The truth about mcdonalds *LONG READ(S)*


May 25, 2003
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"McDonald’s!! I’m Hating It....Mcdonalds worker"

Ever since the new campaign for McDonald’s came out… my new saying is this:
”McDonald’s!! I’m Hating It”

Ok kiddies, what I’m about to tell you is either true or my opinion, and I think you will know the difference between them. When I get done with this, not only will you not want to work at McDonald’s you will probably not want to eat their ever again.

Let me just say how crooked, low life’s this company is… and I mean the franchisees and the corp., that when I found this website, I just had to write about the golden arches!
Ok, so its true that maybe some McDonalds out there are not so bad, but in southern California, this is definitely not the case!

When I was 17, I was in high school and really needed a job, so I applied in different places, and I didn’t want to go to McDonalds from the beginning but I was getting desperate as no one would hire me because I was a minor. Ok, so I was hired at McDonald’s. During the time that I was cashier, it was actually ok, I went in, did about 5 hours, all that I needed at the time. The managers all yelled, always complaining about how labor was too high sending people home, and most of the managers were girls, except for like one guy, and for the 2 years that Ive been working here ive only seen 1 guy manager. When I turned 18 that year, I asked to have the day off for my birthday and they denied it, they immediately put me to close (which was when you have to stay until like 1:30 in the morning, ON MY BIRTHDAY… I was pissed off, but they said that since I was 18 I was allowed to stay, “oh I guess the government says im allowed to stay”, what about me! After that they put me on the grill, which was where you made the food. The food at this restaurant was bad, I mean really bad, we really had to hurry to make the food, and if we didn’t make the food by 35 seconds, the managers would complain to us, which would be all the time. Why do you think the hamburgers don’t look like the pictures on the menu… because we just throw them together and when we have secret shoppers, they grade our restaurants, for the ugly food and our ugly lobby, and bad customer service. And everyone gets yelled at for it for everything, what do the people who make the food have anything to do with the lobby being clean? No one washes their hands and they touch dirty surfaces and go back to making food right away. At this McDonalds you will often find the managers chatting, while the crew is working, and when something goes wrong, or the drive thru line gets packed, they get all angry, but then their dumb asses don’t realize that they are supposed to be supervising. In fact, I got yelled at a bunch of times because they kept forgetting to give me 10 minute breaks, (which is supposed to be their job right?) they said that they will pay the breaks back to me, which they never do, they always say, what do you mean, we don’t owe you anything!

This is where it gets worse, At McDonalds there are timed cabinets that tell us when we are supposed to throw away food, well, guess what, do we throw anything away, no, the managers look at the food, and say well, its still good enough to eat, let it sit there a little longer… At night especially, and i can say that is true of ALL McDonalds, the floor will be messy, and food will be on the ground all over the place.. the burgers look WORSE than what they look like during the day. Most of the crew is Mexican, except for like 2 Asians, and a couple of them don’t even speak English, so guess what they do? Wash dishes, and make food, and some of them work at 12 am to 8 am just cleaning, for like 8.00 an hour, which may I say is horrible work, for all the grease they have to clean up. Nothing personal, but the ones that cant speak English are really old, and they work on the food, once I saw a old lady with nails that were really dirty and really long, and I told a manager, and they did nothing about it, because she might quit and they need people to wash dishes and make food at 11:30 at night.

Ever notice that at night, McDonalds take hell longer than during the day? Because the managers send almost everyone home to save labor, so there is only 1 or 2 managers and like 3 crew members, who do all the work (cheap asses). At night they will use one person to do all the dishes, if you ever saw the size of that mountain of dishes you would faint…! Usually they always use older people and minority’s, all the time that ive been there, ALWAYS it’s the same person washing dishes from like 7 PM to like 12 AM, I swear it.

After a while they taught me how to clean the grills, where the food is made, and OMG, the grease that comes out of there is SO NASTY, that you would throw up if you saw it, which I almost did when I saw it for the first time, if you don’t believe me or you want to see for yourself, go to a McDonalds and sneak into the area where they keep their dumpsters, and they should have a barrel, either black or dark green with a loose lid, and look inside of it, and you will see exactly what comes out of the food you EAT. If you can find it, try another store, some stores keep their grease barrel locked up, or don’t use one.

