the words you thought you'd never hear: Duke Nukem Forver gone GOLD!!!

I stopped caring about Duke Nukem hundreds of thousands of years ago...
Just bought on Steam as they have the release date listed as June 9th in the UK, also got the Balls Of Steel Collectors Edition pre-ordered. Decided to skip buying CoD this year and support the Duke!
DN3D was some of the finest FPS gaming I ever had back in those days, but this doesn't interest me in the slightest.
Your moms look pretty mediocre and don't interest me in the slightest ... respectively.

Me? I've always bet on Duke. Now I'm penniless but at last I will have game.
Your moms look pretty mediocre and don't interest me in the slightest ... respectively.

Me? I've always bet on Duke. Now I'm penniless but at last I will have game.

This. I doubt Randy Pitchford would have personally bought the Duke franchise from 3DRealms if he didn't think the game was worth it. I can tell you what will happen in regards to how this will be received. Those who remember the original DN3D and know what kind of gameplay to expect will love it, those who become up themselves and want "innovation" in Duke will completely miss the point and berate it for not being CoD and being stuck in the 90's.
I'm sitting firmly in the first camp.
Just bought on Steam as they have the release date listed as June 9th in the UK, also got the Balls Of Steel Collectors Edition pre-ordered. Decided to skip buying CoD this year and support the Duke!

I would of bought the Balls of Steel Edition if they traded out the useless crap like stickers and the likes, and had a full poker set instead
This. I doubt Randy Pitchford would have personally bought the Duke franchise from 3DRealms if he didn't think the game was worth it. I can tell you what will happen in regards to how this will be received. Those who remember the original DN3D and know what kind of gameplay to expect will love it, those who become up themselves and want "innovation" in Duke will completely miss the point and berate it for not being CoD and being stuck in the 90's.
I'm sitting firmly in the first camp.

I feel like this is how it was for TF2 also. It seems like a lot of people who were big TFC fans had a hard time enjoying TF2, but the people who just came into TF2 love it.
Its release will be a great demonstration of why you should let an IP die when it has run its course. Don't get caught in the hype, save yourself.
I never understood the hype of this game. It reeks of epic mediocrity judging from the footage that i have seen.
Never played the original games. Saw the trailers for this. No.
I never understood the hype of this game. It reeks of epic mediocrity judging from the footage that i have seen.

I think it's gone past the point where people are excited about the actual game. People are excited because it's been on and off for so long that no one can really believe that it's going to happen. Thus people are naturally interested in it.
DN3D was some of the finest FPS gaming I ever had back in those days, but this doesn't interest me in the slightest.

Wouldn't it be great if we could have 'those days' back?

I think it's gone past the point where people are excited about the actual game. People are excited because it's been on and off for so long that no one can really believe that it's going to happen. Thus people are naturally interested in it.

Like you said, those people are more interested in the never ending fiasco than the actual game. I foresee a lot of disappointment. Especially for those that have high expectations for this game. 3DRealms should have done the smart thing and released it back in 2001. That looked far more impressive than the game that is about to be released.
so, will it be the biggest letdown of this year?
And now the vaporware crown goes to... (put the words Life and Half together, mixed with a number three).
Its release will be a great demonstration of why you should let an IP die when it has run its course. Don't get caught in the hype, save yourself.

This is will be the century of Zombie IPs. Nothing will die. Nothing.

Every single IP that died from 1900-1999 will be revived in 2000-2099. When Modern Warfare 126 comes along, there will be a great rebellion that will eliminate half of the population of game developers. It will be the dawning of a new age.
This. I doubt Randy Pitchford would have personally bought the Duke franchise from 3DRealms if he didn't think the game was worth it. I can tell you what will happen in regards to how this will be received. Those who remember the original DN3D and know what kind of gameplay to expect will love it, those who become up themselves and want "innovation" in Duke will completely miss the point and berate it for not being CoD and being stuck in the 90's.
I'm sitting firmly in the first camp.

Um, aren't most people negative about it because they think they've made it too different from the original games in order to accommodate for the people in the second camp?

I feel like this is how it was for TF2 also. It seems like a lot of people who were big TFC fans had a hard time enjoying TF2, but the people who just came into TF2 love it.

I think he's saying the exact opposite.
Well... from what I've seen so far I only disagree with their misguided choice to limit the number of weapons you can carry to only two.
Um, aren't most people negative about it because they think they've made it too different from the original games in order to accommodate for the people in the second camp?

Not according to a couple of the previews I've read which mostly bitch about it still being stuck in the 90's and not advancing the genre forward, oh and that the game is completely sexist.

I think he's saying the exact opposite.

The Duke, sexist? No way.

My phone auto corrected Duke to dike. Bwaha
Judging from the trailer it looks like a gigantic heap of shite.
I'm excited personally. I love the Duke. When I was a kid Duke 3d blew my mind. It was like Wolf3d, but you could blow holes in walls sometimes! And there were strippers! And he said bad words! It was like heaven. I had to turn it off when my mom walked by. It was too cool for school.

I'm looking forward to DNF because it looks like lots of generic but good shooting and gibbing combined with absolutely retarded vulgar humor throughout and lots of overblown interactivity in the levels (like taking a shit and throwing your poop logs around). I sure as hell don't expect it to be one of those FPSes that I worship for years on end, like Counterstrike or Battlefield 2 or Day of Defeat or whatever. I just wanna have a good time, baby.
lol more like immature humor XD

Looks pretty uninteresting. Vehicle and turret scenes... no thanks. And lots of hand to hand combat. What's wrong with just the occasional kick? That's not Duke, for me. And way too much TnA in that trailer. God damn.

I don't like that they seem to be targeting a much younger group than how old true duke fans would be. I mean, I played DN3D when I was really young, and even I'm too old by now to be drawn in by a bunch of 3d tits. So it's like the audience they're targeting are too young to even be original Duke fans.
looks absurd and over the top, i'm stoked
I have just played the demo. It is embarrassingly bad. And I don't mean the puerile humor nor the archaic gameplay. I guess that goes with the territory, this being an old school game and all. No, it is bad in a technical way. Check out this screenshot of the depth of field effect for example. This would have looked awful in 2001, let alone 2011. The graphics in general give the impression that this game was made in the original Quake engine. Okay, that is a tad hyperbole-ish maybe, but still. I mean, look at this screenshot. Check out that sky box. Were they even trying? And don't get me started on the way this game is ported. Just think Borderlands and you'll get the idea. Not ever going to buy this game. It is a turd.
Yeah the demo wasnt very good, and is at least a year old since people played it at PAX last year.

Worth a rental? Maybe. Not worth buying at full price, perhaps at $10.
Always figured it'd be a port with Gearbox at the helm.
But then again, it might've been like this before they got involved too.

Oh well, time for Episode 3 to come out.