the U.S. babysitting Iraqis

I don't see anywhere in any of those quotes where he said Iraq has WMDs.
CptStern said:
Intelligence leaves no doubt that Iraq continues to possess and conceal lethal weapons
:upstare: Bush isnt pulling shit out of his ass, he had to have gotten this information somewhere. From where? The broken intelligence system of America and the intelligence agencies from western Europe.
gh0st said:
:upstare: Bush isnt pulling shit out of his ass, he had to have gotten this information somewhere. From where? The broken intelligence system of America and the intelligence agencies from western Europe.

...aaaand back to square one:

"I said, 'Mr. President. We've done this before. We have been looking at this. We looked at it with an open mind. There's no connection.'

"He came back at me and said, "Iraq! Saddam! Find out if there's a connection.' And in a very intimidating way. I mean that we should come back with that answer. We wrote a report."

Clarke continued, "It was a serious look. We got together all the FBI experts, all the CIA experts. We wrote the report. We sent the report out to CIA and found FBI and said, 'Will you sign this report?' They all cleared the report. And we sent it up to the president and it got bounced by the National Security Advisor or Deputy. It got bounced and sent back saying, 'Wrong answer. ... Do it again.'
CptStern said:
Clarke continued, "It was a serious look. We got together all the FBI experts, all the CIA experts. We wrote the report. We sent the report out to CIA and found FBI and said, 'Will you sign this report?' They all cleared the report. And we sent it up to the president and it got bounced by the National Security Advisor or Deputy. It got bounced and sent back saying, 'Wrong answer. ... Do it again.'
aaannndd were back to square one...

Clarke? Clinton holdover. Not credible. Completely anti-Bush. If you're going on his word alone, I'd say youve got some more work to do. He doesnt even know who it was "bounced by".
gh0st said:
aaannndd were back to square one...

Clarke? Clinton holdover. Not credible.

why because you say so? I'll take the word of the anti-terrorism advisor over yours anyday ...see this is how debating works: I present my evidence; a quote a statement etc in turn produce your own evidence to refute mine. Your argument is akin to "nah nah na nah nannie-booboo, I cant hear you"

gh0st said:
Completely anti-Bush.

:upstare: ...yet he served under bush's pappy, ron (Look Nancy! I'm crazy as a loon but I brought down communism) Reagan ...but of course you omit those names and dismiss him on the basis that he worked for clinton republican of you

gh0st said:
If you're going on his word alone, I'd say youve got some more work to do. He doesnt even know who it was "bounced by".

you seemed to justify the war on iraq on far less information ...even 100% of that information has since been proven bogus reveals your ignorance more than anything else. Try again. His statements stands until you can find CREDIBLE evidence to the contrary ...that's not asking too much is it?
gh0st said:
:upstare: Bush isnt pulling shit out of his ass, he had to have gotten this information somewhere. From where? The broken intelligence system of America and the intelligence agencies from western Europe.

He recieved a lot of the intelligence from a source that had previously been discredited by the British government as unreliable and a drunk. Bush listened to him anyways (maybe he connected with him as a drunk), its easy to get someone to say what you want to hear, you just need to know where to listen.