At a new store where I was transferred, they always have something expired and the managers always have to be told when something is expired or else we keep selling it. For example, once I saw a box of our new Milk jugs being expired, and my manager told me to mix the milk in a bucket with our shake mix and pour it into the ice cream machine and the shake machine.

By this time you are wondering, well how does this guy know that all of this happens in all McDonalds, because I work at THREE different ones, count them 3, and the same shit happens in all 3 of them, that’s how (well, maybe there are some exceptions, but ive seen the same thing no matter where I go).

The worst part is was at my first McDonalds, when I actually had the “McDonalds spirit”, they sort of liked me at that restaurant, but still, I didn’t want to work there anymore, I applied at some places, and then a swing manager and a crew person told me that when other people call for references, that the head manager will give bad references so that you wont be hired, and will stay to work there, since they always have people going in and out. Well, at least that’s what I heard. So I decided to go to another McDonalds, and they DOCKED MY PAY, I was making like 7.00 dollars an hour and they paid me at 6.75 again, CHEAP SKATES, and this was for the same owner.

One of the worst things that I hate is how McDonalds uses their stupid propaganda to make you work harder. If you are making the minimum pay, do you really care about smiles and fast service, and customers being happy so they come back? NO, you just want your pay, the crew doesn’t benefit for SHIT, and all it does is try to make you feel better about working harder for the same amount of pay. They made me wear a big o’ sticker on my shirt that says that IM loving, which I wasn’t, to make it look like we were happy, but the truth was I couldn’t stand to be there. There really is more i want to say, but by this time you probably get the point.

So now ever since, I NEVER eat at any McDonalds, because its stupid as hell, I hate their stupid cooperation, and their im loving campaign has me fed up.
" I'll tell you how it REALLY is!....McDonalds manager"

The story you are about to read is true. Any reference to people, dead or alive(don't worry, they're all still alive!)is not a coincidence and is fully intended by the author. If you recognize yourself anywhere in this story...good, that's the point.

3 years ago, I was in need of a second job. I loved my job at the grocery store (Schnucks), but I simply did not get enough hours. Being a part of the union is great...if you've worked there for 5 years. The hours are guaranteed to the people that have been there...which I guess I can understand. So anyway, my rent was high and I had tons of bills to pay, so I set out to look for a second job. I strolled into the McDonalds down the street and was enticed by an application promising "competitive wages, flexible hours, free uniforms, and insurance". I was convinced: McDonalds was the job for me. I walked up to the counter and asked for a manager so that I could set up an interview. After a 3 minute conversation, I was fact, he told me I could start the very next morning. That should have set off a warning bell in my brain, but I figured maybe I was just that charming and they couldn't wait to have me there. I shouldn't have been so flattered. I soon figured out that if you could fill out an application...hell, if you couldn't even speak English but you could have someone else fill out an application for you, you were hired.

By the time I figured out how much McDonalds sucked, I was trapped. I had already quit Schnucks because the pay was better and McDonalds seemed to hold such a bright future for me. They say its love that is blind...but you should never underestimate the blinding glow of the golden arches. They'll suck you in every time.

So by now you're probably getting impatient. You're probably thinking, get to the point, dammit. Why is your job so bad? Where do I begin? I could write a whole novel, but I will just tell you the main points.

After about 6 months, I was promoted to management. I was very excited...I was only 18. That's when things really got bad. I figured out that while things may have sucked as a crew person, management was a whole other world filled with secret problems.

McDonalds is very crooked, and they treat their employees like shit. Have you ever worked a 10 hour day without a break? I do it all the time, along with lots of the crew people...and I'm 8 months pregnant now. I have no choice...they'll fire me. I need a job, and its hard to find one when you're pregnant. I plan on leaving as soon as I have my baby, but first I will expose them for how they really are. If I make even one person change their mind about applying there, its worth it. This is a McDonalds in Saint Charles, Missouri, in case you are wondering. We are not corporate, we are franchised, and my owner has several other stores. If you live in another state, it may be okay there, but here in the heart of Missouri...there is no hope. The stores that my owner does not own are owned by...guess who...his family members.

