. And then the Japanese got ahold of the license and they started trying "new things" as well, producing three terrible series (four if you count THEIR Beast Wars, which never aired here). Also Beast Machines tried to do new things and that wasn't as well-received.

So with this one, they gave it a new story but borrowed plot elements from G1 and the movie, set it up in a Beast Wars format (individual episodes, overarching plot), and they've thrown some new stuff in there. One thing I like about the new series is the portayal of the characters; in previous series they were all explorers and warriors. They were equipped for battle. In this one they're just simple workers; they don't have guns or missiles or advanced weaponry. That's radically different; in this, Prime's not even important to the Autobots as a race, he's just the leader of a space bridge crew.

Also the Decepticons are shown to be as powerful as they are SUPPOSED to be. All the human villains are in the show to give the Autobots a hard time, but set up people they can defeat, so that when the Decepticons appear you see how vastly stronger they are. And that's new too, because the two factions have always been on equal footing in terms of skill, with the Autobots always prevailing. But in the first episode...well, just take a look at what Starscream did alone.

So this series is taking bits and pieces but it's also trying a lot of new concepts. I'm enjoying the hell out of it; really captures the spirit of the old shows.
The movie Transformer is a very good movie .I think that it so interesting.
God, I watched Five Faces of Darkness, part 5 last night. The animation was so shit. I guess that's what you get for sending it to Korea. I'm pretty sure I spotted Superion (same size as all the other transformers around) and Rodimus in a group of Decepticons, the Constructicons on top of Metroplex with some Autobots cheering at the arrival of Metroplex's transforming cog. The transforming cog itself changed shape a few times, from a spherical white gadget into an actual black cog. The sky kept messing up during the close-ups too; showing an Earth sky while on Io and a view of outer-space while on Earth. And I saw two Cyclonoses flying away together with a group of Sweeps too.

The only episode from after the film that had good animation was Call of the Primitives, or something like that. The animation was really good, unfortunatly the story sucked. It's the episode with Primacron.

BTW, if you look at the start of one episode in season 3, Chaos in C Minor I think it's called, near the start Galvatron makes a perfect D: face. I found it quite funny. Also, I think at one part of that episode the Autobots drop Metroplex on top of Devistator, which is rather funny.
I hate Five Faces of Darkness. I hate the story, the "Quintessons created the Transformers" thing. Plus, speaking of part 5, during the movie when the Decepticons were slaughtering the Autobots they should have killed Warpath. God I can't stand Warpath, with all his, "BAM! Zap-bam-booey!" shit. I wish Trypticon would've smashed him to pieces.

Riomhaire said:
And I saw two Cyclonoses
Dude, one of those was Armada! That and Blitzwing are the only things that stop me from saying I hate everything about Five Faces of Darkness. Armada's so cool; he was Skywarp once.

Everytime there's an animation error and you see two Cyclonuses, one of them's Armada.
I don't remember Armada at all :O

What's wrong with the Quintessons creating the Transformers? It makes bloody sense. Sure, it may not be as cool a backstory as the Transformers being the result of a multidimensional clash between two gods, but I liked it. The only thing I didn't like about it is how it contradicted previous flashbacks.
I just never got down on it. After the comic explanation everything else was just bleh. That being said I like the quintessons themselves; I've got a fanmade quintesson figure that's the bee's knees.

Also, nobody remembers Armada; he's an animation error:

1:17 - Three Sweeps
1:24 - "Cyclonus, the warrior, and his armada."
1:27 - Where'd the teeny, tiny fourth Sweep come from?
1:56 - Where'd Armada go? OH SHI


...until Five Faces of Darkness.
Hahahaha. Darkside you are bloody nuts :laugh:

BTW, how many Sweeps are there? I used to think there were 6 (including Scourge) but then I heard in one episode a Sweep being refered to as Sweep #7.

Edit: Seems like only 4 in that video but I'm sure the show had more Sweeps than that on, and not just for animation errors.

Edit: Damn you Darkside! The music in that video reminds me of Deus Ex, and now I want to install it again, but my disc is many miles away in a city!
Tons. They seem to have the Insecticons' ability to clone themselves.
That makes sense. Weren't they built from one of the insecticons and his clones? You can't really see in that video; the qualities too bad.
Yeah, Scourge was Thundercracker and the Sweeps were Kickback and Shrapnel.

Cyclonus was Bombshell and Armada was Skywarp.
The Autobots' (in)ability to fly is so inconsistant. I saw the first episode the other day. They all fly in it. Then they all can't fly except for a few. Then in season 3 they fly all the time. Then in the last episode of season 3 they can't fly. CURSE YOU WRITING & ANIMATING STAFF!
Foolish Earth police, no cell can hold Megatron. He'll be back on the street dealing within hours.