the Year in Politics


May 5, 2004
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well it's been an interesting year in politics ..the trial of saddam, Jack Thompson goes mental, ID court challenges, Bush gets caught in lie after lie etc

here's a few of my highlights, add yours, please try to LIMIT discussion, this thread is about posting political news that mattered to you in 2005:


Jack Thompson gets bitchslapped by common sense, gamers, Penny Arcade, the law and finally himself when everything he writes comes back to haunt him ..definately my vote for Boob of the year (narrowly beat out gh0st)

Hilary Clinton/Joseph Lieberman/Leland Yee tag team anti-gaming pundits write laws against selling games to minors (mostly unsuccessfully) and promise more is yet to come

Civil Rights:

Canada allows same sex marriage, as does Spain, UK goes half the distance and allows "civil unions"

The CIA spys on americans one seems to even care who exactly they were spying on and why

Actions speak louder than words as thousands of poor are left to fend for themselves as one of the worst natural disasters in american history devastes New Orleans


Canadians head to the polls in early 2006 as the liberals are taken down by the opposition ...for better or worse

bush suffers his lowest approval rating since "taking" office last year ..the majority of americans no longer support the war and believe he misled the public

One after another every last justification behind the war is proved to be a lie

democrats are slow to respond on leading the charge to oust bush from office despite having enough material that would have impeached Clinton 10 times over


Vatican's Pontifical Council on the Family outright lies that condoms do not work in protecting people from aids ...millions of faith catholics continue to die in africa

Vatican decrees homosexuals not welcome in seminary

Intelligent design rears it's ugly head as it tries to position itself in public schools as an alternative to evolution despite not having an ounce of credibility except for the often repeated nonsensical assertation that if "science cannot explain this, therefore God did it"

Religious rhetoric enters the political arena as more and more american politicans wear their faiths on their sleeves

I know I'm missing quite a few events, please help fill in the gaps
-George Galloway Is elected MP
Woo Go him!

-Anti-Terror laws after July 7-11

-Labour win
Semi cheer
Labor party attempt to destroy sport played by law abiding citizens with the VCRB

24 hour drinking

Mr Blair fails to get 90 detention without trial for terror suspects

British police shoot inocent man after they have restrianed him
- Bethnal Green renamed Baathnal Green, George Galloway pretends he didn't stuff his pockets full of black dollars.

- Mo Mowlam, Robin Cook passed away.
try to keep discussion to a minimum. surely you could think of at least one event that made some sort of impact on you
-My country's parliament proposes law to give women more rights in marriage, divorce, etc. Religious nutjobs heavily oppose it leading to it being revised(hopefully not too much).
- Our government gets a huge amount of criticism because of the way they acted after the 2004 tsunami. (More than 500 swedes were killed). They didn't realize the seriousness of what had happened, and out foreign minister even went to the theater on the 26th of December.
I would like to think that 2005 will turn out to be a pivotal point in our history....but it isn't.

We could conquer world poverty, eradicate hunger and famine, plough massive resources into fighting HIV/Aid's in the third world, end forever the fear of war...but we won't.

Given the will and the knowledge that we now possess we could conquer all humanities problems, but we won't. 2005 will pass and 2006 will role on and nothing will change.

The right will champion the right to wage war, the left will oppose it and in the mean time thousands will die, our leaders will make pretentious statements that it is all worth while, and in the mean time we will continue to point score here....

2005, like 2006………………. it's simply statistics, that have to be debated.
Anyone notice that every year, the Hurricanes that hit the South seem to get stronger and stronger, and do more damage?

Hopefully this isn't a trend.
Teh Pwned said:
Anyone notice that every year, the Hurricanes that hit the South seem to get stronger and stronger, and do more damage?

Hopefully this isn't a trend.

Ya, it's a trend...if you believe in Global warming...CRAP!! Shouldn't have said that cause now this thread is DOOMED!!!

The only political event I remember this year is the fall of the Canadian government and a christmas campaign.
-CptStern is officially the most self-righteous son-of-a-bitch the internet has ever known

*not a flame
thanks for your contribution please come back when you have something worthwhile to say

*not a flame
--Tookie Williams, a Nobel Peace Prize nominee and founding member of the infamous Crips gang, was executed for 4 murders he committed over 20 years ago. It had to happen, but it will hopefully have caused many to rethink their stance on the Death Penalty.

--Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad calls the Holocaust "a myth" and states that Israel should be "wiped off the map." These radical statements may play a big part in the politics of 2006. Stay tuned....

--Radical Florida "attorney" Jack Thompson buys shares of Take Two Interactive, the company he has so vehemently been railing against for their proliferation of gratuitous sex and violence in their (kick-ass) games. He plans to use his new found status as a Take-Two shareholder to attend the next shareholders' meeting and berate CEO Paul Eibeler on why the company's stock price plummeted in recent months. 2006 should be pretty interesting for him considering his career seems to be on the verge of imploding!

There are many more obviously but I lack the time sufficient to list them here.