The worst digital audio player in the world

We asked DuroSport about the battery half-life, and they claimed it was a feature. The DuroSport marketing representative told us, “By definition a battery like that can never die. Since it will always have half as much power as the previous charge, it will never reach zero”.


DurtoSport website said:
While the DuroSport product line is highly regarded throughout Eastern Europe

full stop. MUST BUY.

pretty funny and elaborate joke if I do say so myself. I love the DurtoSport website.

oh god lol:

Vladamir said:
Hello again, DuroSports Fans.

I am me, Vladimir Concescu, the Chief Product Engineer at the DuroSport Electric Company.

And I just wanted to statement for recording a single thing: I had nothing to do with “Smell of Books.” Our product that we are releasing and recalled in a single day. Shaming! That was the entirement of Nero’s idea. I am not in understanding at all of why he is doing such a project. I am calling it: “Nero’s Follicle.”

Now, you are asking: why, Vladimir, why are you not in the “Smell of Books” project? Good question: I am, after all, the Chief Product Engineer of the DuroSport Corporation, and is logic to assuming I am the involvment. But not. Not!!
It has to be a terrible company if it doesn't even have a wikipedia article!
the whole thing is an old april fools joke, cow man :D

Strangely, we found that the “Do you really want to?” message came up for almost every operation, including simple volume changes.
I laughed at that bit, but this has nothing on the 'burger in a can' review.
Lol, I believed it at first(until I read BHC's post).
Well, there actually are a lot of products which are as bad as this one, for example the game Big Rigs
"Battery Operated Battery Charger"

they certainly got a lot of publicity out of this one.
lol, i wish it were real. i'd buy it for my friend who doesn't even have an mp3 player