The worker bees



Well well, bsides that recent interview. We havent hear jack SHYTE from valve on HL2. Mus tmean they are pretty damn busy. Nore have we heard anything on their progress catching the 'hacker'. What do you guys think is going on...all this waiting is starting to make me wonder.
their probably all buys playign the game now that its done
Valve isn't known for going around talking about stuff.

If you don't ask a question, you aint gona get an answer.
Well, they used to answer a LARGE number of emails and we got a lot of info that way. Then some moron hacked them and now we hear nothing.
Only takes one to ruin it, most like everything else in life. Its probly better off this way. Ive allready heard enough spoliers.
Your topic title reminded me of a quote from Fight Club...

Worker bees can leave, even drones can fly away... the queen is their slave.
theyd ont want to tell us anything. for all we know gabe could be carving meat all day

as great as halflife 2 might be one day ill never forget how they treated their loyal fans like crap, smile that and remember.
Re: ....

Originally posted by SyncMaster
as great as halflife 2 might be one day ill never forget how they treated their loyal fans like crap, smile that and remember.

they arn't treating us like crap, they are just making the "GAME" better for us even if they have to ignore us to get the game done sooner.

and trust this , if the pirated copy of HL2 was a full playable with limited bugs(even just a few maps) 90% of you fans would have downloaded it without question, so let that loyalty bug erase itself, some of us know the truth .
Re: ....

Originally posted by SyncMaster
and trust this , if the pirated copy of HL2 was a full playable with limited bugs(even just a few maps) 90% of you fans would have downloaded it without question, so let that loyalty bug erase itself, some of us know the truth .

I agree.
But if the game will be in the shop, i will just pay for the game.
And they still answer emails. I have sent two or three giveing support. And I have answers. But no new info, unfortunatly.

If you have a question regarding HL2 and not this whole stolen beta stuff you will most likely get an answer. :)
Re: ....

Originally posted by SyncMaster
as great as halflife 2 might be one day ill never forget how they treated their loyal fans like crap, smile that and remember.

I dislike people like you. You complain and complain about not getting enough info and turn it into a personal attack on Valve, but in actual fact we've had an unbelievable amount. The game was announced about 6 months ago and has been in development for 5 years.

Over the six months we've had an amazing amount of replies to e-mails asking questions about the game (which most developers would not do), a shed load of videos, screenshots, interviews, Q&A sessions on IRC with lowly mod developers (not journalists) - all of which have been revealing more and more about the game.

I don't know what other things people want, other than "hl2_story_final.doc" to be released on Steam....
Re: Re: ....

Originally posted by Murray_H
I dislike people like you. You complain and complain about not getting enough info and turn it into a personal attack on Valve, but in actual fact we've had an unbelievable amount. The game was announced about 6 months ago and has been in development for 5 years.

Over the six months we've had an amazing amount of replies to e-mails asking questions about the game (which most developers would not do), a shed load of videos, screenshots, interviews, Q&A sessions on IRC with lowly mod developers (not journalists) - all of which have been revealing more and more about the game.

I don't know what other things people want, other than "hl2_story_final.doc" to be released on Steam....

many people dislike the fact that they spent hundereds of pounds/dollars upgrading their systems and listening to valve consitantly saying "sept. 30th".

when they delayed the game a lot of people were pissed cos they could have waited and saved $$$ when they bought the new stuff at a later date.

its not that we dont think theres been enougn info, its that Valve knew they could never hope to make the 30th deadline but they still whent and told the fans it would be on time.

this also affected several games magazines who promissed their fans reviews next month and ended up with nothing.

if valve had just said "listen we cant make the 30th" sonner then a lot of hate would not be directed at them.
I bought a new system and I am happy.

Play other games people for gods sake!!!

Your new system will still play HL2 when it comes out just fine.

Hell If your that bothered chuck it outa the window and claim insurance :D

But yeah, they probably could have told us earlier. :)
Well seeing as this is in a 'lack of information thread' i thought thats what people were feeling betrayed about.

But i also see where you are coming from :)
why thank you Rec, i often quote Fightclub and i have several shirts that quote hte movie, like my fav "You are not you're ***ing Khakis."
hehe and "It's only after we have lost everything, that we are free to do anything." My 2 fav quotes from that movie.
Valve should at LEAST throw us a few scraps to keep us from starving