Are you a parent? Do you have a teenage child? You might be surprised to know that half of the managers at my store purchase drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes for your kid, and then let them do these things in the freezer or behind the dumpster. Do you have a fifteen year old child? You probably think we take great care of them, what with the strict labor laws and all. Ha! Just yesterday, a girl was in tears because she told the other manager she was off. He said, "I don't care, go clean the crew room." She said, "I can't, I'm fifteen, I can only work 8 hours." He made her stay an extra 30 minutes...and guess what her job was for that last half french fries, something else fifteen year olds aren't allowed to do! These violations of the labor laws often go unnoticed because the managers alter the time punches and add the time to another day.

Wondering where your son or daughter picked up that filthy language
or developed that perverted sense of humor? Their wonderful managers at McDonalds taught them. You should hear the things I've heard my fellow managers tell teens: "I like when guys cum all over my face, you'll like it too when you get older." "This is how you put this part in the shake machine, move your hand like you're jacking off, which I'm sure you do alot of." All sorts of things like this are said every day, by MY managers (I'm a swing and they're salary, so even though we're all managers, they're still above me)to kids.

So now maybe you're asking yourself, does this girl try to do anything about problems in the store? Who does she go to? I don't tell anybody. I gave up on that months ago.

We had several Mexicans working there, and they were fabulous workers, as they did 10 times more work in half the time it took the Americans. You would think their hard work would be reflected in their paychecks, but no. Their lazy ass coworkers were all paid $1.00-$1.50 more per hour, because everyone assumed the Mexicans were too stupid to realize it, I guess. Well, one day I found out they were illegal. They had no green cards, and somehow, I assumed by accident, we had hired them. So I told my store manager, and he continued to let them work there. Then I went to the owner. They were great workers and I loved having them there, but there was no way we could let illegal people work for us.

Finally, they were fired, and my store manager was actually mad at me. I didn't realize it was in my job description to lie and do the wrong thing, but apparently that is just part of being a manager at McDonalds.

But it doesn't stop there. 40 year old managers sexually harass teenage girls...and sometimes boys...on a daily basis. Everyone steals money. We sell chicken that's sat in the cabinet for hours. Nobody ever washes their hands, and they drop food on the floor and pick it for fear that they'll get yelled at for not meeting drive thru times (90 seconds per order).

The owner blames everything on the managers. If someone quits, its my fault. If a customer is crazy, its my fault. The customer is ALWAYS right. I've had customers throw stuff at me and threaten to kick my ass, and my owner actually got mad because I called the cops on one of these customers. Crew raises are 5, 10, or 15cents twice a year. Managers can get up to a quarter or 50cents, I forget. So much for competitive wages. Over half of the employees are on welfare. Insurance is called McCrew Care, and you're better off getting Medicaid or something because the insurance sucks. Oh and the free uniforms...apparently you don't get those if you're pregnant. My owner told me to do some situps and then he asked if I knew how I got pregnant. I should have told him I didn't, and could he please explain it to me.

