the week of E3 is finally upon us, the wait is over..


Jul 13, 2003
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For all the people who have said that it could not come fast enough, well here it is..... I think were going to see some exciting stuff this week and more confirmation on an acurate release month/day....but last but not least....the new video coverage!!! (pee'd my pants goto go)
The wait ain't over till the stuff are out ;P .. but indeed.
Vids will make the wait easier... I sure hope they'll give a release date, and show how much they improved the game... :D
LOL! It should be interesting to see how they handle themselves after last years PR debacle. I'm looking forward to the new info, media and release date.
It's not over until the fat lady sings. She's currently buttoning up her corset.
What's the deal with the E3 conference which is held May 11-13? So do we get any new information already tomorrow? But then again there's some expo held in 12-14. I'm kinda confused
Yea, the dates are a little strange.

Don't worry, if there is no cool HL2 info one day, then we will still hear about loads of other upcoming games.
The wait is over for E3 but not quite for Half-Life 2. PATIENTS PEOPLE!! SHOULDN'T BE TOO LONG NOW.....i hope :x
I hope those movies get a decent host quick enough! :p
I hope we get Bink-quality vids right away, instead of the shaky cam vids. And I have just one more thing to say:


.(if you can/want)
may 11th is business people only, sorta like the 1st day of the autoshow, 12-14 is open for the other guys, reviewers, and whatever public are let in to the convention.
I'm going to get my badge tomorrow (I already have the confirmation, just wanna pick it up early so I don't get caught in a line.) Then Wednesday I'm getting there early and waiting at the entrance closest to the ATI & Vivendi booths. I can't freakin wait to see these demos.
I snuck into E3 in 1999, 2000, and 2001. Every year after that I've actually had a job in the industry (as a game tester) so I can just register and get tickets easily.
Haha Jim. I'd say see you there, but I'll hopefully be at the media breakfast in the morning, but if I can't get to that, I'll be waiting in line close to Vivendi/Valve.
Hehehehe. RblDiver, I'll be at the entrance just below the Vivendi booth. It's not a main entrance so it hopefully won't be as crowded as others. Hopefully I'll see you there. I've actually printed out the floorplans and have planned my HL2 route, which is actually completely different than my "Free crap route" which will get me as many free T-Shirts and keychains as I can possibly hold. My fiancee is ready to have me commited.

Oh, and ferd, it's not tomorrow but today and tomorrow anyone can go to the convention center and pick up their badges so they don't have to wait in line on the actual days of the show.