The War Update: Soldier & Demoman Update Confirmed!

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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Valve have confirmed the new class updates are on their way! A new post on the TF2 blog outlines how The War Update is going to work. Each day Valve will tease us with new content, including the 6 new weapons for the soldier & demoman BUT...
A secret, exclusive seventh weapon has also been developed by the TF2 team. In other words, either the Soldier or the Demo (but NOT both) is walking out of this update with one more weapon than the other. If you want your class to have it, you're going to have to fight for it. The more Demomen you kill as the Soldier class will help ensure the Soldier gets the weapon at the end of the week. The more Soldiers you kill as the Demo will help the Demo class get the exclusive seventh weapon.
You'll be able to check who is winning the fight here.[br]Both classes also get their own update pages - Demoman | Soldier[br]Update: New TF2 competition here involves designing a propaganda poster to win several prizes including: a personalised engraved hat, one of a kind hats or a MANN CO package.
Wow... what a completely awesome idea. Personally I think demos get more soldier kills from grenade spam than soldiers could ever muster, but I'm excited to see how it turns out.

War were declared.
Only one class gets an extra weapon? That's bound to create balancing issues and piss a few players off.
Hope to God the soldier gets it. I can't stand the Demo anymore.

This is a pretty interesting idea from Valve. Get the community active to decide who gets the extra weapon. Neat.
"That one-eyed bagpipe-playing sonofabitch has been a thorn in our collective sides for long enough!" That's it - I'm on the Soldiers' side. If you want healin' from me, better grab a rocket launcher. Actually, someone should start a poll and see how the forum at large feels.

Well played, Valve.
Soldier all the way. I'll be fightin' on his side when I'm on.
Sadly, the demo is probably gonna win (just because it's much more easy to kill soldiers as a demo than demos as a soldier) which is somewhat sad as I feel the soldier would get a boost by being more diverse with an additional weapon.

The idea is very cool though.
50 demo kills as solly, thats my bit for today.
Sadly, the demo is probably gonna win

I see you are a simple minded man with no dignity and no honor. I will break your spine to remind you that you are not yet worthy to be a soldier and probably never will, maggot!

I have about sixty demo kills. Its hard when everyone's playing soldier =(
As a Pyro enthusiast, Soldiers present a greater threat to me than the Demo. So my choice is simple.
switching from L4D2 back to TF2 after the update.... :thumbs: can't wait
Great , i missed the Halloween hype because my GPU was fried , now i'll miss this because steam is being a slut and it won't start.I don't wanna uninstall it and i don't have the space on my HDD to back-up the steamapps folder.I suck.
Great , i missed the Halloween hype because my GPU was fried , now i'll miss this because steam is being a slut and it won't start.I don't wanna uninstall it and i don't have the space on my HDD to back-up the steamapps folder.I suck.

Move (not copy) steamapps out of the steam folder.
Uninstall steam.
Install steam.
Move steamapps back into the steam folder.

Edit: Oh wait for some reason you don't want to uninstall steam, okay try going into the steam folder and deleting everything except steamapps and steam.exe then run steam.
This should be easy for us soldiers. As everyone knows only spamnoobs play demoman, yet the skilled player chooses soldier! :D
What the hell? So one class just gets an extra unlock?

It's a neat idea, but I don't think I actually care for it.
Maybe the Demos will get their extra item a week later after they lose. Or maybe the loser's item will just be a random drop and everyone will get the BLU soldier's extra item.
The extra unlock is probably something that could've suited both of them, but Valve didn't know who to give it to so they're doing it this way. I doubt anybody's going to get anything for being the loser, let alone a week later.
My love goes to the soldier, can't game at the moment though.
I play more as demo but I will like to see the new weapons of the soldiers cuz I will like to play more as soldier

so I cant decide
The extra unlock is probably something that could've suited both of them, but Valve didn't know who to give it to so they're doing it this way.

I think it's pretty cool that you have the ability to read Valve's mind(s). Must be nice to be psychic. :rolleyes:

Haha. Well, I'm not very good at Demo or Soldier and rarely play them, though they are just as awesome as all the other classes. I do play Demo slightly more, but since I won't have any impact on the outcome of this:
Well, Corp. Sheepo, you were right. This is going to be a lot similar to the Sniper/Spy update a few months ago, but now they're adding a seventh weapon in the mix. This should be quite interesting.
I can't believe almost 3 million kills have been amassed already in this competition. Good god.
The solider is winning so far, he needs a good new weapon.
this will be epic.

I'm going for soldiers, they're less of a threat to my sentries than demomen
I play demo, sniper and engineer on 2fort pretty much exclusively. I hate when soldiers rocket-spam the battlements.