The "USER" folder


Nov 26, 2004
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I see posts everywhere referring to the "", "whateveryoursteamname", "xxxx", "name" folder. It gets confusing, to say the least. Couldn't we just call it the "user" folder? It would be easier to understand, IMO. In all the readmes for my skins, I ask people to unzip to their "user" folder and it seems to work, since nobody has ever asked me what that folder is or where to find it.
Just a thought. :E
There are hundreds of User folders with Windows.
Wouldn't work because nobody would know what you meant. Maybe if Steam added a 'Open your User folder' command it would be a good idea.
I don't understand why some people have a username as their user folder while others have an email account instead?
i found '' the best one :P its just combining the email and the fact you put it in their in one! magic!
Actually, now I thought it through, the most correct term would be "Login", seeing as it's the login people use when signing on to steam.

No ?
Valve changed the ways things worked about 3 months ago.

Steam started installing itself in c:\Valve instead of the program files, and the email address wasnt used for the user folder anymore.

Good moves I feel.
Hectic Glenn said:
i found '' the best one :P its just combining the email and the fact you put it in their in one! magic!

Bobcat said:
...some people have a username as their user folder while others have an email account...
It's right above your post. How could you miss it?
Bobcat said:
I don't understand why some people have a username as their user folder while others have an email account instead?

depends on when you registered, whether your username is a email accnt, or just a name.

i registered ages ago [when you had to use the batch file] and i have an email, but they updated how they handled it.

there was speculation on whether they'd let the people with the email address change their username, but i don't care ;)
those of us who registered a while ago have our usernames as our email addresses because thats how steam used to do it. now you choose a username, apparently.