The True Napster 2.0


Oct 9, 2003
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Okay...Is the cat really back?- Not even close.

The day i opened my email and found a email from Napster about a month before the offical release I was sooo excited. I've been picked to beta test Napster 2.0! I got their download link and happily opened Napster!

I was so WOWED by the new Napster I was telling everyone "OMGZ)R NAPSTER OWNESSSS" Okay, maybe not really those words but something like that.

I tried Napster, I read their E-Zine, Listened to 30-sec clips. Then i found a thing Saying:
**Get Napster Premium Now!**
Only $9.95/month

I was so happy because my last service, Rhapsody, offered the same and since Napster promised the largest music database in the world i went straight to my credit card! I was happily entering my information then i got the receipt page saying "Welcome to Napster Premium!"

I went jumping around the house cause "The cat is back!" I had access to all these songs :bounce:...right?

After a week of Napster use I really hate Napster.
Remember the Unlimited Downloads/Steamings?
well thats a total lie.

Here are the facts about Napster Premium:
*Downloads on only older songs/unpopulated songs This way Napster can make you buy the new song for 99cents even though you already paid 10$
*They only stream old songs - Sorry, New songs are only a 30 sec clip! Buy the song Now! - After paying 10$ do you think I want to pay another 99cents for a song? I thought it said Unlimited Downloads/Streaming?
*When you stream a song it plays at 80 KB/S - CD Quality is 128KB/S so when you stream a song it sounds like its coming off a staticy radio.

So I can't tell you enough how Napster ripped me and many other pissed off customers - They offer message boards for Premium users and they are all flooded with mad customers.

Dont get ripped off like I did! Boycot Napster! Dont waste your money.

The Cat Is NOT Back.

well, 128 isn't cd quality....

and **** napster, cause they won't let me buy shit because im in canada!!

and uh, the premium shit is lame, i wouldn't even bother with that before, and now after reading this i surely won't.
Thats what happens when the RIAA don't like us sharing.

The revolution is too big, they'll never win..

128 Is cd quality..sometimes higher or lower.

I tried Napster and Rhapsody and if you really want to buy music I recommend Rhapsody.

They dont lie, You get unlimited streamings at Cd quality for only 10$

As for me, Im tired of all this crap until they pass a bill allowing us to share files you can find me listening to my new XMpcr Satellite Radio.
128 is not cd quality, i can hear the difference between 128 and a real cd easily, and i dont have excellent hearing by any means!

but whatever, mp3 sucks anyways, ogg vorbis is the future.
wa wa wa?!?!?!?!?
/me looks into claims you are right.....
i dunno... what to say, I....
hah, thats proposterous! paying money for music! ROFL! who would want to support artists for their work anyway, i mean its not like they are trying to make a living or anything!
192, or 160 is best. I usually try those before anything else.
It depends .. there is some music which isn't gona sound good unless it's like 256 kbps
Originally posted by poseyjmac
hah, thats proposterous! paying money for music! ROFL! who would want to support artists for their work anyway, i mean its not like they are trying to make a living or anything!

Define "make a living"?

If you mean owning more then 3 cars priced over 50,000$ each, a home in the Beverly Hill's with an inground pool, a monthly income of more then what you or I will make in 5 years.

Well then, I think they're struggling very hard with their lifestyle. :rolleyes:

You people who pity Rock/Movie/Pop stars really should be shamed. I think you need to worry about families who live by the weekly pay checks to try and make ends meet, rather then if 'P Daddy Big Bow' get's another million for cd sales.
Originally posted by Sn7
Define "make a living"?

If you mean owning more then 3 cars priced over 50,000$ each, a home in the Beverly Hill's with an inground pool, a monthly income of more then what you or I will make in 5 years.

Well then, I think they're struggling very hard with their lifestyle. :rolleyes:

You people who pity Rock/Movie/Pop stars really should be shamed. I think you need to worry about families who live by the weekly pay checks to try and make ends meet, rather then if 'P Daddy Big Bow' get's another million for cd sales.

