The Unholy 'Republican' Alliance

Jul 17, 2003
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I know most of this board identifies more as left wing and liberal, so some of this stuff might be interesting to you guys. To anyone who considers themselves conservative or Republican, this is old but important news.

The Republican party unified in a way that each faction shares such strong feelings against the Democrat/Leftist policies proposed that they had to unite to defeat it. Like a coalition in parliament I guess. We'd be several different parties if each side weren't united.

The Republican party is straining. Not every group eches together so well.

On one side you have the hardcore religious zealots who want it reinstated back in government practices. I'm not talking just people seeking to protect it in culture (most Republicans are that) but those ones want it forced. They support moreso welfare/socialist programs and subsidization. This runs in opposition to libertarians and partially against corporates. These guys would be democrats if it wasn't for the hardcore religion.

Then you have the libertarians. Completely for a self sufficient society with minimal government interference. These guys run in direct opposition to the religious folk because of the anti-government stance, and the corporate because they're against corporate subsidization. However, they share a stance against government personal handouts with corporate types. These ones clash most with the religious ones, and that's the point where if the party breaks ever it'll happen. This is where it happened in 1992 in the presidential elections. Bush's promise of "No new taxes" and then he raised taxes rattled this group enough to almost all completely vote third party (and Ross Perot almost won)

Then you have the corporate types. They aren't "EVIL" (some are but you can't call ALL that) but moreso looking out for their business interests. These folks support certain government subsidization of corporate business, but are more against welfare to individuals. It's not because they feel "only THEY should get it" but they want only corporate entities themselves to get it. EG: The government subsidizes milk, and that really does help poorer people to afford it. So that's not a 'greedy monopoly man' type thing.

This is all kind of jumbled but I thought I'd just throw it out there to see what comments you all have, and I'm curious as to what the coalition is for the Democrats.

This doesn't apply so well to other nations because those 3 groups may have their own parties, you know? Here they're all allied to counter the Democrats.

I hope it shows you too that all Republicans aren't "evil religious wacko snake people" and such too, and everyone has varying reasons why they vote how they do.

edit: Damn I thought I was writing this in politics. Moderator please move it there.
I'd love to see the libertarians branch off from the republicans and help the party gain some serious strength. I'd actually have someone to vote for that stood a chance
Ikerous said:
I'd love to see the libertarians branch off from the republicans and help the party gain some serious strength. I'd actually have someone to vote for that stood a chance
A lot of Libertarians vote Republican because the Libertarian Party (The Official one named that) has made fools of themselves and done stupid crazy antics for attention. One candidate dyed himself blue :/.

Man if they were a powerful party I'd be voting libertarian my entire life! I'm at odds on some issues like abortion but that's almost the only one. Everything is almost perfect. I can't say that for any of the others.
Yeah, I'd probably vote Libertarian myself. As long as they produced a good candidate.
Then you have the libertarians. Completely for a self sufficient society with minimal government interference. These guys run in direct opposition to the religious folk because of the anti-government stance, and the corporate because they're against corporate subsidization. However, they share a stance against government personal handouts with corporate types. These ones clash most with the religious ones, and that's the point where if the party breaks ever it'll happen. This is where it happened in 1992 in the presidential elections. Bush's promise of "No new taxes" and then he raised taxes rattled this group enough to almost all completely vote third party (and Ross Perot almost won)

Me all the way.
K e r b e r o s said:
Me all the way.
It seems your shining mental image of yourself and what you actually say, portray, and appear to be are very different, then.
Seen on GameSurge last night:
[20:20] <Raeven0> I am not sure the idea of a weak government appeals to me, but it's great that they are adding a new party to the mix
Ennui said:
It seems your shining mental image of yourself and what you actually say, portray, and appear to be are very different, then.
Often times libertarians are frustrated because they run in direct opposition to socialism but on social freedom issues (sexual orientation, drugs, etc) they are for the highest freedoms.

Socialists propose severe restraints economically, however, and many libertarians would rather appear as against them rather than appear to be pro any form of economic restraint.
Good post RT, very interesting. Its always wise to know your enemy :p
Often times libertarians are frustrated because they run in direct opposition to socialism but on social freedom issues (sexual orientation, drugs, etc) they are for the highest freedoms.

Socialists propose severe restraints economically, however, and many libertarians would rather appear as against them rather than appear to be pro any form of economic restraint.

Uh-huh. :thumbs: Me all the way!