The Ultimate Climax: The Human Paradox


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
I've just been thinking, what if the human and Xen race do become extinct at the end of HalfLife3, but gordon, alyx and gman saves the human race by sending a baby back in time to create a circle of life (got the idea from Red Dwarf). Below is the series of events:

1) Gman knows the inevitable end of the human race

2) Affections between Gordon and Alyx grow (and eventually a sexual relationship)

3) Alyx give birth to a baby boy who turns out to be Gman when he was young

4) Combine destroys the resistance

5) Combine infiltrate the labs. Gman escapes into the past with baby. Everybody else dies except Gordon who destroys the future with some form of energy.

6) The baby grows up to become the actual Gman. the old and frail Gman tells him about Black Mesa

7) Old Gman dies of old age. Young Gman starts his job as government official

8) The Black Mesa incident occurs, Gman overwatches (Thus his knowledge of Gordons whereabouts)

So there you have it. Instead of saying that Gordon is Gman. I decided to go with Gman is Gordon's son :D
That's an awful lot to gather from the fact that one guy watched another, and then the watchee might have fell in love.

At least it's much more plausible than most every other G-man = Freeman speculation so far. :)
WOW :eek: Death eVADER... thats a really good theory... just might confuse some of the people that come up with retarded theories...
As Mr. Rimmer so artfully pointed out, sounds very Red Dwarfish to me... hell, translates fairly well to the HL universe though, doesn't it?
hahaha that made me laugh. i'm not making fun of your theory, it's great, but it got a laugh.

Possible? Yes. gonna happen? i put $20 on no...
If that really was the story, i wouldnt touch half life 3 with a ten foot pole......
Edcrab said:
As Mr. Rimmer so artfully pointed out, sounds very Red Dwarfish to me... hell, translates fairly well to the HL universe though, doesn't it?
Yeah, maybe barney can talk with a canadian accent and walk funny to...
Erm... I don't like it. No offense, but it sounds kinda crappy to me. I would hope that there was more to the G-Man than that.

Plus, I don't think that forcing Gordon into a sexual relationship with Alyx is the right thing to do. What if I'm not attracted to Alyx? Does it really make sense for me, the player, to do such a thing? The relationship with Alyx should be left somewhat ambiguous. If you find yourself connected to her, then kudos to Valve for doing a damn good job. If you don't, then she flirts with you occasionally. No biggie.

That is unless refusing to boink her results in...


Or something like that.
I've just been thinking, what if the human and Xen race do become extinct at the end of HalfLife3, but gordon, alyx and gman saves the human race by sending a baby back in time to create a circle of life (got the idea from Red Dwarf). Below is the series of events:

1) Gman knows the inevitable end of the human race

2) Affections between Gordon and Alyx grow (and eventually a sexual relationship)

3) Alyx give birth to a baby boy who turns out to be Gman when he was young

4) Combine destroys the resistance

5) Combine infiltrate the labs. Gman escapes into the past with baby. Everybody else dies except Gordon who destroys the future with some form of energy.

6) The baby grows up to become the actual Gman. the old and frail Gman tells him about Black Mesa

7) Old Gman dies of old age. Young Gman starts his job as government official

8) The Black Mesa incident occurs, Gman overwatches (Thus his knowledge of Gordons whereabouts)

So there you have it. Instead of saying that Gordon is Gman. I decided to go with Gman is Gordon's son :D

Hmm no.

Gman offered Gordon a choice at the end of HL1 and one would have lead to Gordon's death meaning Gman's end as well. And if he were really his son he would have made sure Gordon got through Black Mesa alive, he wasn't exactly helpful you know.
Absinthe said:
That is unless refusing to boink her results in...


Or something like that.

Had to fight back a lol since i'm in public.
Hey death... why did you post this???
The_Monkey said:
Speaking of sex, do you think that Gordon and Alyx will have a relationship?
ehhh, its not goin to turn into one of those sex game thingies, were you get to fondle her breast. That would just be wrong. :eek: :eek: :eek:
My brain hurts now :'(

Wouldnt it be a real hoot if that theory was true though? :LOL:
CB | Para said:
Hmm no.

Gman offered Gordon a choice at the end of HL1 and one would have lead to Gordon's death meaning Gman's end as well. And if he were really his son he would have made sure Gordon got through Black Mesa alive, he wasn't exactly helpful you know.

Maybe the higher beings of space adopted G-man so to speak and realising the threat gordo' (gordon will now be known as gordo' !) posses to them, they take advantage of G-man. Firstly to watch over freeman and cause trouble (G-man not knowing he's freemans son) and secondly to find out the truth of the 'parent' beings in a huuuuuge story twist that leaves us all smackered of the gob variety.

What i DO want to know is though, is have VALVe already written the entire story or have they done it game-by-game? if its game-by-game we may have guessed it already and so they change it (hl3 i mean). Also it'd mean barney is either completely irrelevant to the big picture, or we've half-guessed his envolvement. As they said "we didnt think the audience would take so well to barney" (or something like that) and so they werent expecting barney to be noticed (if hes part of the big story) or jsut not realise he'd be as liked as he is (wasnt/is not ever part of the big story).

what you think of THAT!
CB | Para, theresat least one problem with that reasoning. By knowing what happened before hand, he knew exactly what gordon was going to do. If Gordon died or refused to work, the G-man would NEVER have existed under this theory.

Also (this one is conditional) , it depends how you view time travel. If you believe it's alternate dimension travel, gordon could die and the G-man would be fine. But like I said, if Gordon CANNOT die BECAUSE the G-man exists.
its kinda odd.
I just can't see the g-man running with a baby.
or holding one for that matter
Mr and Mrs G-mAn Senior?

Yes, I think that the HL series will steal an already ridiculous storyline from Red Dwarf. Actually, that would be pretty cool. It would mean you could go back to Black Mesa too, since the whole facility plus staff get rebuilt by these tiny little robot things that you find in your old laundry, but then you get put in prison, etc etc.
dumb theory .... very annoying posts at all
Depending on your views of time travel it would work out fine, because the G-man knew that gordon would pick to work for him because of the fact that he exists.