So you think its ok to steal from the Rich then? They made their money because they chose that sort of work, if people keep punishing the successful then their just gonna stop and then you've got nothing left to steal, unless you made your own stuff, but then people will steal from you and I don't think you'd like that.. just the same as those mod makers out there who are using stolen software. should see them bitch when their work is stolen, funny that, how they think its ok to steal from someone else but when it happens to them its a whole other story
Artists usually dont make much money on the CD sales compared to the merchandise and concerts they come up with. Buying a CD means that the RIAA will get most of it.
The fat cats sitting in their mens clubs smoking cigars and looking down on everyone from behind their handlebar moustaches are the ones who benefit from your taxes, mortgages etc. Will you all stop paying for that too? Or does it only apply when you think you can get away with it.
I'm of the opinion that P2P has actually helped the music industry, so I don't put much stock in all the whining they do. If your music sucks, and people can find that out before they buy, its much more likely that your sales will be bad.
Theres already at least one thread on that topic we might want to keep it out of here.
Originally posted by Direwolf
I'm of the opinion that P2P has actually helped the music industry, so I don't put much stock in all the whining they do. If your music sucks, and people can find that out before they buy, .

They have radio stations for that, and all those MTV type cable channels, and top of the pops and other crap like that on TV. Plenty of chance to hear the latest rubbish instead of downloading it illegally
the record companies get most of the money from cd sales. The RIAA was against the radio when it appeared too you know. Stop radios, stop music piracy. Same thing going on. They don't care about the artists, they're getting almost all the money from cd sales. You're supporting THEM.
It's like the FBI warning on movies when you rent them...

"Do not distrubite illegally under penalty of law and subject to.. blah blah"

What that means is you can share it with your friends, but if you sell it for profit then you've broken the law. The thing that pisses the RIAA off, is that none of us are selling it for profit, and we are just sharing.

On a side note, I'll bet Fenric1138 is a republican. You sure seem to love the rich and famous. By all means, I think when need to start a donation for JayZ, his cd got out on the net early so he'll probably be having a hard time feeding the family.. *rolleyes
Originally posted by Sn7
192, or 160 is best. I usually try those before anything else.
Those arent actually the best. The lossless forms are but then agian i would never go above 192 anyway so yeah.

I think im the only one who likes napster 2.0. Of course i dont use that premium bull shit. But i mean 9.95 per album is so much better than 15 or 16. and most albums there are only about 4 good songs per album since the recording industry is into pumping out shit to sell. And the recording industry, theres no point in resisting. Too big to beat, im just gonna enjoy my .99 music
Flame away.
Yea willyd. I know what you mean. but the Premium service is a fake..

BTW Rhapsody has music for 79cents and albums for 10$

Okay. Lets clear some things and get back on topic.
CD Quality is 320KBS
MP3 is 128KBS
Napster plays at around 80kbs... which is really low

Thehunter your funny :P

*Back on topic*
Originally posted by Sn7
Define "make a living"?

If you mean owning more then 3 cars priced over 50,000$ each, a home in the Beverly Hill's with an inground pool, a monthly income of more then what you or I will make in 5 years.

Well then, I think they're struggling very hard with their lifestyle. :rolleyes:

You people who pity Rock/Movie/Pop stars really should be shamed. I think you need to worry about families who live by the weekly pay checks to try and make ends meet, rather then if 'P Daddy Big Bow' get's another million for cd sales.

first you don't know how much money i make, so you can just include yourself in the bracket that doesn't make as much as they do in 5 years.

second, people that live by weekly paychecks aren't utilizing their full potential, and dont believe they can ever be rich, so they succumb to a life of mediocrity. so no i dont favor these people over rockstars. they are all the same to me. they all do their job, their work differs in value, but they all deserve what they get. a rockstar believed he could do something great deserves what he gets. someone who gets a job at a burger joint deserves what he gets, because he didn't think he could do better.

i dont pity rock stars or movie stars, i just think there is nothing special about them over other people. there are people in the movie business, and music business that work harder than people that try and get by every week working at burger king. so in this example, some people that get their paychecks from burger king don't deserve it, and it should be taken away in the same way you think rock stars dont deserve their cars. but it can go the other way around of course.

you earn what you deserve in life. if you flip a burger, you will get paid for it accordingly. if you make a hit album, you will get paid for it accordingly. do you think rock stars would be rich if any joe shmoe could make a hit album?

making an album is a small example, i know how the music scene works nowadays, and that many bands dont write their own stuff anyway. i was just using it as an example.
Someone probably already posted this, but I have to get ready for school.

