The Urban Health and Safety Survival Guide


May 24, 2006
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When visiting a public toilet which has no tiolet paper DO NOT use your sock. You will get blisters.
What on Earth did you do with the sock afterward?
He inverted it, then rolled it up to be washed later. DUH!
Why would you use a sock? Why not just go to the nearest resturant/bar and take shitloads of napkins before you go to the restroom?

or better, crap your pants and say god told you to do it.
My friend told me he would use a sock if he had no toilet paper.

Though my question is, how hard is it to check whether there is toilet paper in the cubicle or not? I mean unless the substance is leaking out your ass it can't be that hard to check whether you have toilet paper available.
Though my question is, how hard is it to check whether there is toilet paper in the cubicle or not?

In a crisis, one is usually so relieved to have reached an actual toilet with functioning water and without a dead body next to it in time, that the sense of euphoria can overwhelm your naturally born instinct to first check for paper.
I always know if there's paper or not, because I temporarily become a ****ing janitor and clean the seat until that bitch shines before I would place my blessed ass upon it.

If it's an emergency and there's no time to clean it, I shit standing up, hovering above the rim like alien visitors.
When visiting a public toilet which has no tiolet paper DO NOT use your sock. You will get blisters.

Let me get this straight,

you wiped your asshole with a sock?

I mean I've been in some desperate straits, but holy shit!