The unfortunate enemies.


Jun 18, 2007
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Now let me begin by saying although they are enemies, surely one must feel empathetic towards these antagonists.

First, the unlucky Zombies, simply in the wrong place at the wrong time:

These Zombies, once everyday regular Humans, are unfortunate in the fact that they have had their lives taken away from them by a mere Headcrab a.k.a Headhumper. I assume it went something like this:

A man is walking through Ravenholm when suddenly the sky turns pitch black, the clouds rumble with the sound of thunder and the lightning strikes trees near and far, igniting them instantaneously. The man knows there is something wrong so he starts to head home immediately, he takes a short cut through a back alley and hears what appears to be little footsteps. As he is so scared, he thinks nothing of it and continues on the path that will forever remain imbeded in his mind. As he nears the middle of the alley he hears little noises, like a creature coming towards him. He starts to speed up, the sound gets louder, he turns around and bam, a Headcrab has attached himself to the poor mans head and it's literally eating his brains out. The zombification process does not take too long and the man is now only living under the control of the so-called Headhumper.

I feel that this poor soul means us not intentional harm, he only attacks us because he is controlled to do so. Once the Headcrab is successfully removed, he may finally rest in peace.

Secondly we have the Combine, some may say that they deserve no sympathy but if you truly knew the meaning of their suffering, would you feel the same way?

Neutered. That's right, these poor men have had the genitalia removed completely. Why? Some believe it was a torture method used in Black Mesa times before they became Combine soldiers, others believe they are less likely to be hurt, in battle, without body parts, well most of them. Either way, these men had no say in the matter and now have no self respect, so they may as well give up their lives to serve under Overwatch. They have nothing to live for, so they think, so they take their anger and rage out on anyone that isn't a fellow Combine. Had this "surgery" not have happened, these poor souls might actually have lives other than trying to maim, or for that matter kill, innocent civilians.

So spare a thought for these poor enemies next time you blow the hell out of them, remember how much they have been through and imagine what it would be like to be in their shoes. Would you like to have a Headcrab humping your brains out and making you a Zombie? Would you like to have your genitals removed wait...having your genitals removed is bad enough. Didn't think so.
Well, here's my take: It's just a game. If this was real life, it'd be different, but, nevertheless, it's all virtual.

I will admit that I do feel a twinge of guilt when I set zombies on fire and such, and they start screaming things that sound like "God help".
I know it's not real but in case you didn't know, people post stuff like this in this thread.

Do you have any thoughts on it as a game. We all know it's isn't real but this whole forum is based on a game that is just virtual.
My thought on feeling pity for the Combine and zombies are what soldiers feel in real life:

It may be sad, but when it comes down to it, it's him or me.

After all, it's just a video game. Besides, I find it a lot harder to kill Germans in those WWII games.
I thought that this added an extra level of feeling to the game. Less so with the fast zombies, but the sounds that the poison and stock zombies make made me pity them, sure.
I don't remember anything about the combine being neutered, just cybernetically enhanced. Which apparently doesn't count for much.

Anyway my empathy for them doesn't come from what was done to them, remember, the soldiers and metros are all volunteers. My empathy for them comes from the fact that they simply took the pragmatic approach rather than the idealist.

The civil protection machinima series illustrates the point rather well. If earth lasted all of 7 hours against the extra dimensional aliens, do you give in and continue to live your life working for them, or do keep fighting against the aliens as the rebels, where the only forseeable outcome being that they get pissed off enough to exterminate you completely and not have to put up with your sass.

Remember though, gordon had to make that exact same decision at the end of halflife 1. Join your captor, or die a meaningless death.

So all those waves of gasmasked goons that can't aim worth a damn and get mowed down were mostly just people that took the realist approach.
Thank you guys for your welcomed and, meaningful, comments. Check on Wikipedia, there was a topic posted the other day that said they were neutered.
The fact that you find it harder to murder Germans in World War 2 based games.
Considering they take the implants by choice, I really don't care about them very much. Stalkers evoke more pity from me.
If you ask me, Valve have always been a bit edgy in their depictions of "the enemy." Way back when I played the original Half-Life, I was struck by the depiction of U.S. Marines as being murderous stooges for a ruthless government cover-up. You had to kill them to survive, which may have felt like a regrettable necessity, but by comparison, the houndeyes and vortigaunts seemed like innocents caught in a hostile environment.

From the beginning, Counterstrike allowed players all over the world to assume the role of terrorists who would detonate bombs, execute hostages, and kill counter terrorist troops to complete their objectives. Compare this with the much safer tack taken by America's Army which has both sides assuming the role of American soldiers who mutually see each other as the "OPFOR."

