TheGameStation Does Left 4 Dead Interactive

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score

Check out the video above for an interactive Left 4 Dead adventure with TheGameStation. You may recognise a few of the faces and voices throughout, including Husky, Dodger, Davis, TotalBiscuit & Layne.[br]Don't expect a realistic portrayal of the L4D universe, just some light hearted comedy written by the guys from The Warp Zone. Sliver especially enjoyed it being the closet husketeer fan he is.
First thoughts were "Is that Nick Frost, Felicia Day, Charlie Day, and Gay Daniel Tosh?"

Disappointment ensued.
how is this related to l4d? :p
So, this mod got released 2 days ago. It is about as important looking as this was. Maybe it should be on the main page too?

I don't understand what criteria a main page news item requires. It seems entirely arbitrary.
TGS is quite a big channel on YT; I enjoy some of their content and this was perhaps as interesting as other fan-made Valve themed productions.

Precursor is something I'm yet to play through, have you? Community feedback on mods which disappoint end up giving me a huge headache with devs, so I like to check them out first instead of assuming they are any good. I will be playing Precursor tomorrow and probably posting it then based on the fact that Phillip from is a big fan of it. I'll be on podcast17 this Saturday too when we will certainly be discussing it in more depth -
Got through Precursor last night. It is a competent mod. The voice acting is actually good for a change (and DOESN'T have Phillip's voice in it which frankly was a nice change from his detrimental proliferation into the voice acting on mods). It was an enjoyable game with some interesting gameplay gimmicks at times. There's only one firefight that felt rather unfair due to the lack of cover. There are two problems though the level design has that same "arbitrary room to room" feel. It is not a terrible offender in this regard, but at one point you go from like a small basement to a silly large underground corridor that has no business existing. The other issue is that it is a bit too short and actually feels like it had a rushed production. I feel like there should have been one or two more levels at the end to flesh out a sense of accomplishment. There are an initial set of goals, that just don't quite get completed. All in all I'd suggest playing it however. It's short enough that any downsides can be forgiven thanks to the almost relaxing gameplay.

I will say this though, zombies should stop being used in mods. I have started to just run past them, you rarely ever NEED to kill a zombie. Ever.
I want to play Precursor too, but I lost all my games during the last format. I heard it's pretty solid.
First thoughts were "Is that Nick Frost, Felicia Day, Charlie Day, and Gay Daniel Tosh?"

Disappointment ensued.

Haha, I thought the exact same thing. Reminded me of the bit in Spaceballs where they capture the characters' stunt doubles when I finally got a good look at them.