The ulitmate video card round up. 80 video cards.


May 20, 2003
Reaction score

Just send anyone asking about video cards here.

I havnt looked at it all (There is a hole freaking bunch) So far every thing seams about right.
i dont trust reviews like that anymore,this one had Nvidia beating ati, very chart had about 5 nvidia cadrs then the ati 9800xt,

then i looked another review from a diff site, it had atis up top, dude all these reviews are bullshit, biast, tilted, and horsecrap

dont trust any of em.
hyenolie said:
i dont trust reviews like that anymore,this one had Nvidia beating ati, very chart had about 5 nvidia cadrs then the ati 9800xt,

then i looked another review from a diff site, it had atis up top, dude all these reviews are bullshit, biast, tilted, and horsecrap

dont trust any of em.

In other words, you are a fanboy? Your only going to believe the reviews that show ATi ahead?

Yes, It is true that the 5950U is quite a challenge for the 9800XT. But, the 5900U is still fairly far behind a 9800 and even a 9600 as proven, and no driver can fix that.
Some reviews are weird.
I have my few sites I really trust and a few I tend not to look to.
Sgt.Igneri said:
In other words, you are a fanboy? Your only going to believe the reviews that show ATi ahead?

usualy i dont answer people when they talk to me, but in this case, i have no clue what a fanboy is, was originaly buying 5900ultra, untill this forum convinced me to go get 9800xt, i dont care which of hte two cards are better, i want the best to run hl2 and thats it, i have no idea wtf u talking about? i acutaly care less, u can bash me flame me i dont care, because the only reason i come to this forums are to post my questions and not get into monologues, now with this said, reviews are horse shit, no site has built up credit, one good site says this is better another says that is better, 2 good sites diff opinions.
asus u seem to know ur stuff, feel free to disclose the sites u trust, i curious to find out and check em out
That site had a lot of video card but only a few benchmarks...That really isnt the best way to look at cards.
I would perfer to have a site that reviewed just one card for each review and threw in a few cards for comparison that benchmarked many many games. OpenGL/DirectX8/9, New and old games, AF/AA off/mid/high.

I read as many reviews I can on the product I'm interested in. Who you trust and for which products you just come to a personal opinion as you read I guess.
i hear or something liek that is a good reveiw site? is it true, ive actualyy tried to look up some products, they didnt have any reveiws of em, so i deleted it form my bookmarks.
IMO, anandtech and HardOCP are the most trustworthy. I used to go to tomshardware until I realized how bias they are.
I agree.
I read Tomshardware a lot though.
They have good reviews except when it comes to involving CPUs / Video cards they are almost always in some way bias.
They are the only site that I know that says the P4 EE is faster than the FX51.
Last I looked at their first review of the FX51 vs P4EE it looked like the FX51 won yet they say otherwise...bias?
I always carefully check their test setup. is good as well as beyond3d.
hmm, tomshardware are pretty biased. But I did find that article about ATi's driver cheats enlightening.
I always go to tomshardware... what do you mean by "bias" ?
That they should've been bribed or something? yeah yeah..
Can anyone give me a link to HardOCP then?
Jonbob, you should shorten your sig to 4 lines before a mod comes and warns you :p
MaxiKana said:
Jonbob, you should shorten your sig to 4 lines before a mod comes and warns you :p
You know, you dont have to post just to say that :)

Anyway, its not the "ultimate" round up, as that can only be acheived by looking at multiple sites. Especially when it comes to gathering information about performance in new games.
And as a personal comment from me, its moronic to test UT2k3 and UnrealII. As a hint, look at what it tests:

Unreal Tournament 2003 v.2225 (Digital Extreme/Epic Games) - Direct3D, Vertex Shaders, Hardware T&L, Dot3, cube texturing, default quality

Unreal II: The Awakening (Legend Ent./Epic Games) - Direct3D, Vertex Shaders, Hardware T&L, Dot3, cube texturing, default quality

MAYBE it would be good to actually test something DIFFERENT.

Btw, Jonbob: shorten your sig ;)
ever noticed when starting up unreal, how the very first logo you see is "Nvidia: The way its meant to be played". pretty much all the games they had there are games that are promoted/developed by nvidia because they run better on nvidia(due to the effects/methods they use). no wonder all the Nvidias came first, and the ATIs. Dont get me wrong, i acutally prefer Nvidia to ATI(depends on the game though), but that kind of reviewing is pointless crap. plus the way they evaluate? bang per buck. who cares if a tnt2 has the best value? you can pick one up for $15, of course it has the best value(in that sense)! if you notice as the cards get better, they move lower on the list(within the Nvidia and ATI sections, im not sure about the bottom ones) simply becaues they are newer technology and therefore of course will cost proportionately more.

what can you learn from that type of a review? the answer is simple: that if you could find a way to combine the powers of 50 TNT2's you would have more power for the same amount of money then you would buying an FX 5900.
talk about useless knowledge.
naah, not hostile.....just incredulity and strong feelings. i actually find it fairly amusing their method of review, but it makes me wonder what exactally they were thinking?

"i know, for our next review, lets find out how much value these cards have"
*buys 80 video cards using $10000 from mom's bank account*
"lets start off with a top of the line card.....256mb 9800 XT . . . . hmm, it appears to cost $1.50 a mhz average between core and ram"
"now lets try a TNT2 . . .. HolY SHIT! look at that, 90 mhz for only $15!!!! Thats 6 mhz to the dollar!!!!!"
"definetly the best card out there"


when i appear hostile, im having fun.