The Ultimate Source For Nintendo Revolution News And Speculation!


Jul 9, 2003
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For the Nintendo fans out there...

Ok heres the deal. I have been following every piece of Nintendo Revolution news dating all the way back from MEGATON to Nintendo ON to whatever. I have kept every good Nintendo Rumor ever. Over hundreds of sources. Everything detail from Nintendo ON to about 200 controller mockups, over 100's of fake and mysterious interviews plus every piece of Nintendo related news coming straight from the Nintendo. I have put all of it here:

I can guranteed you will never find a better source of Nintendo news and rumors anywhere on the net. I visit over 20 blogs a day, GameFaqs, Nintendo Fourms, GameSpot, IGN, ETC! I have posted EVERYTHING thats relevant in the above topic.

P.S: If you check the link out you will probably think this is worth stickying. At lease check it out before flaming me.

NOTE: The newest news is in the later pages. I update this site several times a day. My Nintendo section is even featured on hit blog sites like: (Check Top Post About EGM Scans)
Good work man cant wait to see what the controller looks like, im sure nintendo wont let us down:D
You guys may want to stick around the site as I will be doing a podcast with the owner of the site entitled "N-Game" pretty soon. It will be a downloadable audio file where I will discuss the Revolution in it's fullest. We do podcast several times a week talking about all kinds of neat stuff.
Very nice work.

I'm very excited for the Rev. I think that console is gonna drop like a nuclear bomb and surprise a lot of people. Few thought the DS would be blowin the PSP out of the water, but it is doing outstanding. The formula seems to be working now....NINtendo didn't have to hype the tech...the DS just has great games, end of story. Not that it doesn't have great tech, but you get the point. Further, I think the Revolution is going to be pleasantly powerful, able to do anything the other next-geners can do.