As far as the zombies and Stalkers go, well, it could be argued that killing them is an act of euthanasia. But the Combine forces? The way I see it, they are like Macbeth, giving their humanity and the moral agency that accompanies it to "the common enemy of man" (Satan, in Macbeth's case, a merciless army of occupation in the Combine's case). No mercy for them, just a pulse round in the head.

*edited for spelling
I did feel sorry for the zombies sometimes. Not, the fast or poison zombies, only the classic ones. Only because of the horrible screaming really. After I saw a zombie with the headcrab removed though, I realised that there was no way that the people were still concious. The zombie's just an animated, animalistic corpse. Nothing to feel sorry for.

As for the soldiers, no sympathy. They're ****ing shooting at me. If someone shoots at me I don't feel sympathy.
As for the soldiers, no sympathy. They're ****ing shooting at me. If someone shoots at me I don't feel sympathy.

Same with the cops. Darned big bullies! They had it coming, what with their attraction to explosive barrels, wiring down bridges and rickety platforms and gas-guzzling APCs.
The fact that you find it harder to murder Germans in World War 2 based games.

Well, for one, unlike Combine and Zombies, they're actually human. Second, they're really not unlike Americans in a lot of ways, culturally, ethnically, and socially. The only real difference is the uniform (the notion that all German soldiers in WWII were Nazis is grievously ignorant).
Well, for one, unlike Combine and Zombies, they're actually human. Second, they're really not unlike Americans in a lot of ways, culturally, ethnically, and socially. The only real difference is the uniform (the notion that all German soldiers in WWII were Nazis is grievously ignorant).

Yes, that is a mistake we sometimes make. Nazi refers to a socialist way of thinking, not an ethnic or cultural group. There were plenty of non-Nazi soldiers (and even high-ranking officials) fighting for Germany in WW2. If you've read the book (there's a movie too) called The Pianist ( ), you will find that there was one "Nazi" captain or something (I forget the rank) that opposed the treatment of the Jews as written in his memoirs.
Probably SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer (Captain).

We're off topic now. I kinda felt bad for the Nihilanth for some reason.
Thanks for all your comments guys. I was just wondering why everyone felt sorry for stalkers and then I realized I was thinking of the striders, the big metal things that shoot you, lol. My bad.

Oh and my sig has been chopped down Samon.
First, the unlucky Zombies, simply in the wrong place at the wrong time
They're certainly worthy of sympathy, and I think Valve were aiming for that with their moans and toasted screams in the HL2 games... but notice how they're not quite as pitied as the Stalkers? (take Alyx's reactions in EP1. She breaks down in the Stalker cart whereas she just finds the Zombies disgusting). Perhaps in the HL world, that pity is either healthy humans looking down on those dumb enough to be caught by headcrabs or a sense that Zombies are somehow less fundamentally less human than Stalkers, probably to do with how conscious each are of their suffering.

From your little story, you do realise that Ravenholm was shelled by the Combine as opposed to being caught in a portal storm? It just sounded a bit like that later scenario.

Neutered. That's right, these poor men have had the genitalia removed completely.
As far as the story indicates, no one is surgically neutered in the HL2 world, but you still get at one of the motivations behind becoming a Combine. There is the reproductive suppression field enforced on all humans, and combine soldiers are promised 'non-simulated reproduction' at one point in HL2 (suggesting they can't actually be physically neutered). Still though, I find the idea that men would become homicidal maniacs once they can't 'get busy' kind of pathetic, even if I suspect it to be true of some... not something I can 'pity' though :)
I felt sad for Metrocop number eight in Route Canal. I felt there was something special about him, probably he had a rough childhood... got beaten up at school, maybe he always had to eat alone during lunch break. No note in his lunch box from mom saying how proud she was of him, because he didn't do very well in class either. His teachers all thought he was worthless and stupid, no-one believed in him, he always walked the long walk home alone, even when his father promised he'd pick him up from school and when he came home he was sent to his room without supper and cried himself to sleep.
He probably joined Civil Protection to feel big, to punish those who made his life miserable in school, but more than that, I bed he did it to please his father. To make him proud of him. To finally get his acceptance after all those years of crying in his bed.
It makes you think doesn't it....

It makes you think, 'how can I work sarcasm into this topic?', but at least it gets the brain working for a little.
They're certainly worthy of sympathy, and I think Valve were aiming for that with their moans and toasted screams in the HL2 games... but notice how they're not quite as pitied as the Stalkers? (take Alyx's reactions in EP1. She breaks down in the Stalker cart whereas she just finds the Zombies disgusting). Perhaps in the HL world, that pity is either healthy humans looking down on those dumb enough to be caught by headcrabs or a sense that Zombies are somehow less fundamentally less human than Stalkers, probably to do with how conscious each are of their suffering.
Or maybe it's because zombies keep trying to disembowel her and stalkers don't?
Either way, these men had no say in the matter and now have no self respect, so they may as well give up their lives to serve under Overwatch. They have nothing to live for, so they think, so they take their anger and rage out on anyone that isn't a fellow Combine. Had this "surgery" not have happened, these poor souls might actually have lives other than trying to maim, or for that matter kill, innocent civilians.

