The X-prize has now been won!

w00t! I'm vacationing on the moon tomorrow
Wow, I remember this starting. Its cool its over, but its not cool for the next 30 years it will cost a good few thousand to go into space..
The question their attempts to grab the prize, what thought has been given to real practical application of commercial space travel? i.e...Safety.
great, when I retire i'll go in space. By then i'm sure there will be a casino and a hotel on the moon. And why not on mars too?
Woot! Space! here we come!

Funny name.. Brian Binnie...
Maybe I'll get to go into space in my lifetime after all :D
Farrowlesparrow said:
The question their attempts to grab the prize, what thought has been given to real practical application of commercial space travel? i.e...Safety.
Theres already plans to scale the spacecraft up and begin running it by 2007. They're definitly not stopping with this milestone. As far as safety goes...I think you can only be so safe rocketing out of the atmosphere.
I can picture it now:

"Scotty, warp speed 10."

"We can't do it, if we keep up this speed, we'll blow up any minute now!'

We should all pitch together and lunch the manned space craft.

We could have a party up there, realise we can't get home and go nuts.
Now that's something worth talking about! Space fascinates me. If it hadn't been for the damn rain, I would have been outside looking at the stars through my telescope by now.
Sweet,. I must be sure to book a flight before I die.
Ecthe|ioN said:
Now that's something worth talking about! Space fascinates me. If it hadn't been for the damn rain, I would have been outside looking at the stars through my telescope by now.

Space eh?

So what you're saying is that...You are fascinated by nothing? :P
Farrowlesparrow said:
The question their attempts to grab the prize, what thought has been given to real practical application of commercial space travel? i.e...Safety.

The first commercial aircraft were just as dangerous. Now look how far we have come from then!
some uk airline already buidls 5 vehicles to go to space. a trip will cost more than 20000 dollars i believe..
pixartist said:
some uk airline already buidls 5 vehicles to go to space. a trip will cost more than 20000 dollars i believe..
What Virgin has done is sign a deal with this Xprize team to use their technology to build 5 larger vehicles. Nothing has actually been done yet.
Poor Carmack, he must crushed.
Oh well, at least he has the money made by Doom III sales and his Ferraris to comfort him.
Tredoslop said:
Poor Carmack, he must crushed.
Oh well, at least he has the money made by Doom III sales and his Ferraris to comfort him.
He can try again next year. The Ansari people will be doing this every year I believe. Competition is healthy after all.
What they really should do instead of or in addition to a yearly competition to break the 100km barrier is up the stakes by having another prize for the first orbital flight.
Yeah, this is pretty sweet. I want one! I was watching this show on the discovery channel, how does that thing stand the heat to get through the ozone layer?
Vigilante said:
Yeah, this is pretty sweet. I want one! I was watching this show on the discovery channel, how does that thing stand the heat to get through the ozone layer?
Actually its not going that fast at all at least in comparison to the space shuttle which re-enters the earths atmosphere travelling at + mach 20 speeds. I doubt the craft even broke mach 3 or 4 speeds..
The Thing said:
I can picture it now:

"Scotty, warp speed 10."

"We can't do it, if we keep up this speed, we'll blow up any minute now!'


or a Movie:
This summer get ready for the ride of your life!
-Keanue Reeves Jr.
An intence threiler!

"If this ship goes below 50,000 mph its going to blow!"