Artists only get like $1 out of about $15 you pay for their album...they make very little money off of every cd they sell. They make more of their money from concerts. I don't think many artists really have a problem with downloading's mainly the recording companies because they're the ones losing all the money. Artists just want you to hear the music so you will go see them live.

ps: i don't mind downloading music because I wouldn't BUY IT anyways. Ever...I swear to god. I wouldn't even listen to music if it wasn't for Napster...I was like, free music? Might as well give it a shot.
yes but you are experiencing an intellectual property that you legally don't possess a right to do so, so not only is it illegal, it isn't fair to someone who might have worked very hard to release this material.

and also, not all record deals are the same, some artists get a crapload of money from cd sales. it all depends on the artist. so your blanket statement means nothing. its a weak defense supporting piracy. have a nice day at school. maybe you'll learn something about copyright infringment or maybe even *gasp* ethics.
Stealing from the rich isn't right, but they wouldn't have lost so much if they didn't charge out the ass for a CD.
Originally posted by Fenric1138
They have radio stations for that, and all those MTV type cable channels, and top of the pops and other crap like that on TV. Plenty of chance to hear the latest rubbish instead of downloading it illegally

Um radio stations don't play albums for a start.

Put it this way: If I could download an album for £7.99 or song for 79p and freely distribute it to CDs (for backup) and my iPod and my laptop for work etc. then I would buy it.

But I can't.

The music industry needs to get with the times, if they think piracy is killing them then they are gravely mistaken.
Originally posted by babywax
Stealing from the rich isn't right, but they wouldn't have lost so much if they didn't charge out the ass for a CD.

whos they? if the artists had their way, Cds wouldn't be so expensive. the truth is, when you pirate music, you are screwing over many many people all the way from the CEO of the record label, to the janitor at the label, to the artist. the artist and mid level jobs shouldn't have to suffer because you think its just one person controlling everything. get educated
An excellent essay on the topic (note the author):
I don't know about anyone else, but I have a few hundred MP3s on my HDD (from both me and my siblings). And I still buy music. The difference is that I'm a more discerning buyer than I was before. I don't buy stuff unless I know its decent, but I'm also much more willing to invest the cash when its worth it.
In addition, the availability of music is solely responsible for broadening my horizons, and many other's too. I'd never have stumbled on the classic of Dylan, the creativity of Pink Floyd, and the width and depth of the Beatle's works were it not for Napster and its incarnations.
And lastly, the "just listen to the radio/music video" argument is laughable. Those two forms represent about .1% of all music, and lack both quality and the ability to listen on demand.
Everytime copyright law has butted up against technology (records/radio/cable/VHS/Tivo), the law is always altered because you can't reverse technology. All of a sudden the RIAA steps foreward and tries to deny this, and to legally harass anyone in their way.
But long live iTunes. :D
Wow...thats pretty crazy too. I know that Canada has had a very similar setup forever.
Another reason why I hate cats... they're such pussies. *cough* SCARED OF RIAA... *cough*
They, meaning the people who set the prices. If they HAVE to charge $20 or whatever to make a profit, then they need to downsize their company. That's just silly. They used to never cost more than $5. The value of the dollar hasn't been divided by 4 in 30 years.
Originally posted by NSPIRE
Another reason why I hate cats... they're such pussies. *cough* SCARED OF RIAA... *cough*
Hell yeahs im scared of the RIAA. They would sue enough people just to earn a nice revenue. Ive got too much to lose. Problem is that politically they have too much money backing them. Where the other side has none. What I hope happens is that one of these philanthropists (spelling?) sues RIAA for the things metioned in that link that crax gave.
Until then I'm going Napster and paying my bullshit fees to the RIAA because I really want my music and fortunately I can afford it.
Originally posted by poseyjmac
first you don't know how much money i make, so you can just include yourself in the bracket that doesn't make as much as they do in 5 years.