Depite that as far as I know, (and as others above have mentioned) there is no indication whatsoever in the games that Combine soliders have reproductive organs removed and also that some of the information on Wikipedia regarding the HL universe is very much speculative, what would a Combine soldier care about genitalia anyway? As far as I know, they'd been conditioned as to care only for carrying out duties assigned them from above; other aspects of life mean nothing to them. There is no "anger" or "rage"; they simply do what they're supposed to do, which in most cases is to employ tactical skills in combat to the best of the abilities their human bodies allow them.

Therefore it is superfluous to describe the emotional would-be aspects. "None carries the face you knew", as Sorley wrote.
The extent to which an individual is innocent may be subjectively assessed (though often reasonably, perhaps); in the case of the Combine soldiers, they would perceive rebels as troublesome, militant enemies of a regime they have been conditioned to obey without question. What could be innocent about that, they would think - if it was for them to decide what is innocent and what isn't, for as I mentioned earlier, I believe they simply attack what they're told to attack, without hesitation or consideration. Such matters are for higher ranks to assess.
Thanks for everyone's contribution, atleast it made people think about their response.
I've often felt a twing of sympathy for certain enemies in the HL series, I'd kill them regardless, but it doesn't mean I don't empathise with them :) I tried to think like I would if I was actually in the game, and I was thrust into the same position as Freeman.

I'd mourn the zombies, they were indeed once human, and got unlucky, but if anything, if they are still 'alive', its obviously a life of torment, I think killing them is doing them a favour.

I feel most sorry for the stalkers, they were folks brave enough to resist the combine, and being made into a stalker was their punishment.

The Combine soldiers and Metrocops, I would feel least sympathy (I'd still feel a little) for... they willingly (maybe out of desperation admittedly) sacrificed their humanity in order to live an easier life. They willingly kill their own kind in order to survive. The Soldiers aren't even fully human anymore, they long ago traded in their memoires and personality for ranks and priviligies. The metrocops I do feel kind of bad for, but they don't even have the excuse of losing their personalities yet... They willingly beat and murder citizens in order to make their own existance nicer, or out of sheer ruthlessness. I bet theres a lot of potentional scum in humanity that signed up to CP just for the thrill of being in power.

I know some CPs probably saw no other choice but to sign up, but I kinda hoped once the citadel fell, it would have been nice to see some of the metrocops throw off their masks and join in the resistance, they don't have any mind control on them yet afterall.... it would have been a nice touch! :)
I always felt sorry for the stalkers that Gordon and Alyx leave behind in the train (what else could they do, I suppose). Trapped in the carriage and left to rot, although no doubt the explosion of the Citadel hastened their passing.
the only people i ever felt sorry for were the citizens. when they die, you actually get a sense of loss since they have saved your ass countless times.
I kind of wonder why people think that you volunteer for service in the Overwatch. The games only state that humans can join the Civil Protection willingly, nothing is said about the Overwatch (and it's not out of the question that they simply don't know about the troopers, living in the city and all).

Plus, the mindwashing machines in the Citadel.
the only people i ever felt sorry for were the citizens. when they die, you actually get a sense of loss since they have saved your ass countless times.

That's why you must put a lot of effort into keeping them alive. :)

I managed to keep the same set of citizens all the way through the game, through the museum and the gunship battle on top (told them to stay still on the staircase and shut the door on them, although they kept coming out) and out into the strider battle. I couldn't save them after that; striders seriously pwn citizens.
I feel no sympathy for the civil protection because they weren't brainwashed or anything they had the choice to join and they did to get a better living but when in episode 1 you would think that they would quit their jobs and help the rebels.
I mean come on the citadel was close to destruction and the cp's still thought that they had it better that is why I don't think their unfortunate enemies.
The best way to free the unfortunate enemies from their torment is to end their broken lives as quickly as possible!


I feel no sympathy for the civil protection because they weren't brainwashed or anything they had the choice to join and they did to get a better living but when in episode 1 you would think that they would quit their jobs and help the rebels.
I mean come on the citadel was close to destruction and the cp's still thought that they had it better that is why I don't think their unfortunate enemies.

Yeah, that bit with the metrocops at Exit 17 is a bit tiring, in a nice way. "What? I'm still fighting these guys? Give it up already!"

Wonder if they'll still be around in Episode Two! Talk about stubbornness.