the universe and everything


Nov 19, 2004
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OK all, I've got a thread following on from one before.

It is generally accepted that travelling beyond the speed of light is a no go and that all we see was created from the big bang.

Ok if you accept these two known, I was wondering if our known universe is expanding, into what?

Surely if there was a massive big bang billions of years ago something must have triggered it. It is hard to imagine nothing and all of a sudden a big bang that creates everything’s=this everything includes time itself. What is this all this about?

Before the creation of the universe, can anybody imagine what was there before? Was there nothing? Not even time, if so what can you imagine created it?

As hard as it is to believe does anybody think that there must have been some sort of divine intervention or is our universe a one off?

Amazing what you turn your mind to, after a couple, but surely I am not alone in thinking that what we are told about the creation of he universe doesn’t really add up.

Big bangs, divine intervention, or what ever theory you want to put forward it just doesn’t add up.

We are fed all our lives that science will answer all but it doesn’t. Big bang….. Universe, maybe, divine intervention ….. Universe maybe.

Who knows ?
Yup, one question just leads to another just leads to another just leads to another.
Dude, ask ONE fundamental mindblowing question at a time, and you might get some answers....
Well... this is what modern physicists are tying to solve... so don't expect any definite answers from our forum members. :p
Well... this is what modern physicists are tying to solve... so don't expect any definite answers from our forum members.
not after answers ;) just mind blowing chit chat :angel:
because time is a fluid thing, there will never be a single equation that can explain it with any more detail then it is manifesting in the present moment..
consider this:
hubble's law says that all objects in space are moving away from all other objects, like if you drew dots on a baloon and blew it up, each dot would move away from each other one.. so everywhere we look we see the receding universe, it's moving away in all directions from us.. interestingly, no matter which direction we look, we're seeing light from the past.. the fainter the light/more distant, the further back in time.. the center of the universe(ie where the big bang happened) ends up being everywhere according to astronomers..
so let's take this a step further.. if everywhere i look i see the past astronomically, does that mean the earth is the center? Well Einstein points out that everything you see around YOU is coming at you the speed of light ie. it's not instantaneous.. no matter which direction you look, YOU're looking into the past.. how can i share a present at the same time as you? It's expanding at all points in space.. someplace where your awareness resides.. where the 'tires meet the road' is the present moment, which is connected to all space/time in the universe! It's like a wave that travels the speed of light in several dimensions all at once

but that said, the manifestation of this universe from moment to moment is somewhat of a mystery.. something about the way YOU percieve it, affects it's nature..
Western philosophy asks: "What is the world?"
Eastern philosophy asks: "Who am I?"
One of these questions answers the other..
The answer is very simple.

But surely. Common sense would say if, big if, there was a big bang i.e. a start to everything including time itself there must be a point of origin, a central point were it all started. The balloon theory is all good and well but at some point the balloon must have been deflated.
I can see a continuing expanding universe but I am sorry I don't see a centre point. I don’t see a point where it all started.
Surely for the balloon theory to hold up there must be a start point, a point where there was nothing before. If this is the case, like I said before it doesn’t add up.
Sorry just rambling :angel:
I think your intellectual mind is running into the same wall that mathmatics runs into when attempting to define the very beginning moments of the big bang..(something like hundredths of a second)..
but they also say that before it exploded, it was a point of infinite mass yet zero density..(or is it the other way around?) It was this infinite potential that i believe exists today in the present moment at ALL points in space/time, expanding still! And it is what makes being alive so special!
but i think the intellectual mind is often a servant of the ego.. beware of who's running the show!
sometimes i ramble too=)
bam23 said:
Yup, one question just leads to another just leads to another just leads to another.

i agree. its like " which one came first.. is it the egg or the chicken?" lol

i think there are 5 or 10 philosophies about God's existence.

one would be the "unmoved mover"

Someone had caused all these things. nothing would have happened if no one started it. It is the Alpha and Omega Himself. Be afraid people. I think someone is really watching over us..