I could go on for hours, but the bottom line is: MCDONALDS SUCKS. I could have told you about the ways it personally affects me and the abuse I endure every week, but I tried to make it so that you know how everyone-crew people, parents, and even customers are affected. If you like working long hours without breaks in a hostile environment where you are treated like a piece of shit, then its the job for you. Otherwise...I hear Taco Bell is hiring. Make a run for the border, or even better, to tech school or college.
Fast food is just not worth it.
That's horrible. Most people already know McDonalds suck though.
i'm scared now. good thing i rarely rarely go to eat there.
Sounds like where I work, AMC theaters. So much bullshit goes on there, like whenever the GM is working all he does the whole day is watch us on the security cameras. He sends people home for the dumbest things, like one night no one had come in for an hour so the girl selling the tickets started to do her makeup and she immediatly got sent home. Last week I wanted to get on break with my friend and go to some stores nearby(we get 15 minute breaks every 4 hours, so we were going to take a 25 minute break) but we had to wait for 2 of the managers to get back before we could leave. An hour and a half later they return with Dairy Queen and go into the managers "office"(they weren't really managers, one is suppose to suppervise concesion and the other supervises everyone, ushers and concession) for half an hour. By the time they finnaly get out it is too late for us to have a break so we get yelled at for not taking one earlier(when it was busy). Stuff like that happens all the time, managers play favorites with certain people, pretty much like a caste system.
I've said it before and I will say it again. The bigger they get the worse they become.
McDonalds food is total shit, I can't believe people actually consume it. I sure as hell don't, unless I don't have any other choice.
Note to self: Only go to McDonalds if the sun is in the sky... ugh...
The thing is, I kind of like the food there. I know it sucks for you and stuff, they get min. wage or less, they do bad stuff to the food; but i seriously kind of like the food (mcflurrys anyone? oh yeah!!)

I find it sad that this crap happens, but it does and it's pretty bad. Anyone see "Supersize me" wow, that was sooooo good.

fun fact: you know how they sued the cigarrete company for not warning that the tobacco was bad, and were forced to put warning labels on every packet of ciggarettes? They are now trying to do that with Mcdonalds.
ATI4EVER! said:
fun fact: you know how they sued the cigarrete company for not warning that the tobacco was bad, and were forced to put warning labels on every packet of ciggarettes? They are now trying to do that with Mcdonalds.
Hah, cancer schticks and blubbery, heart-attack patties!
Lol Letters, the point is NOT to go....

I havent eaten at a mcCraponalds in 4 years and counting, and thats not going to change anytime soon.
I was at the trafford centre the other day and I had the misfortune of having a McDonalds. I hadn't had one in a long time and, compared to Burger King (although I doubt their standards are too much better), it was shockingly disgusting. I finished it (I was bloody starving :p) but it was awful to think I used to like that sort of thing on a regular basis.
:) Damn, that sucks... oh well *goes to Mcdonalds*
That's whats so gross about fast food restaurants. They constantly drop food on the floor and don't throw it out, they don't throw out expired food (even though their one of the richest buisnesses in the food industry, yet they can't afford higher quality food) they don't wash their hands, or clip their nails. I was thinking of getting a part time job there but now I'm completely grossed out, not thinking about getting a part time job in fast food.
Zeus said:
That's whats so gross about fast food restaurants. They constantly drop food on the floor and don't throw it out, they don't throw out expired food (even though their one of the richest buisnesses in the food industry, yet they can't afford higher quality food) they don't wash their hands, or clip their nails. I was thinking of getting a part time job there but now I'm completely grossed out, not thinking about getting a part time job in fast food.
Does anyone wash their hands? I know half the people at AMC that should but don't. One time a hot dog rolled on the floor and got some popcorn and hair and other stuff stuck to it and some guy picked it up and rinsed it off and put it back on the roller.
Dude.. so gross..
This is why i love ignorance
It doesnt really matter to me
The food still tastes good
I just dont want to know about it
well i worked at mcdonalds when i was in high school and its exactly like those articles say it is. Except the one I worked at, everyone did wash their hands, and i never saq anyone use food that had been dropped. I washed my hands everytime I had done something different then returned to my station and probably used hand sanitizer at least every 15 minutes or so.
The expired food thing is true, but the reason its left in there for longer is because the policy is stupid. The food is to be cooked and put into the little overns, where its kept steamed hot and moist. Well the policy is to throw it away within like 15 minutes, and its still good. We would keep the food for probably half an hour to an hour depending how busy we were. But i mean come on, if i cooked a burger at home and something came up and i couldn't eat it for an hour, i'd still eat it when i got back, not that big a deal really.
However everything said about the managers and the sucky ass hours/pay/bitching is all true. We had managers that would just go through and grab food and take it to the office and eat it on the clock. They ripped me off so many hours on my check its rediculous. I hated working there and i will never work at another one ever again.
Don't worry, it's like that everywhere, at least in every junkfood restaurant.
Ah well, it's not that bad, you've been swallowing those McD greaseballs for years now and only now when someone tells you it's gross it's suddenly gross? If you didn't notice it while eating it, who gives a f*ck? :p

My sis used to work in a snackbar, food that fell on the ground was used anyway. And yeah, who cares actually? Makes your immune system a bit stronger, you're all a bunch of pussies these days in this sterile world. ;)
You won't die of it. And if you get sick of it: weakling.

