The unspoken rules of halflife..

Does not work.

What game are you playing? or can't you stay alive for the few seconds it takes for the anti-toxin to heal you up?.

When there is something that looks nice, prepare to be mobbed by large volumes of enemies soon after.
What game are you playing? or can't you stay alive for the few seconds it takes for the anti-toxin to heal you up?.



The anti-toxin heals you up only to the point you were initially.

In fact, you lose a bit of health whenever you get attacked.
Indeed. I learned my lesson when there were two poison headcrabs attacking me.
PH1: REEETVH! 'attack'
Me: OH NOES! '1hp left'
Me: beeeep beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep 'dead'

Oh, and if there is a single rebel nearby, he's going to die. So don't stay near him.

The anti-toxin heals you up only to the point you were initially.

In fact, you lose a bit of health whenever you get attacked.
I think it may be the case that any damage you suffer whilst healing from the Poison is negated. It isn't an instant 100 health if you're limping around the level.
Gordon Freeman cannot open boxes. He must destroy them.

There must always be at least one level that takes place in a lab where little or no combat takes place.
Indeed. I learned my lesson when there were two poison headcrabs attacking me.
PH1: REEETVH! 'attack'
Me: OH NOES! '1hp left'
Me: beeeep beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep 'dead'

Oh, and if there is a single rebel nearby, he's going to die. So don't stay near him.

Hm, never noticed them actually doing damage beyond the instant 1HP thing. Guess I killed them too fast.
I think it may be the case that any damage you suffer whilst healing from the Poison is negated. It isn't an instant 100 health if you're limping around the level.

BS. If any damage you suffered while healing from the poison was negated, there would be no threat in having 1hp. And it's quite easy to die whilst you have 1hp.

Neurotoxins get you back up to one hp below where your hp was before you got neurotoxowned. All in all, black headcrabs deal 1hp of damage - but allow other creatures to kill you very, very fast.

/EDIT By the way, the guy who was disparaging my HL2 skills will be killed in a freak kangaroo accident.
You cannot remove any of your tools or weapons carried within the Hazardous Environment Suit, as you can't locate their storage. They are willed mentally to you, whenever you need them or their ammunition supply. Soldiers who cannot spell, a train wreck, or a large security system, however, can locate that storage immediately and physically remove them all. Beware.

Large security systems which remove your weapons always end up making you more dangerous and almost invulnerable.
I think it may be the case that any damage you suffer whilst healing from the Poison is negated. It isn't an instant 100 health if you're limping around the level.

Nope. Get shot while healing and you're stuck at that level of health.

In fact, on hard if two poison headcrabs show up they will kill you. One will take your health down to 1, and the other will take away some more hp.
Totally stuck? Dog will be helping you, with a scripted sequence in a few seconds.
It doesn't matter if an entire army is looking for you; if you are in a situation where you need to stack boxes or weigh something down, you're perfectly safe.

If you flip a switch, and the switch doesn't then get stuck, you'll have to flip it back to its original position for some reason.

If Lamarr is around, watch her. She'll do something interesting.

Many elevators are ridiculously slow moving. If you're with alone or with a combative companion, the elevator will be on another floor and you'll have to wait for it. If you're with a non-combative companion, the elevator will be ready at the floor you're at.

If there's an enemy that you have no way of defeating, the means of defeating it are just up ahead if you've face the enemy before, or 1-2 maps away if this is your first time seeing it.

When there's a pool of toxic waste a few inches shallower than the height of a box or spool, even though you can't see the bottom, there is no need to worry about the pool getting a few inches deeper at any point.

Wide-open areas will never remain peaceful.

Alyx never speaks any bad ideas.
Oh, and if there is a single rebel nearby, he's going to die. So don't stay near him.

Not true. There's billions of single rebels all hanging around in Follor Freeman. They don't die unless you go put them under a sniper.
There are no blonde people left on Earth. They were exterminated by the Combine(reverse Arianism?).

Although the game takes place in Eastern Europe, everyone is American and there are hardly any Eastern europeans.
If you're captured (marines in HL1, advisors in Ep2, etc.) or if someone of some significance to you is captured (Alyx and Eli in HL2), don't worry: your captors will implement some variation of the 'unneccesarily slow moving, overly elaborate, and easily escapable' execution methodology in order to deal with you. It won't work, and they'll miss their golden opportunity to crush the resistance while they were dawdling around.

This actually didn't pan out for Eli now that I think about it, but I'm pretty sure Gordon and Alyx will be okay.
If someone says you're in a safe haven, it's not really safe and will get attacked by an abnormally large force of Combine.
If you're captured (marines in HL1, advisors in Ep2, etc.) or if someone of some significance to you is captured (Alyx and Eli in HL2), don't worry: your captors will implement some variation of the 'unneccesarily slow moving, overly elaborate, and easily escapable' execution methodology in order to deal with you. It won't work, and they'll miss their golden opportunity to crush the resistance while they were dawdling around.

True for any cinematic experience.

And please put a SPOILER tag around that last paragraph.
It doesn't matter if an entire army is looking for you; if you are in a situation where you need to stack boxes or weigh something down, you're perfectly safe.

Not true! The puzzle with the big weights in Episode Two, with the Vortigaunt? Bunch of zombies down there, they even mentioned it in the commentary, having a nice surprise for those who expect another boring physics puzzle.