my second point is: considering everything is freakin bugazillion lights years away from us, do u actually think we're the only one;s alive here? I mean the distances are infinite. Probably another being exists. its just we cant come to know cuz they are too far to detect.

third thing: how many cycles of big bang theory u guys think may have happened before our galaxy started to exist? are we the first ? second? 1,000,000,000th???

even the most intelligent scientist in history would spatter his brain before he finds the answers to all these.
I would like to question the big bang theory. How do we know the universe didn't exist before the big bang, just with everything in the center, then one huge bang spread it all over the universe and then started combining all the elements to form, thus creating everything. I would be more worried, if that's the correct term, since we wont ever see it, of the shockwave coming back at us.
light is the fastest thing _we know of_, i don't see why something can't travel faster than that.

As for what came before, or whats beyond what there is now... I ain't entering into one of them discussions on here, I've seen how they turn out lol :p, I'll stick to discussing that with friends and on MSN, more fun :)
But what is the question? If only they hadn't blown earth up.

Damn inter-planetary infrastructure.

"What do you get when you multiply 6 by 9?"
i rattled off some hefty words last night, but now that the herbal rememdies have subsided, i'd tend to go with the 42 answer..

although, i agree that there is an infinite nature to things, but their FORM is always changing..
this is why they say if you can live life without fear of death or fearlessly, then you can drink from the immortal elixir(til you die=)
in other words, it is our attachment to things that creates the illusion of death! Forms are transitory.. it is the present moment that brings it about, but they are fleeting.. awareness will get you closer then intellectualization..
oh, i'm rambling again...
what i meant was, 42!
the universe cycle according to neptuneUK:

the big bang!

everything is formed and created blah blah blah energy this particles that...

still expanding (now)

expanding still, more slowly

stops expanding

gravity slowly makes everything in the universe come back together again.

things start moving towards each other.

even faster...

everythings crushed....

....into a small space. ALL of the energy and matter from the first big bang is then compressed into an infinitely small space...

until it explodes!

rule?: energy cannot be created nor destoyed..... so it always existed?
The Dark Elf said:
light is the fastest thing _we know of_, i don't see why something can't travel faster than that.

some scientists believe, that there are particles that exist only
when travelling faster than light. I can't recall what they are called...

if that's true then maybe the speed of light is some kind of a border between our universe (with it's laws of physics and all) and something else, totally undefined.

once when we thought that the speed of sound is absolutely unbeatable. and now we have supersonic jets, rockets, pulse engines etc. nothing is certain nowadays, I tell ya...

btw - if the universe starts to shrink - will time move backwards?
oberGeist said:
some scientists believe, that there are particles that exist only
when travelling faster than light. I can't recall what they are called...

I think they're Tachyons.

I think the best thing that anyone has come up with to explain the events leading up to the Big Bang is to read the first part of Genesis. I am not saying that God exists, but it is a possible solution to the problem, didn't one of the leading Atheists say that all research points to the Universe being created by an intelligence?
-Viper- said:
But what is the question? If only they hadn't blown earth up. ;(

Damn inter-planetary infrastructure.

I bet if you challenged God, assuming there is one, to Jeopardy then we'd know.
Asking what came before the beginning is as silly as asking what the color of wednesday is. As there was no time, there was no "before" either.
If you can visualise the 3 dimensional surface of a 4-Dimensional sphere, you'll have no problem imagining this.
dj_flameskull said:
i agree. its like " which one came first.. is it the egg or the chicken?" lol

The chicken came first.

Sorry for teh 2ble post.
you should've lengthened your title like douglas adams did : "life, the universe, and everything."
Tantalus said:
The chicken came first.

most possibly the correct answer. although when u ask this question, most people would take this as a joke.. saying "ey, how would a chicken exist if he didnt hatch from an egg?" then the discussion goes round and round and round.

anyways, i just think that universe is beyond man's understanding. May this is the limit since universe is infinite. There's so much mystery in a short span of time. dang. :dozey:
The egg came first. Thats a simple fact of evolution. There were eggs well before there were chickens. Even if you add the qualifier 'chicken egg', the chicken egg still came before the chicken, because it came (as we must draw the line somewhere) out of a creature that was not so much a chicken.

