The what American accent do you have quiz


May 5, 2004
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What American accent do you have?


("Midland" is not necessarily the same thing as "Midwest") The default, lowest-common-denominator American accent that newscasters try to imitate. Since it's a neutral accent, just because you have a Midland accent doesn't mean you're from the Midland.

although not american I do sound like a newscaster ..but with the occasional "eh" thrown in
I'm Midland too. We all talk like that around here in Michgan aside from the occasional uber-redneck accent. There aren't too many people around here that talk like that though; I've taken care of the ones that do.

Yeah, I know Kage, rofl.

You have a Northern accent. That could either be the Chicago/Detroit/Cleveland/Buffalo accent (easily recognizable) or the Western New England accent that news networks go for.

gotta be from texas!
I got Northern. Funny cause I was born in Maine but lived there for less than a year before moving to the midwest. hehe
What American accent do you have? (Best version so far)

My Results:


People from outside North America probably think you're from the States, but over here we wouldn't make such a mistake


I probably answered some of those questions wrong though...seeing as now that I think about it I don't say Bag and Vague the exact same way.
eww accent from buffalo = fugly

"I'm going to Taps Friendly Mah-kets"


"I'm going to Tops friendly Market"
I'm from Hawaii and I got the Midland accent.

I suppose I have a pretty neutral accent.
I got midland as well... I grew up in CT, been living in Louisiana for the past 5 years...
fetch me a mint julip, sam, be a dear I'm getting the vapours and ah just needs some refreshment

/end blanche accent

something like that?

Most people don't know it but this is actually what dictionaries are based on. If you don't believe me, pick up any American dictionary and look up "source" and "sauce" and you'll see they are written with the same vowel pronunciation.

No shit, Sherlock. They don't call me 'Captain Recieved-Pronounciation' for nothing. Well, they don't at all. But if they did, it might be apt.
no no no stern you got it all wrong. we dont speak like that the people in long island and new york city do not here in upstate. That was in reply to ur buffalo comment, even though im from syracuse.

hey I've watched irv weinstein and the channel 4 newsteam, I've been to Taps, err I mean Tops
It's so weird hearing Americans refer to 'The Midland'. I keep thinking of the West Midlands.
It pegged me as Canadian. Although East Coast Canadian, French Canadian, Regular Canadian and Prarie Canadian sound very different
i have a Boston accent and this says im a midland.....bologna!!!
Awesome! I never realized theres so many American accents. I always knew about all the different ones just in england alone.
Yorkshire, born 'n bred. Baaaa'y eck, pu't ruddy wood in't 'ole

I'm from Wisconsin though, and apparantly we have a very distinguishable "accent". I disagree though.
What American accent do you have?


Most people don't know it but this is actually what dictionaries are based on. If you don't believe me, pick up any American dictionary and look up "source" and "sauce" and you'll see they are written with the same vowel pronunciation.

Yorkshire, born 'n bred. Baaaa'y eck, pu't ruddy wood in't 'ole

I'm from Yorkshire, too! (South)
And I am from a typical working class family, however I am rather well spoken :)
It's very mildly Yorkshire my accent I think.
Depends on whether I'm speaking brittish or american. I got midland on the test, but generally I mix them up. Up to the point where my teacher (not anymore harhar) subtracts points from my mark of my english presentation, while I'm the only one in class that speaks english at all. Bitch.

You have a Northern accent. That could either be the Chicago/Detroit/Cleveland/Buffalo accent (easily recognizable) or the Western New England accent that news networks go for.

Hmm... I don't know about that. My diction isn't that good, I sound something like Cevat Yerli :laugh:

You have a Northern accent. That could either be the Chicago/Detroit/Cleveland/Buffalo accent (easily recognizable) or the Western New England accent that news networks go for.

Im from connecticut... so i suppose its not such a stretch.
Midland, but I have some Texas twang in some words, like "Hawk" rhymes with "Talk", and I sometimes say "fixin' to", and pronounce "going" as "gunna". And "there" as "thurr". And "window" as "windah"

'Most people don't know it but this is actually what dictionaries are based on. If you don't believe me, pick up any American dictionary and look up "source" and "sauce" and you'll see they are written with the same vowel pronunciation.'

Shock horror - the English people in this thread can speak English properly. Who would have thunk it?
I got Northern, I have a mild Geordie accent (for you Southerners you won't think so but you wouldn't understand some people at all here).
Mid Atlantic

Also known as a "Philadelphia accent" but also heard in south Jersey, Baltimore, and thereabouts.
I'm from South Jersey. Couldn't be more precise.
Shock horror - the English people in this thread can speak English properly. Who would have thunk it?

the English people in this thread can speak English properly. Who would have thunk it?

Who would have thunk it?

have thunk it?
