The VAC Attack


Party Escort Bot
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
Most, if not all servers, are now protected by VAC. I wasn't sure at first, but all of my favorite servers are VAC secured, and so are some random servers I chose. Hooray for the Vac attack.
TrippyG said:
it's still in testing tho...
Anyone who cheats on them though will most likely get banned when it's fully released.
Though I'm more excited about "Hack Cam", since in their tests they did, Hack Cam positively identified about 100 more cheaters than VAC... But that's just conjecture considering we don't actually know if Az is working with VALVe... ¬_¬
Everytime I try to join a VAC server, it says I my failed to contact VAC servers.
VAC servers are jokes right now. People don't care, and they're not being banned. GG valve. Same shit as usual.
I've never actually seen/heard of people getting banned for hacks. But if VAC actually did what it's supposed to do then that'd be sweet having some ****in nub kiss their steam id good bye
FictiousWill said:
VAC servers are jokes right now. People don't care, and they're not being banned. GG valve. Same shit as usual.

Yeah well on Source games its not enabled to ban yet, and on HL engine, VALVe just gave up on VAC beta, thats why they are putting VAC2 on that engine also.
MetalliMyers said:
Everytime I try to join a VAC server, it says I my failed to contact VAC servers.

I saw a post (steamforums) that explains this error.
And I quote

If you disconnect from the net while you are logged on to steam, then reconnect to the internet and join a VAC2 server it will give you that error.

It's easy to disconnect on dialup so i run into this quite a bit, however broadband customers probably don't notice whenever there's a quick disconnection because of their ISP having problems or just a network error. Not all "always-on" connections have static IP's either so their IP simply could have changed. Hence broadbanders probably don't notice they've been disconnected and think it's just a weird error.

It's easy to fix, just exit steam and restart it. (or restart your computer). If it lets you connect then you know you got disconnected from the net for just a second and that was the problem.

The problem is with steam not realising it is not connected to the internet (after you log into steam, then disconnect frome the net), hence when you do reconnect, it doesn't try to log back on.

Maybe some one should sticky it as it seems to be a common prob.
its a bug, there is also a command to make it look like your server is VAC protected.
FictiousWill said:
VAC servers are jokes right now. People don't care, and they're not being banned. GG valve. Same shit as usual.
Then you're playing CSS/CS why?
VAC is in testing, they will ban later Fictious.... its not a secret or anything.
I joined a server today that was protected without an admin. 2 hackers banned in one day. GG ValvE. :thumbs:
VAC for Source has no cheat detection logic yet,All VAC servers on Source are being tested for connectivity only and nothing else..


Using this flag at this time will prevent legitimate users from being able to connect to your server (on the order of 20% of all users). Right now the beta test only involves testing our connectivity code, it does not exercise any cheat detection logic.

If you want to help us solve our connectivity issues then use this flag, but be aware that you will be prevent users from playing on your server. In particular, if you see people being kicked with "No Steam Logon" errors and they are technically savvy then please ask them to contact me to debug the problem.
Thanks for that eram. That also means that people can't try and get around VAC just yet...
The server I play on regulary has some kind of anti-hack, not vac apparently but it bans hackers in a flash.
dekstar said:
Thanks for that eram. That also means that people can't try and get around VAC just yet...

yup, no new VAC proof cheats out yet seeing as VAC for source has no cheat detection logic....
I'm quite sure the VAC team know about all the current cheats being used online right now and will pwn those guys right from day 1 :)

Milkman said:
The server I play on regulary has some kind of anti-hack, not vac apparently but it bans hackers in a flash.

Well Mani and the other admin mod Beetles mod both have some Anti cheat measures you can get plug ins for now,but nothing great.They can check cfg's and stop simple things like name hax,cfg hax etc but when it comes to things like aimbots,wallhacks etc i don't thing the current admin mods can do much to combat it..

Lets hope that the new VAC system will be a lot better than the old way.We all know how well that 1 worked :(