There is no such thing as "before time", as PvtRyan stated.

And if you ask me, the universe was created because to even have nothing, you need someone to observe it. Therefore nothing is impossible. Sounds strange but its the only thing that makes sense to me.
neptuneuk said:
the universe cycle according to neptuneUK:

the big bang!

everything is formed and created blah blah blah energy this particles that...

still expanding (now)

expanding still, more slowly

stops expanding

gravity slowly makes everything in the universe come back together again.

things start moving towards each other.

even faster...

everythings crushed....

....into a small space. ALL of the energy and matter from the first big bang is then compressed into an infinitely small space...

until it explodes!

rule?: energy cannot be created nor destoyed..... so it always existed?
Yeah, that's what some think.

Until we find (or try to) the critical mass (if it's greater than the gravitational pull we'll keep expanding, if it's equal we'll stop, and if it's smaller we'll contract) of the universe, we probably won't know.

If you guys really want to get into it, I can pull out my Brief History of Time... :burp:
There is no such thing as "before time", as PvtRyan stated.

I agree only on the principle that time is infinate, as is space. I can't see time and space being created at the same point the universe was.
If as is propossed the universe came into being duing the big bang, I find it dificult to picture there being no time or space before this point.
Is it not possible that with infinate time and space there are infinate possiblities. Who is to say that our universe is singular.
It is now estimated our universe is 20 billion years old, does this imply that time started 20 billion years ago, I don't see it. how about 40,50 even a billion billion years ago. mind blowing ....sorry
i have a feeling there is a lot of black holes in space, sucking out some of space.
remember reading it somewhere. :D

i wonder how nasa can get that rocket to slam right into that comet, im baffled on how they can do that :O
Black holes evapourate you know. The smaller they are, the quicker they evapourate, so micro blackholes will evapourate really quickly.
My favorite question is what does nothing look like? It can't be black or white as those are something.
GhostBoi said:
My favorite question is what does nothing look like? It can't be black or white as those are something.

Black is the absence of light. White is a range of spectra of light.

Just like cold is the absence of heat.
PvtRyan said:
Asking what came before the beginning is as silly as asking what the color of wednesday is. As there was no time, there was no "before" either.

Wedsday is purple. duh. Didn't you know that

on a more serious note:
42 is the answer to life the universe and everything and this is how it is derived:
everything =7
unverse = 6
life = everything - universe = 1

so everything * universe * life = 42.
rpgprog said:
Wedsday is purple. duh. Didn't you know that

on a more serious note:
42 is the answer to life the universe and everything and this is how it is derived:
everything =7
unverse = 6
life = everything - universe = 1

so everything * universe * life = 42.

It's so obvious to me now...

and no wonder Douglas Adams had a heart attack while running on the treadmill.
baxter said:
OK all, I've got a thread following on from one before.

It is generally accepted that travelling beyond the speed of light is a no go and that all we see was created from the big bang.

Ok if you accept these two known, I was wondering if our known universe is expanding, into what?

Surely if there was a massive big bang billions of years ago something must have triggered it. It is hard to imagine nothing and all of a sudden a big bang that creates everything’s=this everything includes time itself. What is this all this about?

Before the creation of the universe, can anybody imagine what was there before? Was there nothing? Not even time, if so what can you imagine created it?

As hard as it is to believe does anybody think that there must have been some sort of divine intervention or is our universe a one off?

Amazing what you turn your mind to, after a couple, but surely I am not alone in thinking that what we are told about the creation of he universe doesn’t really add up.

Big bangs, divine intervention, or what ever theory you want to put forward it just doesn’t add up.

We are fed all our lives that science will answer all but it doesn’t. Big bang….. Universe, maybe, divine intervention ….. Universe maybe.

Who knows ?, er..

The answer is 42