second, people that live by weekly paychecks aren't utilizing their full potential, and dont believe they can ever be rich, so they succumb to a life of mediocrity. so no i dont favor these people over rockstars. they are all the same to me. they all do their job, their work differs in value, but they all deserve what they get. a rockstar believed he could do something great deserves what he gets. someone who gets a job at a burger joint deserves what he gets, because he didn't think he could do better.

i dont pity rock stars or movie stars, i just think there is nothing special about them over other people. there are people in the movie business, and music business that work harder than people that try and get by every week working at burger king. so in this example, some people that get their paychecks from burger king don't deserve it, and it should be taken away in the same way you think rock stars dont deserve their cars. but it can go the other way around of course.

you earn what you deserve in life. if you flip a burger, you will get paid for it accordingly. if you make a hit album, you will get paid for it accordingly. do you think rock stars would be rich if any joe shmoe could make a hit album?

making an album is a small example, i know how the music scene works nowadays, and that many bands dont write their own stuff anyway. i was just using it as an example.

Haha, you are wrong on so many levels that I won't even say anything about half of them..

The one that gets me though is when you said, "people that live by weekly paychecks aren't utilizing their full potential, and dont believe they can ever be rich, so they succumb to a life of mediocrity."

Umm yea. In order to 'break-out' as you seem to imply requires money!! Tadaa! Switch on!

There isn't a day goes by I don't think I can be rich, that don't mean it will happen. We all have stupid inventions that we make up and can't do anything about.

And, my family and I don't succumb to a life of mediocrity, as you so tactlessly put it. We're forced into it by tax, rising price's and lowering wages. Our rent is 450$ a month for a one room apartment that is freezing because the heat doesnt work correctly, we park on the street, and our front door is 10ft from main st... But, thats right... We choose to live here, I could move to Holloywood anytime I wish.. *rolleyes

You are the epitimy of selfishness, and you live only for yourself. You motto is probably "screw my fellow human beings, they are below my level, therefor they a not worth my time."

There is a great quote that, the author I sadly have forgotten:

"Watch who you step on during your way to the top, because you'll pass them on your way back down."
Originally posted by Sn7
Haha, you are wrong on so many levels that I won't even say anything about half of them..

The one that gets me though is when you said, "people that live by weekly paychecks aren't utilizing their full potential, and dont believe they can ever be rich, so they succumb to a life of mediocrity."

Umm yea. In order to 'break-out' as you seem to imply requires money!! Tadaa! Switch on!

There isn't a day goes by I don't think I can be rich, that don't mean it will happen. When all have stupid inventions that we make up and can't do anything about.

And, my family and I don't succumb to a life of mediocrity, as you so tactlessly put it. We're forced into it by tax, rising price's and lowering wages. Our rent is 450$ a month for a one room apartment that is freezing because the heat doesnt work correctly, we park on the street, and our front door is 10ft from main st... But, thats right... We choose to live here, I could move to Holloywood anytime I wish.. *rolleyes

You are the epitimy of selfishness, and you live only for yourself. You motto is probably "screw my fellow human beings, they are below my level, therefor they a not worth my time."

I reccomend the book, "The millionaire next door" because i think the ideas fromt that book are what poseyjmac means.

I think hes saying that some people spend all of their money and use none of it for investing or anything like that. Living hand to mouth will keep you hand to mouth.
WillyD: Counter suites are being filed frequently. Almost all the big broadband providers are counter suing, as well as a few class action/individuals I believe.
Originally posted by Direwolf
WillyD: Counter suites are being filed frequently. Almost all the big broadband providers are counter suing, as well as a few class action/individuals I believe.

Really? Sweet. Im going to have to look in to that because I really hope they can win.