But McDonald's hamburgers suck, I prefer BK, although it's undoubtedly just as bad.
BK make good sized burgers, well, the XL ones should be the normal size burger (alright i eat too much at fast food chains). but the best place is KFC, they have the best chips anyway, but nothing beats your own cooking.
I've always preffered KFC and BK over MD's; I can't eat their burgers, literally; not the whole fatty-greasy-meat thing, but the crap they put in them, a sickly gallon of mayonaise, a green slug that's apparently a vegetable and god knows what else.

My all time fave burger is BKs Bacon Double Cheeseburger; I've heard they don't have that in the US :eek: Worst part is I've known for eternity (like everyone else, really) that MD's is a horribly unhygenic organisation and I yet I still eat chicken nuggets there :dead:
Ignorance is bliss. You think that after eating a burger i'd care that i've just eaten grinded carcus-remains of 2-week-old dead cow slapped together with gone-off ketchup and breadcakes that have been on the floor? No. Maybe beforehand, but hunger and the good burgery smell soon sort that out.
The idea of actually consuming fast food in any situatuion outside of a nuclear holocaust, makes me retch.
Lordblackadder said:
The idea of actually consuming fast food in any situatuion outside of a nuclear holocaust, makes me retch.

Snob. :p

My all time fave burger is BKs Bacon Double Cheeseburger; I've heard they don't have that in the US Worst part is I've known for eternity (like everyone else, really) that MD's is a horribly unhygenic organisation and I yet I still eat chicken nuggets there :dead:

I once had semi-raw chicken nuggest at MD, that didn't taste too well.

And I'm sure they have that in the US, they also have that here, double whopper w/ cheese and bacon.
Not only is it unsanitary, but McDonalds food is very unhealthy.

I have not eaten there in several years.

In-N-Out, now there is a quality fast food place. Its a west coast thing, but its spreading. Clean kitchen, lots of well paid workers, and the hamburgers are quite healthy relativly (plenty of fresh lettuce/onion/tomato). Even the fries there are healthy compared to most fast food places,. but fries are never really healthy (nor is soda). I never eat that crap either.

So screw McD's. In-N-Outs the sheit :thumbs:
One thing I can think of that could be good about MD's unhealthy food is that it helps the immune system in the long run (as long as you have it as a kid).

I have heard it said many times that kids who don't wash their hands before eating, who often play in dirty playgrounds, and even kids who pick their noses often have stronger immune systems when they are older because it causes the immune system to get used to things that are dirty and makes them healthier in the long run.

So maybe dropping food on the floor isn't sooo bad. :p
It was two years since I ate at McDonalds. What do you guys think of Burger King?
Wow, McDonalds sound like every other restaraunt I've heard of.

Actual conversation:

Resaraunt X Manager: How long is fried bacon good for?

Me (cook): Four hours.

RXM: When the District Manager is visiting?

Me: Half an hour.

In fact if we went strictly by the rules, it would only be good for half an hour, but in reality, it really was good, for four hours, maybe more depending. I worked there, and I ate bacon that was older than that.

I can tell you for a fact that 90% of that stuff you read about McDonalds happens in every other restarunt as well.
Sounds like every large corporation out there. Life isn't fair, and business is cut-throat. There are a few exceptions out there, but they are few and far between. If anything, this should be just another reason, on a very long list, for staying in school and getting an education.
I have heard it said many times that kids who don't wash their hands before eating, who often play in dirty playgrounds, and even kids who pick their noses often have stronger immune systems when they are older because it causes the immune system to get used to things that are dirty and makes them healthier in the long run.

Maybe that's why I never get sick :LOL: